Saturday, December 5, 2020

Checking in for December, 2020 - hope you all are staying safe.



Hasn't this been quite the year?

I will take this posting to share some Official AND Unofficial Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana links that I either post in or look at most often.

For my Area (17) and Service Unit (722), these are:

The Unofficial Area 17 Facebook page

The KYANA Girl Scouts of Caveland and Beyond FB page (Unofficial)

and the Service Unit 722 of GSK FB page  (the Service Unit Volunteers page.)

(Official) GSK on Instagram

Council pages for the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana

For the whole Council: KYANA GS Volunteers (on Facebook too)

Our Official Facebook page for GSK: (Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana - on FB)

Our Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana website

Our Unofficial Camp Pages: (KYANA - Houchens - Barren Ridge - Pennyroyal - STEM - Shantituck, Bear Creek, and Whippoorwill)

And here are some more great pages and sites to check regularly:


Girl Scouts at Home - at the official GSUSA website

The Official Girl Scout Blog (hopefully somebody will update this soon...)

WAGGGS - (The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts)

WAGGGS' Official Website 

WAGGGS on Facebook

WAGGGS on Twitter

WAGGGS on Instagram 

Our World Centers

Websites: Pax Lodge (England), Our Chalet (Switzerland), Sangam (India), Our Cabaña (Mexico) and Kusafiri World Center (Africa).

Facebook pages: Pax Lodge (England), Our Chalet (Switzerland), Sangam (India), Our Cabaña (Mexico) and Kusafiri World Center (Africa).

Instagram: Pax Lodge (England), Our Chalet (Switzerland), Sangam (India), Our Cabaña (Mexico)

Twitter: Pax Lodge (England), Our Chalet (Switzerland), Sangam (India), Our Cabaña (Mexico) and Kusafiri World Center (Africa).

OK - That's it for now. I may try to put this on future postings in a box maybe. In the meantime, have a great month, and hope you like these connections.

Volunteer and Trainer, GSK

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Just in - World Center Adventure - for girls entering 9th grade or older in Summer 2022. Sounds fun! Plus: Covid Guidance links at bottom.

 Reposting with the correct email.

This is a Council-wide event. Exciting! World Center Adventure via the Area 8 Trailblazers. It is an all-girl planned and led event! Contact Terri asap if your girl is interested. For girls entering 9th grade and older in Summer 2022. See flyer (below) for more details.

<Attn: This art has the correct email on it.>


All for today!
And check out our posting from September 26th too:

Sept. 26 2030 Posting, The National Council Session, GS News, Autumn Adventure Weekend, Events, Links, More.

More: Covid Guidance from GSK: (via News You Can Use):

COVID Guidance

At Girl Scouts, there is nothing we take more seriously than the safety and well-being of our girls, volunteers, and council staff. We understand that our members need guidance on what is safe for troops and groups as we navigate COVID-19. So, with the recommendations of the CDC, Kentucky Department for Public Health and the Indiana State Department of Health, we have put together relevant information for troop and group activities, travel, and use of GSK camp properties.

Please find our complete COVID Guidance page on the GSK website here.


Saturday, September 26, 2020

Sept. 26 2030 Posting, The National Council Session, GS News, Autumn Adventure Weekend, Events, Links, More.

A Sept. 26 posting, GS GSK News, Autumn Adventure Weekend, Events, Links, More.

Caveat: Double check all event dates, times, etc. Thank you!

Hello! This is a not-to-brief posting today, the day after my personal Service Unit meeting, which was on FaceTime. 9 people were there. The meeting was for SU 722, which includes Warren and Edmonson Counties in BG.

I have some dates and more news to share. More info. will be available on these at your MYGS/Activities pages at the GSK website, on the Official Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana FB page, on the News You can Use you get via email, and also at your official and unofficial FB pages. Look for some more links below.


Are you going to attend the National Council Session for Girl Scouts? It is virtual this year.

