Thursday, October 11, 2018

UPDATED and CORRECTED. Posting The Cricket for Issue #8B, (SU 722) Oct. 11 2018, Blog Version. UPDATED DATE AND LOCATION FOR NOV. SU MTG.

Posting the Cricket (blog version) for Issue #8B, Oct. 11 2018. NOTE SOME DATES etc. HAVE CHANGED.  Always double-check each date, time, etc. in case of error(s).

Correction of the SU Meeting location is ALSO now made.  (for Nov. 27). It will be at the Bob Kirby Branch Library. Thanks!


OUR NEXT SERVICE UNIT MEETING for SU 722 (Warren and Edmonson Counties) is November 27th (NEW DATE) th at the Bob Kirby Branch Library. (NOTE LOCATION TOO). Leaders, if you can’t attend a SU Meeting, send another Troop adult to take notes for you.  Via the Events Page on FB: The events will go as follows:
5pm - craft
5:30 - eat (a simple meal will be provided, but PLEASE let us know that you are coming so that we will have enough.)
6pm - short SU meeting
followed by Cookie Team presentation

FROM TRACEY DODSON: ATTN: all registered adults, especially troop leaders and co-leaders: It is very important that you login to MYGS on the GSK website and verify that ALL of your personal information is accurate, Leaders/COs - please be sure that all of your troop members' information is correct. Thank You!

Another Network Like a Girl Scout Class (required for leaders and OK for co-leaders to take) is to be offered in October. If you have completed Class One and Two, you can take this class. Get with Olivia Jacobs to get on the list soon and get an invite to the latest Doodle Poll. Betsy Sheppard will hopefully be teaching the class again this month.

Olivia Jacobs, our Troop Support Specialist for Caveland, has sent out some Service Unit 722 mailings. If you would like to be on her list, let her know. Also let her know if you are an Adult Member not with a troop to get on the list. If you have Yahoo for email, check your Spam or Trash folders for mailings.

YOUR VISITS TO THE CAVELAND SERVICE CENTER: Olivia and Sally are at the Office most days and times when the Shop part of the PLC is not open. So contact the Volunteer Care Number (888) 771-5170 to get in touch with them first, and then you can go there at other days and times. They are happy to help with anything not requiring the cash register.

FALL FORUM: For ALL Volunteers! This important event is a chance to have YOUR Volunteer Voice heard! Members of our Council Staff and Board will be there to answer your questions and also hear your opinions on
things of interest. They also share important new information. It is October 30th at 6:00. Plan to be there!

Congratulations to Tracey Dodson, our Service Unit Mgr. for this Troop Year.
Here is the list of the rest of the SU Team:
Fall Product: Wendy Silva
ookie Team: Alice Allen (Chair), Lorie Cline, Whitney Smith, Leslie Steele
Program Team:
Ginny Pfohl (Chair), Melanie Samuels-Black, Catherine Poteet, Tracey Dodson
Treasurer Team:
Lorie Cline, Whitney Smith, Tracey Dodson
Communication: (Betsy)
Elizabeth Sheppard

Email or contact Tracey Dodson for 1-2 night trips and events. (this includes meetings not at your usual meeting place).
<Fill out your Travel Applications and send them to the GS Office for longer trips (as usual).>

Mark your Calendars! Our Area Fall Meeting is October 22nd. Dinner (potluck) is at 5:30 and the Meeting is at 6:00 p.m. at Houchens Program Center (Camp). Sharon Taylor-Carillo, our Area Vice Chair, shared information about this. All Area 17 Members and Girl Scout Girls age 14 and up are invited and very welcome. Invitations will be sent later, but if you do not
get one, you are still invited and very welcome. We will talk about important Governance info. and more that matters to you. More info. is to come.  

Contact Sharon Taylor-Carillo if you are not on her list for the Area 17 newsletter, The Scoop at
Area 17 includes the following counties: Allen, Butler, Edmonson, Grayson, Logan, Simpson, and Warren. You should be getting the Scoop in your regular email.

Sally Smalling, our new Recruitment Staff person, is working with Chris Sherrard in Heartland.

NEW Welcome Guides and Thumb Drives for the 2018-19 Troop Year are now available at the GS office. There are new Safety Activity Guidelines, also NEW dates, ages, trainings, ratios clarified, more.

