Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Some dates for Spring! Plus more.

Hi all!

Anyone who knows about Private Blogs, send me a message. I may have to change this blog's location. It is hard for new people to join, I have heard. The blog has people set up an account. I want one where people don't have to do that. It's a hassle. So let me know. I'm at lizann 447 at yahoo dot com.

I am getting some flyers today from our SU 722 meeting last night. I hope to scan them to share (some of them) on the SU 722 page and maybe at the Area 17 page too.

People from other Areas or Service Units can also join the Unofficial KYANA page, which is for all Volunteers in GSK.

Here are those links for people not there yet:

The GSK Service Unit 722 (Warren-Edmonson County) page - Unofficial

GSK Area 17's Unofficial Facebook page

The KYANA GSK Unofficial page (for all Areas)

Put these Training Weekends on your Calendar, leaders.

They are: Outdoor Training Weekend at Camp Shantituck May 18-20, and
Aquatics and More at Camp Bear Creek, June 1-3.

These weekends will have trainings you can take for your troop. Plus, they are fun.

Also, be looking out for Spring In-person AND Virtual Level Training dates, which are SO great for Meeting ideas and lots more for Troop Leaders and Helpers.


Are you registered on MYGS? If yes, you will be receiving at least two newsletters per week, sometimes 3, which include Events and brand-new information from our Council. You will also have access to Girl Info., and the Activities Calendar. Be sure you are updated there for the current year before Cookies come along. The link is here: MYGS.

Have trouble logging in? Have questions? Contact your VSS (Volunteer Services Specialist) or Volunteer Care.

E. (Betsy) Sheppard
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana
Trainer and Helping Hand

This is an UNofficial blog.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Fall Product News and Update for the Warren-Edmonson Co. SU

For the Warren-Edmonson County SU:

IMPORTANT NutE and FALL PRODUCT NEWS: A reminder and update from Wendy Silva: 

1. Troop leaders need to submit orders in NutE no later than 11pm on Saturday, 10/21.

2. Address books need to be turned in to the office by 10/27. Do not forget to add those books when you enter your order online or you will not get credit for them!

3. Online sales will still be running into November for the girls that have set up their sites. 

4. Nuts and candy will arrive the week of November 6th, and we will let the troops know when they are ready for pickup. 

Everyone NEEDS to ask her any questions by FRIDAY. 

Contact info:, or text Wendy at 435-232-3417, for faster replies.

And just for fun... is this true?




Monday, October 16, 2017

A reminder: the Area 17 Fall Meeting is tonight.

A reminder: Are you in Area 17?

Tonight is our Area 17 Fall Meeting.

5:30 is the Pot Luck
6:30 is the Meeting.

Area 17 includes Allen, Butler, Logan, Simpson,and Warren Counties.

This meeting is at Houchen's PLC/Camp.

Here is the old map to it, KY 1435 is much smoother now that it has been redone.

Potluck is 5:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Meeting is 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Let Amanda Day know you are attending if you have not already pre-registered.

All Girl Scouts 14 and up in Area 17 are invited.

Amanda's email is

PS It should be fun!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Halloween at Houchens! New deadline.

Updated! Now more time to Register! The new deadline is October 23rd. Register today!

Check out the fun Halloween Event at Camp Houchens.

 Questions: Contact Ginny Pfohl (email above.)


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

RSVPs: Area 17 Fall Meeting plus Sign up for Fall Forum (RSVP) and a reminder for Area 17 Fall meeting next Monday.

Time to RSVP!

#1: If you are in Area 17, you live in Allen County, Butler County, Edmonson County, Logan County, Simpson County, or Warren County.

Here's the Scoop! Our Fall Area Meeting for Area 17 is Monday, October 16th at Houchen's Camp/PLC.

Potluck: 5:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Meeting: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
See the flyer below. Scroll down to see the #2 event too.



Fall forums are held annually in all parts of the council to give adult members and girls ages 14 and older a chance to talk with council leadership. The council chair, board members, and CEO will attend the forums.
This is a time for members to speak directly to board members and the CEO. Bring all your success stories, suggestions and great ideas! Please put one of the following dates on YOUR calendar for the fall. You may attend any forum that is convenient for you. Come and bring a friend. Let's see what's happening at GSK!