If you are a Delegate or Alternate, or also an interested Visitor, you will want to visit the Girl Scout Governance Site to register for a Town Hall. The link is here: JOIN A TOWN HALL! to talk about this year's Proposals and more.

If you are a visitor, you will want to attend all the events there too. Here is that link page: Scroll down to see events and how to Register as a Guest.


Some More Announcements and Dates.

The Autumn Adventure Training Weekend for leaders and Ambassador Girl Scouts is ON! It may look a little different (with Covid rules) but it's a GO. The flyer is out, and the dates are October 9-11. (come for all, come for some...) Look for this on your GSK 9/25 e-mailing. More info. is also at the KYANA GS Volunteers FB page. A PDF file is also in the Files section there.


Leaders in GSK, have you re-registered your troop? It's time. Just go to MYGS to do that at the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana site. Questions? You can contact Volunteer Care here:

And get in touch with your Service Unit Manager too, to find out about  more news in your area.

And contact your Staff and Volunteer Recruitment people (ask Volunteer Care) if you can help Recruit for your Area or school this year. We need you!


FALL FORUM - - the Fall Forum for Caveland and Heartland (combined this year) is this Monday, Sept. 28th, 5:30 - 7 Central. I have signed up for this. You can sign up at the MYGS site for sure. You get to talk to Staff Members about important things and get your opinions heard. Here is another signup site:


More: October 12th is our Area 17 Zoom Meeting. Look for more info. on this soon.

October 5-9 is SPIRIT WEEK for GSK. Fun activities are happening each day. Here is a copy of that flyer: 

Check the Event Pages on FB, and your News You Can Use from GSK be part of this fun event. If you do not get your News You Can Use, contact Volunteer care about that so you can stay in the loop.

It starts with a FUN kickoff with our CEO Maggie Elder at 8 a.m. Central on Monday! I hope to make this.

It winds up with an Animal Dance Party on Zoom! (On Sat. the 10th). Check the Event Pages for each activity.

Another virtual Animal Dance Party is on Monday, Sept. 28th. This link will take you to that page: It is for girls who want to find out more about Girl Scouts! Parents and Caregivers are also invited. Warren Co. Schools and other schools are invited in the GSK area. Homeschool girls are also invited.

You can attend ANY of the Animal Dance Parties you want. They are virtual, and fun. The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana official FB page has many listed there. Just scroll down to see all the dates.

Felicia Bland is our Recruiter for my area (Caveland), and there are many more people helping this year. Felicia's Facebook page is here:


More great events are now on the MYGS Calendar for GSK. These are just some.

Oct. 1: Virtual Troop Meeting Roundtable: Girl Scout Badges and Awards (for leaders and volunteers)

Oct 3: Halloween Fun at Camp Shantituck with Troop 1295

Oct. 3: Greeting Cards (virtual) Chat and Craft Event

Oct. 5-9 is GSK's Spirit Week with different activities each day!

Oct. 7: Microsoft Brownie Computer Expert (virtual)

Oct 7: My Financial Future with Navy Federal Credit Union (virtual) For Daisies and Brownies

Oct. 9-11 is the Autumn Adventure Weekend. Look for more info. on this soon.

Oct. 10: What is a Vote worth? Suffrage Then and Now with Frazier History Museum (Jrs. and Cadettes)

Oct. 10: Belle of Louisville River Cruise - family event

Oct. 10: Brownie Adventure Workshop with the Kentucky Historical Society - 10 spots left as of today - Virtual

Oct. 13: Virtual Troop Meeting Roundtable: Girl Scout Traditions - ideas for leaders

Oct. 15: (CSA) Journeys with Volunteers of America Restorative Justice Program - virtual - get some Journey credit for Amaze (C), GIRLTopia (Sr) and Your Voice: Your World (Amb.)

Oct. 21 and 22: (CSA) Digital App Development with Microsoft - a SPARK! Event. 