Find the complete Unofficial Dates List AND the GSK Councilwide Important Dates at our Unofficial
Facebook page in the Files section, or at the GSK website OR your Thumb Drive.
GIRL SCOUT DATES for SU 722 – (a very partial list) updated Tuesday Sept. 25th 2018
Here is another incomplete (partial one I made) Dates List.
Please double-check all of these dates/times/info. and Register or call before attending an event in case of errors or omissions.
Oct. 1: New Troop Year Begins for 2018-19 – check your MYGS /VTK troop area online.
Oct. 20th is a Lost River Campout for some troops.
October 19-22: Autumn Adventure Weekend at Camp Shantituck.
October 22: Fall Area 17 Meeting at Houchens Camp 5:30 eat (Potluck), 6:00 meet.
Oct. 27 (Sat.)  is the Halloween Bash at Camp Pennyroyal.

October 28th (Sun.) is Halloween at Houchens, 2:30 - 4:30, for all ages/levels.
October 30: Fall Forum 6 p.m. at GS Office (Caveland) Bring comments, questions.
October 31st: Founder's Day (Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday) Also: Halloween!
Oct. 31st: Lost River Scarecrow Trail Opens (call first)
November 2-4: Leader Retreat Weekend at Houchens Camp
November 3 is the New Leader Social at Camp Pennyroyal.
November 3rd is the GS of Simpson County’s Christmas Bazaar. Contact is Amber Huggins.
Nov. 4th: Daylight Savings Time ends.
Nov. 6th is the deadline for the Prudential Spirit of Community Award.
November 10th: Cookie Training Open House at Caveland
November 10th: Veteran's Day Parade – BG – some Troops will be participating.
Nov. 17th is GS Day at WKU Football.
Nov. 26: Fall Product Awards Selections due.
Nov. 26: Cyber Monday Sale - also Resident Camp Reg. opens.
November 27th: SU 722 (Warren-Edmonson) Meeting at the Bob Kirby Branch Library. Come at 5 p.m. for craft, 5:30 eat, 6 p.m. = short meeting, next is Cookie Team Presentation.
Nov. 27: Fall Product Troop Funds collected and deposited in bank. Family Owing Forms due by 11:59 Eastern Time, 10:59 Central.
Dec. 3rd: ACH Withdrawal begins for Fall Product.
Dec. 8th (For Trainers) Trainer Meeting (Sat.) at GS Office 10 a.m.
Dec. 12-13: GS Offices Closed for 2 days - All Staff Meeting.
Dec. 15th: Last day to shop at all locations for 2018.
Dec. 24 - Jan. 1st 2019 - GS Offices Closed for Holiday Break.
January 1- March 24: Cookie Sales (includes Booth Sales starting March 1st)
Jan. 15th (Tuesday) SU 722 Meeting
Feb. 1-3 (for Trainers) All-Trainer's Retreat - Location TBD
Feb. 22nd: World Thinking Day – see MYGS, the WAGGGS website, and other info. for events (to come).
March 1st - Cookie Booth Sales begin.
March 10th is the start of Girl Scout Week. This week ends Saturday, March 16.
March 10th is Girl Scout Sunday.
March 11th (Monday) Area 17 Spring Meeting
March 12th: GS Birthday - part of Girl Scout Week.
March 16th is Girl Scout Sabbath.
March 19th (Tuesday) SU 722 Meeting
March 24th: Cookie Booth Sales end.
March 22-24 Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana's Annual Meeting - Camp Bear Creek and Kentucky Dam Village - Calvert City, KY…/governa…/annual_meeting.html
April 12-14th: Spring Training Extravaganza at Camp Pennyroyal.
April 22nd is Girl Scout Leader's Day. (Girls and Parents thank their Leaders today.)
May 17-19: Outdoor Training Weekend at Camp Shantituck
May 21: SU 722 Meeting or a Dinner Out.
May 31st: Resident Camp Registration closes.
June 30th: End of Year Troop Bank Account Reports (Financial Reports) due to GS Office.
Be sure also to also download the Council-wide Important Dates flyer also for the 2018-2019 year. (The latest). It will be in our Files section soon.
More Cookie Dates and others are to come.

ALWAYS DOUBLE-CHECK EACH DATE OR EVENT in case of errors. More events are listed at the Unofficial FB page.