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm CDT
BOWLING GREEN PLC - Monday, October 30

CAMP PENNYROYAL - Tuesday, October 17 PADUCAH PLC - Monday, October 23
6:30 - 8:00 pm EDT
LOUISVILLE PLC - Thursday, October 19

ELIZABETHTOWN PLC - Thursday, October 12

NORTH VERNON, IN - Thursday, October 26

First United Methodist Church 240 West Poplar Street
North Vernon, IN 47265
Please RSVP to for the date and location you plan to attend.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Checking in... SU 722, Area 17, more.

Hi, all! Tonight's a SU Meeting for SU 722 (Warren-Edmonson Counties.) Plus more news.

Copied from the FB page: <...OUR GSK SU 722 MEETING IS TONIGHT! 6:30 - 7:30.

Pinning to the top. Oct. 10 is TODAY. Leaders, Plan to attend! If you can't attend, send a Co-leader or Helping Hand to the meeting to pick up info. and take notes for you.

Our Warren and Edmonson Service Unit Meeting is Tuesday, October 10th at the Bob Kirby Branch Library in BG from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. The Kirby Branch Library is located at 175 Iron Skillet Court in BG.

(See map:

Questions, contact Beth Carroll​, or call her at 888-771-5170 ext. 15222, or her cell #, 270-779-5952.

If you can't get in touch with her, please contact Leslie Willoughby, our Volunteer Services Specialist, at 888-771-5170, Ext. 11222 or (270) 495-4102, or email her at

Other things of interest:

Tentative 2018 Dates:
Great Scoutdoors Pennyroyal Adventure, June 8 - 10
Great Scoutdoors Pennyroyal Nature, July 27-29


The deadline for our Autumn Adventure Training Weekend is this Sunday! For more information on how to register, visit
Consider attending!

A heads up - the Area 17 page is here:
From that page:
Here's the Scoop! Our Fall Area Meeting for Area 17 is Monday, October 16th at Houchen's Camp/PLC.
Potluck: 5:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Meeting: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
The file/RSVP and more info. is at the page.

The SU 722 (Warren/Edmonson Count) FB page is here:

The Unofficial FB page for ALL of GS of Kentuckiana is here:

Come join us if you are not already at the Unofficial FB pages. Also, there are KYANA pages for our camps too.

More later! Busy day...



Friday, September 8, 2017

Camp Out Training now open! Barren Ridge Camp, Sept. 23

Sharing here too:
Upcoming Camp Out Class (Camp Out) at Camp Barren Ridge.
<Pre-reqs: Camp in A and B. See bottom of posting: Financial Aid is available for this class.

You can sign up for this at MYGS/Activities.>

Date: Sat, September 23, 2017 09:00 AM - Sat, September 23, 2017 06:00 PM Central

Location: 399 Girl Scout Rd, Glasgow, KY, 42141 <Barren Ridge Camp>

Registration Deadline: Sep 15, 2017

Level: Adult

Spots Left: (child spots left: N/A) (adult spots left: 18)

Adult Member Fee: $10.00

Level: Adults

Cost Details: $10.00 per person

Event Details: Take your troop camping in tents at developed tent areas. Learn the use of propane stoves, care of platform tents, tent pitching and usage, tool craft, knots, care of aluminum pots, use and care of ironware, cooking by a variety of methods, meal planning and food preparation, and use of coolers for storage of perishable food items. Camp out is valid for 5 years or until you complete Wilderness Travel, Outdoor Update, or repeat Camp Out, whichever comes first. Camp In A & B required. Patch included.

Confirmation emails will be sent the week before training and will include what you need to bring.

Location: Camp Barren Ridge - Garrett Tent Unit

Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm CDT

Registration Deadline: 9/15/2017

Contact Information:
Volunteer Care Team


Also: Financial Aid is available for this class. Contact Ginger Boone about that at

Sunday, September 3, 2017

September Fun for Girl Scouts in the KYANA. More news, upcoming weekends, more.

Hello to all Girl Scout Members on my UNofficial Mailing List.

And a reminder:

Did you know? (this just in) Via Kelle Lynn.