Oct. 22: Kentucky Animals with Second Chances Wildlife (virtual) Jr. 4th and 5th

Oct. 23-25: The National Council Session! Visitors may attend. (see article above.)

Oct. 24: Girl Scout Way Day with the Kappa Deltas. (Jrs. and Cadettes) - receive your Girl Scout Way badge. $4

Oct. 24: Pumpkin Art Workshop: Paint a Pumpkin - virtual - all Levels.

Oct. 25 will be a Fall Fun Event at Houchens (more info. later)

Nov. 4: Digital Photography with Microsoft - virtual - Jr. 4th and 5th

Nov. 7: Chat and Craft: S.W.A.P.S. for Leaders and Volunteers

Nov. 12: Virtual Camp Open Houses

Nov. 14: Festival of the Arts at HOME

Nov. 30: KD Operation Pen Pal with Kappa Delta Brownies 2nd and 3rd, 10 p.m. (?) I will ask Vol. Care about this timing... doing that now.

And for the future: 

Dec. 2: Digital Movie Maker Virtual - Microsoft! Cadettes 7th and 8th

Dec. 4: Awards and Recognition Training for Leaders and Volunteers

Dec. 5: Cadette Book Artist

Dec. 12 will be a Holiday Fun Event for troops at Camp Houchens (more info. to come later on this, re: Ginny Pfohl)

Jan. 9: (CSA) MEchanics at the National Corvette Museum. Description: From changing a tire, to checking fluids, to even changing headlight bulbs, MEchanics teaches drivers of all skill levels and ages how to properly care for their car to keep it running strong.

There are MANY more events, like Silver Award Training, Bring on the Bronze, more crafts for leaders, etc. So check the MYGS/Events page often! (maybe once a week if you can...)

ALWAYS double check event times etc. because I can goof! Register for each one you wish to attend and read all the details.


Other great sites to join if you are not there already include:

Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana on Instagram

and (new) Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana on Picuki:

and Girl Scouts of KY/IN on Twitter:


Here are some more Unofficial sites for GSK and Nationwide that are handy to join:

The Girl Scout Governance site (unofficial) - learn about Girl Scout Governance in your council or Nationally.

(for GSK) KYANA GS Volunteers FB page - events all over the Council, unofficial and official. 

Virtual Girl Scout Activities - all things Virtual. Events from all over, many are open to all.

The Outdoor Girl Scout Project (was: the Outdoor Journey Project) (working for more badges, working to get the girls outside, saving our remaining Girl Scout Camps, more...)

Girl Scout Convention Chat - Chat about the National Council Session, and more.

(Also for GSK) KYANA Girl Scouts of Caveland and Beyond (UNofficial) - For the Caveland area and more.

(for GSK) The Area 17 FB Page (Unofficial) - for Allen, Butler, Edmonson, Grayson, Logan, Simpson, and Warren Counties.

Girl Scout Alumnae Connect! - for all Girl Scout Alums who want to connect and learn.

GreenBlood Gab - Girl Scout News from all over!

Also, we have Unofficial Camp Pages for each GSK camp. Just search for KYANA and the name of the camp at the Facebook site, and apply to join. I can OK you there!

Here also is our Council Covid Guidance. 

COVID Guidance

At Girl Scouts, there is nothing we take more seriously than the safety and well-being of our girls, volunteers, and council staff. We understand that our members need guidance on what is safe for troops and groups as we navigate COVID-19. So, with the recommendations of the CDC, Kentucky Department for Public Health and the Indiana State Department of Health, we have put together relevant information for troop and group activities, travel, and use of GSK camp properties.

Please find our complete COVID Guidance page on the GSK website here.


Yours in Girl Scouting (YIGS),


Betsy Sheppard, Trainer and Communications Helper
Helping Hand for Troop 129
Songs and Games Trainings in person after Covid! :-)

PS Recruit a Friend! See your News You Can Use.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Posting a few GREAT Girl Scout links and ideas, WWF Biodiversity Toolkit, Register Now, Virtual GS Activities on FB, more.