TRAINING WEEKENDS: Several Training Weekends are shown above on the Unofficial Calendar. You can get Trainings, find new Girl Scout Friends, and more at these. Plan to go with your Troop Co-leaders for a LOT of fun and get your trainings at the same time. Come for one day, part of a day, or the whole weekend. Sign up via MYGS/Activities at the GSK website.

HELP GIRLS FIND TROOPS: If you know girls who would like to be in Girl Scouts, contact the GSK Volunteer Help Line at (888) 771-5170 or contact Sally Smalling directly. (See contact info. at bottom).

IT IS TIME TO UPDATE YOUR OPPORTUNITY CATALOG – (also known as the Open vs. Closed Troops Area online) – your choice is here on your Troop Page. If your Troop is open to more girls, make sure that it says that on the VTK/Opportunity Catalog ASAP. If you can’t find this section online, contact Volunteer Care at (888) 771-5170.

THE COUNCIL “S’MORES LIST”: “Looking for S’more fun? The S’mores List is a great place for you to find fun activities that don’t necessarily fall inside of
the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, but still offer exciting and unique opportunities for girls. The S’mores List is also the perfect place to share your troop’s activities if you’d like to invite others to join in the fun. Check the S’mores list often for new offerings at:


Your Volunteer Service Unit Manager is Tracey Dodson,, email her for her phone number and keep it handy.

Your Volunteer Service Unit Product Chair is Wendy Silva, allonwyn@yahoYour Volunteer Service Unit and Area Communications Helper is Elizabeth (Betsy) Sheppard: and 270-779-4152.
Our Volunteer Area 17 Vice Chair is Sharon Taylor-Carillo,


The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Volunteer Care Page is here: (phone and email options, hours):, (888) 771-5170.

Olivia Jacobs is our Caveland Troop Support Specialist:, Ext. 11222 or (270) 495-4102

Sally Smalling is our Caveland (Recruitment) Lead Generation Specialist:, Ext. 17222 or (270) 495-4095

Unofficial Facebook pages:

The Service Unit 722 Unofficial FB page for Warren and Edmonson counties is here:

The Area 17 Unofficial FB page is here:

And the KYANA GS Volunteers page (for all of Council) is here: .

Unofficial Camp Pages may be found by searching for KYANA and the name of the camp.

Please double-check ALL dates and info. for all, in case of errors. ALSO check the Council-Wide Important Dates AND your VTK/MYGS/Activities list once a week to keep up with other events and news.

I hope you find this useful! –B PS Just let me know if you want to receive this Newsletter via email also by emailing me at, w/ IMPORTANT and CRICKET in the header.

Betsy Sheppard


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Blog posting - Troops are forming. Some dates for now. Sept. 2018

We have a BIG effort going on to get troops in schools. That's great!

I can't wait to meet the new leaders in Network like a Girl Scout in October.

We also have a new Program called "Marketplace Warriors" that I noticed on the Training Portal,


Here is another incomplete Dates List. Please double-check all of these dates/times/info. before attending an event.


Sept. 22: GEMS Day, BG

Oct. 1: New Troop Year Begins for 2018-19

October 19-22: Autumn Adventure Weekend at Camp Shantituck

October 22: Fall Area 17 Meeting at Houchens Camp 5:30 eat (Potluck), 6:00 meet.

October 28th (Sun.) is Halloween at Houchens, 2:30 - 4:30, for all ages/levels.

October 30: Fall Forum 6 p.m. at GS Office (Caveland)

October 31st: Founder's Day (Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday)

November 2-4: Leader Retreat Weekend at Houchens Camp

Nov. 4th: Daylight Savings Time ends.

November 10th: Cookie Training Open House at Caveland

November 13th: SU 722 (Warren-Edmonson) Meeting at GS Office (Caveland) Come at 6 p.m. to make Christmas Ornaments - 6:00 = meeting.

Nov. 26: Fall Product Awards Selections due.

Nov. 26: Cyber Monday Sale - also Resident Camp Reg. opens.

Nov. 27: Fall Product Troop Funds collected and deposited in bank. Family Owning Forms due by 11:59 Eastern Time, 10:59 Central.

Dec. 3rd: ACH Withdrawal begins for Fall Product.