Kelle says, "Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana's Camp Pennyroyal is celebrating it's 60th Anniversary. The Site Team invites you and your loved ones to an Open House on Sunday, October 1, 2017 from 2pm to 4pm CST. We will have homemade desserts baked by the Site Team and punch for you to enjoy. Please come out and enjoy the beauty and magic of Camp Pennyroyal for the afternoon. Renew your memories! Come explore the Camp Pennyroyal you love with those you love."
The FB info. page is here:

An alternate route to the flyer and info. is by contacting Skye or Kelle at

Are you a Delegate or Alternate for the 2017 National Council Session? (Also known as The Girl Scout Convention?) Then come and join the new "Convention Chat" Unofficial  group to discuss the official Proposals and more.

Here is that address:

Are you "Linked IN"?
You are Linked IN to current events, dates, etc. in our Council (GSK) if you are currently (for this year) registered on MYGS and/or affiliated with a Troop or Service Unit Team as a helper/active Member or Leader.

Call your local PLC to find out how you can help leaders and Members in your area as an active Take Action Girl Scout adult.

Also, at MYGS, go to Activities and find out what FUN events are available for girls and troops all across the Council. Check weekly for more (and updated) info. and check the Unofficial Calendar right here at the blog for a partial list, too. You will also be receiving our Council's weekly newsletter, News You Can Use.

Trainings, Fun, and more Trainings!
Trainings are a perfect way to make new friends (always worth-while), and also keep up to speed with rules, Safety Activity Guidelines, and much more.  

After Network Like a Girl Scout, which many new leaders are taking, there are more classes/trainings that will help leaders with all Levels - - it's called Level Training. Check out trainings via your VSS, Service Unit Manager, or Training Calendar on your Leader's Thumb Drive. Weekend trainings are also available, where you can take more than one, and stay for one day or more.

Online trainings are here too: 

Important Tip: Make sure to "screen grab" your final page or Certificate for each training, and keep them in a file for yourself. The Trainings Page does not send completions. That's up to you to keep for your records.

Your Service Unit Meeting
Make sure to attend your SU Meetings each month, or send a parent or Troop Committee Member there in case you can't attend, to take notes for you. You'll be glad you did!

If you are in Warren or Edmonson County, (SU 722), our next Service Unit Meeting is
Tuesday, September 5 at the Bob Kirby Branch Library 6-7pm.

Adding: If you have any questions about this meeting, contact our 2017-18 Service Unit Staff Coordinator, Beth Carroll, at, or call her at her Girl Scout phone numbers, 1-888-771-5170, Ext. 15222 or (270) 842-8023.

Yours in Girl Scouting,

Elizabeth (Betsy) Sheppard
GSK Trainer and Troop Helping Hand
Founder, the Outdoor Girl Scout Project Facebook Page (Unofficial) - previously the Outdoor Journey Project FB page, 
(Join here if you are on Facebook - I can OK you there...)
and GS Convention Chat - an unofficial FB page for all Girl Scout Members. 

And don't forget about the UNofficial Calendar link for this blog here: 
Unofficial and Incomplete Calendar - updated every so often. :-) 

Sunday, August 27, 2017

August... a busy time for Volunteers, Leaders, and GS staff too...

Jobs, jobs... 

I think Staff also get very busy sometimes!

It's a busy time, and I'll bet it's busy for Leaders, too. Very!

I tried to get a Newsletter done for the SU, but there were too many changes to make to get it done in time (think: early), - - - including some new names to put on the list.

So I'll probably  do that in a week or so.

Network Like a Girl Scout choices for Warren and Edmonson County will be put online soon too. We had the biggest class yet at the last Training. Yay! I will be sending out a Mailing to the latest class very soon, too, AND scanning some Training things to share with other Trainers.

The (unofficial Blog) Unofficial Calendar has been updated today. It's here:

I personally am VERY excited about the new Outdoor Journey (and other badges, and Journeys, of course.) I think it will be very popular.

There are MANY new options for Leaders this year - - check out the VTK (Online Volunteer Toolkit) about things.

For Warren and Edmonson County SU Members:

Save the Date: our next Warren-Edmonson County Service Unit Meeting is: Tuesday, September 5 at the Bob Kirby Branch Library 6-7pm.