 Hi, all!

I hope this missive finds you well. I am still "hunkered down" here in BG, KY, and yes, the Pandemic is still going on here in the US, in the world, and here in Kentucky. But Girl Scouts around the country are still around, meeting safely, and safely having fun at our Girl Scout camps too. 

Our own Council, Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, has resources at their website to help, plus their usual News You Can Use, hopefully sent to you via your email address. 

Troop leaders can check their Girl Scouts at Home activities here:

And don't forget to Register/Renew yourself (and your troop if you have one...) for the 2020-2021 year. (Check the drop-down box to double-check this.) 

Are you in touch with your Service Unit Manager? Ask if you are not on their email list. See if they need help from you, and they could also have a FB page. You never know. If you don't know who to contact, send a message at this page:


I am sharing just a few other GREAT other links today. One is a super site (Unofficial) for Virtual events across the country. Some, if not most, of these are open to other Councils. It's kind of like a Bulletin Board for many ideas. The link is on Facebook here: 

Virtual Girl Scout Activities

I go here sometimes, but usually catch events by others posting about them.

Our National Council Session - it's Oct. 21-23. And YOU can attend! (Even if you are not a Delegate or Alternate). It's online this year.

Here is GSUSA's page about it:

And here is an Unofficial group on Facebook you can join to talk about it: Girl Scout Convention Chat (Unofficial) on Facebook:

And here is another recent link I have found:

World Wildlife Fund's FREE resources for teaching Biodiversity:



Well, I hope everyone is staying safe. I may switch locations for this blog later on this year. It should automatically go to the new site after that. I'm still researching the best places!

Yours in Girl Scouting,


Trainer and Troop Helper Volunteer, The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Event opened up to all Councils - today, July 2 2020

Posting here...

In case you are not on Facebook, this important event is today!


An online event just opened up for TODAY.

Via GSUSA. <1 p.m. Eastern, 12 noon Central for K-5, 2:00 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Central for Grades 6-12.>

"The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed into law 56 years ago today. This important bill outlawed segregation in schools, in public places, and at work.

Join us and <the> National Civil Rights Museum for a virtual chat, including a Q&A session about racial justice.

<find out more:>

Sign up grades K–5:

and grades 6–12:"

Onward and Upward!

Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana volunteer

Friday, June 19, 2020

Happy Juneteenth!! The flag, GS postings on FB, more.

The Juneteenth Flag. Via Wikipedia.

This is a variation of the Juneteenth flag. Others show the original date on it, June 19th, 1865.

Here is one article I liked today: "The Juneteenth Flag is full of symbols. Here's what they mean..." from CNN.

Of course, GSUSA is also posting about Juneteenth today.

Here is some of what is on Facebook:

My council, The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, also is posting about Juneteenth. They posted yesterday about it.

Here is also Wikipedia talking about it.

I am wondering if Kwanzaa will also "open up" in a way this year. (i.e. be more popular).

I would love to learn more about it, anyway. I don't remember hearing about this (eons ago) in school. But did learn about it later.

So, to make a long blog shorter, Happy Juneteenth! I can see this as a National Holiday. Our Kentucky Governor has proposed it as a Holiday next year. Yay!

Also known as Elizabeth Sheppard
Blogger, writer, artist, cook, organizer, handyman and chief bottlewasher at The Garden Spot.
Join me on Facebook here: (PM me at the same time):
Join other Facebook GS groups too - - ask me for a list. :-)
I am also at: lizann 447 at yahoo dot com.


Sunday, May 3, 2020

Keeping it Virtual! Fun things to do this Spring and Summer- plus neat GSK inks

Hello, Girl Scout Friends!

Keeping it Virtual! This is Betsy Sheppard, posting after a Spring Break full of posting on many types of FB pages and getting used to ordering food online. (!)

I hope you are all doing well, my favorite and treasured Girl Scout readers.