Dec. 8th (For Trainers) Trainer Meeting (Sat.) at GS Office 10 a.m.

Dec. 12-13: GS Offices Closed for 2 days - All Staff Meeting.

Dec. 15th: Last day to shop at all locations for 2018.

Dec. 24 - Jan. 1st 2019 - GS Offices Closed for Holiday Break.


January 1- March 24: Cookie Sales (includes Booth Sales starting March 1st)

Jan. 15th (Tuesday) SU 722 Meeting

Feb. 1-3 (for Trainers) All-Trainer's Retreat - Location TBD

Feb. 22nd: World Thinking Day

March 1st - Cookie Booth Sales begin.

March 11th (Monday) Area 17 Spring Meeting

March 12th: GS Birthday - part of Girl Scout Week.

March 19th (Tuesday) SU 722 Meeting

March 24th: Cookie Booth Sales end.

March 22-24 Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana's Annual Meeting - Camp Bear Creek and Kentucky Dam Village - Calvert City, KY

April 12-14th: Spring Training Extravaganza at Camp Pennyroyal.

April 22nd is Girl Scout Leader's Day. (Girls and Parents thank their Leaders today.)

May 17-19: Outdoor Training Weekend at Camp Shantituck

May 31st: Resident Camp Registration closes.

June 30th: End of Year Troop Bank Account Reports due to GS Office.

Be sure also to also download the Council-wide Important Dates flyer also for the 2018-2019 year. (The latest). It will be in our Files section soon.

More Cookie Dates are to come.
Be sure to also download the Council-wide Important Dates flyer also for the 2018-2019 year. I will be posting this to the SU 722 page, the KYANA Volunteers page, and also the Area 17 page soon.


Saturday, August 18, 2018

Comment or email me if you got this Blog Posting Thanks! Fall 2018 - a new Girl Scout Year.

Hi, blog readers. As the title says, please contact me to help me find out who reads this.

Are you on Facebook?

Then you may want to join several UNofficial Facebook pages. Look for some using KYANA and the name of your favorite camps. Another is the KYANA GS Volunteers page here: (for all Areas):

Here is a copy of "The Cricket II" (both pages) which is available as a PDF file on the Service Unit 722 page on Facebook.
 the above file...)

Two Training Weekends are coming up!

"Attention new and experienced troop leaders! Experienced volunteers and Troop Support staff are teaming up to provide Troop Support Chat at our fall training weekends. If you have questions, ideas, and success stories then we want to hear from you.
Register today at:"

 MANY articles and links are on these pages, along with the OFFICIAL Facebook page of the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, which is here:

You should also be getting the News You Can Use, plus other announcements. If you have not got them, check your spam folder (if you use Yahoo) and also your Trash folder. Then go to Volunteer Care and get registered. You should also update your MYGS/VTK (Online Troop area) as soon as possible, and open your Troop up for more girls if you can. (i.e. update your Opportunity Catalog). If you can't do this, contact Volunteer Care. ALSO, start your trainings at Digital Chalk too.

GSK - Your signin: (MYGS/Volunteer Profile)

GSK Volunteer Care:

GSK Digital Chalk: (Scroll down)

Questions, just call Volunteer Care (above.)

Can't wait to meet anybody I have not met yet. Maybe at a training! If you live in BG or nearby, let me know if you would like me to visit your meeting to teach a song or game or two!

Elizabeth (Betsy) Sheppard
SU 722, Area 17
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana

Friday, June 29, 2018

Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana on Facebook - - some dates to pencil in, more.

Are you in the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Council?

We have the MYGS/VTK with Official Events, Contact names, etc. - - right now, you can update your information and remain on official Mailing Lists.

Just go here to do that: MYGS:

Remember, to get the official Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana postings, you will need to have a Profile and be Registered, etc. If you check here once a week, you will see all the latest postings.

More: There are also some great UNofficial Facebook pages you can join. You may have one for your Service Unit.

Service Unit 722's page is here:

There are UNofficial Camp Pages too. Just search for KYANA and the name of the camp to find these. I and others can OK you there. You are free to post your events there too.

Dates you may want to pencil in: (double check first, of course, just in case...)

Early Bird Deadline: July 2nd

July 23-28 is the Southern Kentucky Fair sponsored by the BG KY Jaycees at Lampkin Park, BG.

