Thursday, December 8, 2016

Hi, Girl Scouts! Here are some things going on, plus a Very Merry Christmas, Hanukah, Yule and Solstice, etc. etc.

It's the Season! For lots of fun and getting together with Family. It's also a very rushed season for some.

I hope you have a very nice Holiday, Christmas, Yule/Solstice, Hanukah, then Kwanzaa and New Year's plus any other winter Holiday you observe.


Some neat things are coming in via my Email inbox.

One is the new Cookie Connections newsletter. If you did not get this, let Volunteer Care know about it. You must be registered, as you probably know, at MYGS, so check that too.

Other things are coming up. The hours are changing at our PLCs.

Here is a message about that from Leslie Willoughby at the Caveland PLC.

"Service Unit Managers and/or leaders:
Just a friendly reminder December 12, 2016 will be the last day our shop is open until January 2017. December 14, 2016 will be my last day at the office until January 2, 2017 so please let me know if there is anything I can do for you between now and then! Our office will be closed December 26 - January 1, 2017 so make sure you come by to get cookie materials if you need them.
Also cookies are right around the corner so it is important that we have a bank account report form (see attached) on file in order for you to sell cookies! If you sold cookies last year then you should be good.
Thank you!"

MYGS has another link at the MYGS site for  Girl Scout Day at the University of Louisville Women’s Basketball.

Creatures at Camp Stem has been posted at the GSK Calendar/Events listing.

Camp Pennyroyal has Trail Cleanup Day Sat. March 4th or March 18 and also Open Hike Day Sunday, April 23, contact Kelly Lynn or any Site Team Member about it.

AND via GSK News You Can Use:

We are thrilled to kick off our 2017 Cookie Program and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the commercial cookie sale beginning January 1st, 2017! We have many exciting things planned for this year, including a BRAND NEW cookie, anniversary themed rewards for girls and an improved Digital Order Card experience.
Service Unit Cookie Chairs and Troop Leaders will receive a registration link from GSUSA for Digital Cookie 3.0 on December 4th. Please be sure to complete this registration for yourself and/or your troop(s).
Parents will receive their registration link on December 11th, 2016.
You can look forward to more cookie program information in our new weekly email update, “Cookie Connections”, which will arrive to your inbox beginning next Tuesday, December 6th!
If you have any questions, please contact Karen Smallwood or Brooke Slone"

My favorite cookie is Thin Mint...
Check your MYGS Website area - Events Page for more events and also your GSK News You Can Use which comes via email for more news and events.

Plus, you can check the UNofficial Calendar at this site too. It does not have everything on it, but some things! Here is that link:

All for now - - hope this gets online soon.


PS You may have just also gotten a copy of the BGAMUG Computer Club News for this month in your Inbox. I am the new President there, and Blogger's link to blogs has been changed, so this has been sent to my GS list. Glitchy, glitchy. Ack. Fixing these links is now on my list for next month. :-) Don't worry, you are NOT on the list for this. Sorry about that... I tried to erase it, but it took awhile.