What have I been doing? Well, going walking with my husband Rickey (as we are At Home most days...), cooking a LOT more, ordering food online, listing books and collectibles, keeping up with the news, going through things and boxes, ordering seeds, getting Taxes done, and lots more.

I hope you all are keeping safe.

I have wanted to post here at the Unofficial GS News site, ever since March. Since I have been sharing Event Dates with these blog postings, since they started changing, my regular Calendar Posting for the Spring season did not happen. However, some other dates, events, and other fun things are still happening in the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, so those of you NOT on Facebook may not have all these. I will share some. I will add other links at the bottom and throughout this blog today.


SHARING... How we all can support our Council.

We have a special Tuesday giving day coming up this Tuesday. Here is a copy of the FB posting from GSK - with a little added on to it.

In two days: Tuesday, May 5th! If everyone gives a little, it can add up to a LOT!  And (for those who can) - - you can also give just a little or even a lot more, because our the Girl Scout girls need our support. Thank you ahead of time!
Via the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana page: "Now, more than ever, our Girl Scout community stands together to support each other and the community at large. More than ever, the Girl Scouts need your help. Mark your calendar now for #GivingTuesdayNow on May 5th and please make a donation to Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana. We won’t turn away a girl who wants join Girl Scouts, regardless of her ability to pay, so know that your gift will go directly to a girl to help cover her membership fees. Please check out the video message from Maggie Harlow as she shares what Girl Scouting means to her." I tried to share this, hopefully it will go to the link below...

Wouldn't it be great to have a GSK Giving Record? I hope this happens.

GREAT NEWS! GSUSA has a new help for Virtual meetings and activities for troops.
Find out more here: Girl Scouting at Home!

When you get there to this page, just scroll down also to see: Things to Do with GSK.  You can things with your troop or learn about opportunities! Included there are: Daisy (K-1) Badges, Brownie (2-3) Badges, Junior (4-5) Badges, Cadette (6-8) Badges, Senior (9-10) Badges, Ambassador (11-12) Badges, All Ages, Friday Family Activity, Leave No Trace Videos, Live Virtual Opportunities, Girl Scouting at Home with our Program Partners, Volunteer Resources, and Social Media.

MORE: All of the links at the Girl Scouting at home page are great. The Friday Family Activity page has a neat Letter Writing Activity on it. Check it out! It's from GSUSA. (See above Girl Scouting at Home link, then scroll down and click on the Friday Family Activity link to see it).


And do not forget Camp Time with Tick Tock! She has done some really fun videos for Girl Scout girls and leaders, too. She sings songs, does activities, and lots more! She is doing these Monday - Friday! Via the GS of Kentuckiana page: 

"Visit our Facebook daily for Camp Time with Tick Tock at 2:00 p.m EDT and other Girl Scouting at Home updates. Download the songbook to singalong on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday."

You can also watch Tick Tock's previous videos on YouTube. They are fun! Here is that link: Camp Time with Tick Tock. I have really enjoyed watching some of these.


Other links (Official) from the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana - check these out!

Official: The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Facebook page is here: - - many new programs and ideas are posted here. Be sure to check it at least weekly if you can.

The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Activities List - ditto! (Worth a look!) -

The GSK Staff Directory -


Some other Unofficial FB pages:

For Leaders from all GSK Areas: the (Facebook) KYANA Volunteers (Unofficial) page can be helpful. Just apply and answer the questions to join.

Girl Scout Alumnae Connect!

GreenBlood Gab

GreenBlood News

Girl Scout Governance - learn more about our Girl Scout Governance! (An online site, not a FB page.)

The Outdoor Girl Scout Project (was: the Outdoor GS Project) - people from this page helped get the new Outdoor Badges from GSUSA.

There are many more interesting pages, for all levels and interests. Be sure to look up your local Service Unit and other GSK pages too. Ask your Service Unit Manager about these if you have one, or if your Area has one.

Until next posting - in the Summer.

E. Sheppard
BG, KY - - at The Garden Spot. :-)