<Adding> More information will be coming out on this later. If you are an 01 Leader, and can't attend, send a co-leader or Troop Committee Member that evening. There should be a LOT of great info. there for you.

Leaders, you may have already gotten this info. via email, but thought I'd share here too.

Adding: If you have any questions about this meeting, contact our 2017-18 Service Unit Staff Coordinator, Beth Carroll​, at, or call her at her Girl Scout phone numbers, 1-888-771-5170, Ext. 15222 or (270) 842-8023.

Are you getting the News You Can Use each week? If not, contact your VSS or the Volunteer Care Page at the GS of Kentuckiana website.

Get Connected online too, at a GS of Kentuckiana UNofficial Facebook page. Here are some:

KYANA GS Volunteers - for all Areas

Area 17's Unofficial page (Are 17 KYANA Girl Scouts)

Service Unit 722 (Warren and Edmonson Counties)

In another Area? Just check online for your SU unofficial site by searching at Facebook.

We also have UNofficial pages for all of our camps. Just search for KYANA and the name of the camp(s). I can OK you there.


And good luck with your first meetings and/or Recruitment efforts!

E. Sheppard
Trainer and Volunteer
The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Betsy's UNofficial blog: Wed. Aug 9 2017, updates!

Hi again, my Girl Scout friends.

 Some of you are new, some not so new. I have updated the GS Unofficial Calendar today, and added the Councilwide Important Dates on the flyer, ("last updated July 24, 2017").

The link is here for my readers (for the Calendar page): Betsy's Unofficial GS Calendar for Area 17 and Beyond.
You may want to bookmark it. I try to go there every so often to update it.

Are you ready for the Eclipse?

Via Eclipse 2017:
Partial phase start: 11:58:41AM (CDT), at "1:30 o'clock" on the sun's disk
Totality Start*: 1:27:34PM (CDT)
ATTN: THESE MAY NOT BE THE EXACT TIMES. So look them up again to be sure.
We have about a minute of totality, I have heard, in BG, KY. Other places will vary. It is on Monday, August 21st. I ordered special NASA-approved glasses - you may want to pick some up if you don't already have them.

Read this page for Safety Information.

As you know, looking at the sun during partial eclipse is dangerous without CERTIFIED AND APPROVED Eclipse Glasses. I'd wear them during it too. PLUS you are not supposed to look at the sun through a camera, telescope, or binoculars, even with these on. Just saying. I'd be nervous looking even during the eclipse. I saw one NOT looking at the sun, but looking through a pinhole refractor (?) when I was in grade school.

Some dates coming up (remember to go to MYGS and check these out, or go to your Area Facebook page to check. double check everything, dates, times, etc. Some may have changed or have an error in them. Not all are listed either...) I put it in "small" size type. Go here to see more.

Attn: Kroger on Campbell Lane off of Nashville Road has Eclipse glasses for $2 each right now.

August 2017

August 10th is a GSK Radiothon. Listen in on WGGC 95.1 Bowling Green, other stations. Via News You Can Use.

August 10th is a Magnut Training Webinar.

August 10th is National S'mores Day.

August 11th is the deadline to order discounted State Fair Tickets for the Ky. State Fair in Louisville.

August 11th is a Java with Jackie event - at the Louisville PLC.

Aug. 12th is a WKU Football Fanfest.

Aug. 12th is another Magnut Training Webinar.

August 11-13 is the Barren River Lake Scout Celebration for Boy and Girl Scouts.

August 13 is a Go Gold Workshop at Camp Pennyroyal.

Aug. 15th is the last day to add girls to MagNut Rosters.

August 19th is Wonderland Challenge at Camp Shantituck. 

August 21st is the Solar Eclipse in KY, and TN - BG KY Eclipse events are being held, one is 1:00 at Chaney's Dairy Barn. Be sure you have the NASA-Safe glasses. Here is where you find that info.: NOT look at the sun ever directly without your official Eclipse glasses.

Aug. 19-22 is Solar Eclipse "Destination" at Bear Creek Aquatic Center.

Aug. 25th is the Highview Service Center's Safari Event at Camp Pennyroyal. 

August 30th is the date for the 2017 Tough Cookie Awards for GSK in Louisville.

September 2017
September 2nd is a Go Gold Conversation Cafe in Elizabethtown, KY.