August 4th is Kickoff - Elizabethtown

Sept. 7-9: Fall Extravaganza Training Weekend - Camp Pennyroyal

October 18th is Fall Forum - Caveland PLC

October 19-21 is Autumn Adventure Weekend at Camp Shantituck.

October 31st is Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday

KY Credits Expire Nov. 1 2018

Nov. 12 - is Summit - Caveland

Dec. 24 2018 - Jan 1, 2019: Offices Closed for Holiday Break

May 17-19 (2019) is Outdoor Training Weekend at Camp Shantituck

August 23-25 (2019) is Aquatics and More Training Weekend at Bear Creek

All for now!



Monday, April 30, 2018

A posting for Service Unit 722 - - Our Meeting is tomorrow!

From Ann Baumgartle:

Dear Service Unit 722 Volunteers,
We are rescheduling the Service Unit meeting that was originally planned for April 10th.
The next Service Unit meeting will be:
Tuesday, May 1st, 2018
6:30-7:30 PM
Conference Room
Bob Kirby Branch of the Warren County Public Library
175 Iron Skillet Court
Bowling Green

We will:
Introduce our new Troop Support Specialist
Discuss Service Unit leadership/Service Unit Team
Recognize volunteers with awards and tokens of appreciation
Possibly distribute cookie rewards if the timing works out
Talk about Early Bird renewal
Thanks and hope to see you there.

Troop Support Manager

I am hoping an announcement will also go out to everyone tomorrow.

See you there!


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

SIMPSON CO. DAY CAMP - Open to ALL GSK Areas! And it's fun too.

Sharing with Permission. AND OPEN TO ALL GSK AREAS!

"Simpson County Day Camp 2018

DATES: Thursday, July 12-Saturday, July 14

TIMES: Thursday, 8:30 am-4:00 pm, Friday-8:30 am-4:00 pm,
Saturday, 8:30 am-4:00 pm

WHERE: Ranch of lifetime Girl Scout member Teresa Suber
6160 Red River School House Rd., Portland, TN 37148
located just one mile across the KY/TN state line

This year's theme is "Journey Through Time" where we will be completing the It's Your World-Change It! Journey for all grade levels. If you like to have fun, make new friends, play games, do arts and crafts, and have a wonderful time, come to Day Camp! (Optional overnight camping and campfire cooking will be on Friday night).

To register, please go to Bus transportation is provided for all campers as we prefer parents not to drop their campers off at the ranch for safety reasons. Please sign-up for bus transportation when you register online.

Registration will close on May 31, 2018. Late registrations will not be accepted.

Call Amber Huggins, Camp Director, at 615-974-5155 with any questions.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

My Class at the Caveland PLC - Girl Scout History, Traditions, and Ceremonies.

From the MYGS/VTK Activities area:

"GS Traditions & Ceremonies (child spots left: N/A)(adult spots left: 13 )

Date: Thu, April 26, 2018 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM Central
Location: Caveland PLC-Conference Room, 901 Lehman Ave, Suite 7, Bowling Green, KY 42101
Registration Deadline: Apr 19, 2018
Description: Level: Adults - Cost Details: Free - Join us as we learn about our fascinating Girl Scout History and many interesting Traditions and Ceremonies, too! Learn about the FUN of Girl Scouting from the time it started until now, with facts galore, historical tidbits, and interesting activity ideas that girls and troops still love, and have loved through the years. We'll talk about Juliette Low, (our Founder), our great World Centers that YOU can visit, our awesome Girl Scout Camps, Scout's Owns, and lots more.- Registration Deadline: 4/19/18"

More from posting on FB:
Get an overview of Girl Scout History, Traditions, and Ceremonies with this Leader and Volunteer class in BG at the Caveland Service Center, Thursday, April 26th, 2-4 p.m. :-) We still have room for more and 2 more days left to register at MYGS/Activities.

<Sign up at MYGS – Activities.> <Scroll down to see it.>

Also: Bring a notebook or bag to store flyers and/or possible Door Prizes, note-taking materials, a snack and drink for yourself, a 3-hole punch if you want, a digital recorder if you like, and your curiosity about our wonderful World of Girl Scouting… You will receive a GSK Ceremonies Train Patch too.

I hope you can come to this. 😀