Sept. 4th is Labor Day, and GS Offices are closed.

Sept. 5th: Our Magnet Program starts.

Sept. 6-9 is the 3rd Triennial National Green Hat Encampment in Minnesota. 

September 8-10 is Fall Training Extravaganza at Camp Pennyroyal - - The Brochures are now out! (Aug 9) at MYGS and on the KYANA and SU 722 pages.

September 9th is a Bull's Eye archery event at Camp Shantituck. 

Sept. 14th is a Give for Good event in Louisville.

September 15-17 is an Adventure Planning Retreat at Camp Stem. Register via MYGS.

Sept. 19-24 (shorter time) is an Open House (first day) then a Traveling History Exhibit at Heartland PLC as part of the GSK 100th Anniversary Celebration. (Elizabethtown?) BE SURE TO CHECK LOCATION.

Sept. 15-17 is a Leader's Weekend at Camp Houchens.

Sept. 19th is an Open House at Heartland PLC as part of the GSK 100th Anniversary Celebration.

Sept. 23 - payment due on the Graduating Senior Lifetime Membership - forms due too.

Sept. 29- Oct. 1st is a Fall Training Extravaganza at Camp Pennyroyal. 

Sept. 30th is the It's Your World, Change It! Journey Adventure Day at Bob Kirby Library, BG. Flyer is at the Warren-Edmonson Co. FB page. Brownie-Jr. Contact Heather Skaggs.

Sept. 30th is the last day to add girls to Roster before Mailing List created to ship to troops. 

More fun stuff: Leader and Volunteers: your NEW orange disk is waiting for you along with troop info. for leaders at your closest Program and Learning Center (i.e. Office). Call to make sure somebody is there.

Network Like a Girl Scout: I give another Network class next Monday at the Caveland PLC - - 5:30 - 7 p.m. Let me know if you need this and can attend by tomorrow (Thursday) at 1 p.m. My email is lizann447 at yahoo dot com. Also make sure I send you an email back to confirm. I'll make sure to have your materials ready and send you an email about what to bring.

 more Events and more at the VTK - - log in at MYGS, then go to "Events" to see them.

You can also see these directly here at the Events area:  Activities List. (Scroll down).

 The new "S'mores List" - - here is that link too:

From the description: "Looking for S’more fun? The S’mores List is a great place for you to find fun activities that don’t necessarily fall inside of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, but still offer exciting and unique opportunities for girls. The S’mores List is also the perfect place to share your troop’s activities if you’d like to invite others to join in the fun.."

Other news: Are you at my Unofficial GS discussion and sharing sites? If not, we'd love to have you.
These are Facebook Unofficial Pages.

#1: The Outdoor Girl Scout Project: helping the Girl Scout girls get back outdoors!
#2: Girl Scout Convention Chat - discuss THIS year's National Council Session and get ready with Proposals and more for 2020!

Other Facebook pages: Here is how to Get Connected with the Council News, both official and Non-official.

KYANA GS Volunteers

Area 17's FB page

GSK SU 722 (Warren and Edmonson

Other Service Units have their own pages too. Just search for them or ask your SU Manager about them. 

And did you now each of our Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana camps also have an UNofficial page? Just search on Facebook for these using "KYANA" and the name of the camp. I can OK you there.

Yours in Girl Scouting,

Elizabeth "Betsy" Sheppard
Helping Hand leader and Trainer

Monday, July 24, 2017

Cookie Forum (GSK) plus new Journeys and Badges

Hi, GS of Kentuckiana volunteers!

Today I was reminded about a GSK Council posting in our weekly "News You Can Use" email.

If you do not get "News You Can Use", you can sign up for it at the GSK website, by registering at MYGS for the VTK (Volunteer Toolkit) and Council Events too. If this does not work, let Volunteer Care know via the Volunteer Care Page. This is a weekly newsletter sent by our Council, letting you know of current events and lots of news YOU need to know.

You can also see the NEW Journeys and Badges at the VTK now for all levels.

My favorite: the Outdoor Journey!! (For all levels).

I personally can't see this yet, because I am a Helping Hands volunteer, not a leader. But all leaders should have access to this info. (GSUSA is working on adding people...)

You will see more about these at your SU Meetings. And you can peek at them via our council Blog and News You Can Use also. Volunteers are also talking about this on many of the UNofficial chat sites and Service Unit pages on Facebook. Email me for links at lizann447 at, if desired.

From GSK:

"New - Question Forum: Changes in Girl Scout Cookie Prices.

Girls Scouts of Kentuckiana will implement cookie price changes in 2017-18.
We understand that some volunteers may have questions regarding this step. Therefore, members of the Girls Scouts of Kentuckiana leadership team have scheduled three opportunities to meet with volunteers and answer questions regarding upcoming changes to the cookie box price.
Dates and Locations

Monday, June 12, 2017

Some Upcoming Events - Summer and Fall 2017

Some upcoming events - a partial list: via the latest GSK News You Can Use, MYGS/Activities, plus the GSK website. 

Please double check all dates and info. for typos. Thanks.

Need Network Like a Girl Scout Training and in Warren or Edmonson Counties? Contact Elizabeth Sheppard at lizann 447 at by June 14th to select your date and time preferences for the next classes, to be held at the Caveland PLC. Or call 270 779 4152 11-4, leave a message. No texts please. More Network training classes will be offered in late Summer/early Fall.

Find more and Register at MYGS-Activities.

Troop Camp Plus at Camp Pennyroyal.
Sessions: Different dates in June and July.

Resident Camp and Events at Bear Creek

Summer Day Camps:

Events at Stem, Shantituck, Frankfort, Louisville, and more locations. (See MYGS for dates)

Go Gold Conversation Cafe in Elizabethtown
Sat. Sept. 2

Adventure Planning Retreat for Outdoor Trainers, Facilitators, and Ambassadors.
Sept. 15-17 at Camp Stem.

It's a Bug's Life
Date: Sat Sep 23, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Location: Camp Houchens, 4520 Barren River Road, Bowling Green, KY, 42101

Oct. 6: Girl and Adult bus trip to the GSUSA National Convention in Columbus, Ohio.

Date: Sat Oct 14, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Location: Camp Houchens, 4520 Barren River Road, Bowling Green, KY, 42101

8 Outdoor Skills Day at Barren Ridge Camp
October 14, 9:30 - 4:30.

Autumn Adventure Training Weekend for leaders and Ambassadors
Save the Dates: Fri.-Sun. October 20-22. Get trainings and courses you need - come for one day or all weekend.

GEMS: Girls in Engineering, Math, and Science Event
Oct. 21, WKU
Find more events and register for them at MYGS/Activities:

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Hi to my readers today. Much news to report, putting dates in UNofficial Calendar, going to MYGS soon.

Hi, all!

A great exhibit is at the Caveland PLC right now - - here's a blurb about it:

"The Archive ladies have brought an awesome display of items to the Caveland Office in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts in our council. The display is up now and the PLC is open for people to view it until 6 pm tonight, <Tuesday May 16th> and will be here until May 26th."

I look forward to seeing this. I just LOVE Girl Scout History.


Girl Scout News You Can Use, GSLE mailings, and other Council emails:

 If you are not getting these mailings in your inbox, go to MYGS at the GS site and register today.

OR send a request at the Contact Page. (Volunteer Care)


GS of Kentuckiana Trainings Online
Are you going down the list here? I have done 3 new ones, and am working on getting them all done soon. The Network Like a GS Training is offered by SU Managers and also some Trainers. I hope to have some dates going on soon for people to pick from for now and in the Summer and then (later) for Fall in the Warren County area.

Here is that link for other trainings:
Scroll down to see them all.


It's Time to Think About Camp and Camping
Check the MYGS/Opportunity Catalog Events area to see what Camp Options are still open for girls, leaders and Troop Camping too. There are also great Events there for all ages to sign up for.

It's worth going here every couple of weeks to see new things at this site. These are Council-OK'd events here. You will also be wanting to check out Day Camps here:

Day Camps
Here is a list by Area of this summer's Day Camps.

Your Service Unit Manager or SU Team Member will be sharing other fun info. about events in your Area run by volunteers too. There are also some Unofficial Facebook pages you can join also. And be looking for your official Mailings too (above).


The Outdoor Girl Scout Project (formerly: the Outdoor Journey Project) (UNofficial).
This is a group I started on Facebook. It's UNofficial, but we would love to have even more Members. We are working for more Official Outdoor Program in Girl Scouting, a new Path to Bronze, Silver, and Gold, not requiring a Journey. If you have room for another Unofficial Girl Scout Group, you can join here (I will OK you there):

Two other popular UNofficial Girl Scout groups are here:

Girl Scouts Gab

GreenBlood Gab

There are many more. Some buy and sell patches or collectibles, others discuss trips, different levels, etc. I think they are fun, and educational.


There is much to do on my To-Do list. But I hope to get another issue of this blog soon.

Right now my husband is recuperating from a quadruple bypass, and I am helping him. We go walking a lot, which I like. I am now in my skinnier jeans!

I have many projects on the back burner, and on a huge list, but since this blog is way up top on that list, I will be back soon to post.

Comment with ideas or things you would like me to post about. In the meantime, have fun, and enjoy the great weather to come and all YOUR projects.

This is my private blog. I'm glad you are here! :-)

Saturday, April 1, 2017

It's been awhile.... updating my Girl Scout blog today, April 1st, 2017. Sharing ONE April Fool's Posting from GSUSA too.

Hi, all.

It's April Fool's Day, and GSUSA is entering into the fun.

Here is their posting on the official blog: Meow Scout Bianca: A Pawsitive Force in Scouting.


Love that. Here is one of the photos too:

Aw! Bianca is collecting cat food for Pet Shelter friends. Looks like she also is keeping the table clean and free of snacks.


Don't forget about the UNofficial Calendar here at the blog. Not everything is on there, but some things are. It could be helpful if you are planning an event. Let me know if I need to add more things here, especially in Area 17 or Open Events.


If you are at an UNofficial Facebook page, you can now access flyers or jpgs of recent news, such as Early Bird Rewards (with new cards explained) and also the new Kentuckiana Credits info.

Your SU Mgr. may already have shared these with you also, via email or a link to your new SU page on another site.

IF you are on FB, some useful links are here:

Area 17's Unofficial FB page:

SU 722 (Warren and Edmonson)
KYANA All-Around Unofficial FB page

Some other Areas and SU's have their own pages. Try Searching if you are on FB for those, or ask your Service Unit Manager about that. Not all SU's have pages yet.


Don't forget to get registered at the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana MYGS/Volunteer Toolkit pages.
Here is that link: You need to be registered here to get important GSK reminders, emails, and news - - to get on the mailing list.

Plus, there is a LOT of info. here about troops, official events, and more. You can even populate your meetings, and there are some FUN games there too.

Here is a copy of the neat Girl Scouts DNA flyer we got at the Annual Meeting.

Here are just a few events coming up:

The 2017 National Council Session is in Columbus, Ohio - - Oct. 5-8 - - be looking for announcements about buses going there from our council.

Registration has begun for this event online from GSUSA.

AND here are just a few Big KYANA Council dates for April and May:

April 1st: Early Bird Registration Starts.

April 15th is also the #4 GSK SO-LAR There! Event, “Solar Eclipse Exploration” at Hardin Planetarium, WKU. (Check - reg. may be closed on this one)

April 21-23 is the Spring Training Extravaganza event at Camp Pennyroyal. Get MANY trainings at once. PLUS they will have a Train the Trainer event there too.

April 22nd is Girl Scout Leader Day. Via GSUSA; 

May 13th is the 5th and final GSK SO-LAR There! Event, at “The Earth, Moon, and Sun” at Golden Pond Planetarium, LBL (Land Between the Lakes).

May 16-26 there will be a Traveling History Exhibit at Caveland PLC. (I can't wait to see this!)

May 19-21 is Outdoor Training Weekend at Camp Shantituck.  Many Outdoor trainings and lots more.

May 21st is a Butterfly Garden Planting event at Houchens Camp. 

See more Dates and Events via the official Activities Page (down right now - but hopefully back up and running soon) at the MYGS/VTK pages.

and the UNofficial Events Calendar here at the blog.

E. Sheppard
Email me at: lizann 447 at yahoo dot com.

PS Last, but not least: GSUSA has special Solar Eclipse things to buy at their website right now, and here is that link:
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