Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Checking in... some postings from Facebook, more.

The Unofficial Calendar has been updated.

To have access to this, just email me at

Here are some recent postings and news:

Link via our new CEO, Jackie Ford. 

Giving Tuesday is next week.

12-1 (NEXT WEEK) is #GivingTuesday for the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana.  This FYI: The Warren County SU # is 722. There is a space on the form for this. Even giving just a little will help a lot.

And if you know Daddy or Mrs. Warbucks, get in touch with them too. :-)

One Smart Cookie - - I think they need signups.

"One Smart Cookie is coming to the Caveland PLC!
This is a fun program for Daisies and Brownies to help get them pumped up about the cookie season, explore the 5 skills, play games, do crafts, and earn a fun One Smart Cookie patch. Also attending the event girls will have completed all the requirements for the Cookie Activity pin.
When: December 10th from 6-8 pm
Where: Caveland PLC
Cost: $4 per girl to offset program materials.
Please note: Adults are expected to stay to maintain GSK safety ratios so the facilitators can focus on bringing the FUN!!
Please share this with your troop leaders, parents, volunteers, etc. Spread the word because we’re going to have a blast! Attached is a flyer if you’d rather use these to pass out at service unit meetings etc.
Megan Snow"

GSLE Specialist: Grade Level

Kentuckiana Credits

An FYI. Thanks, Lori! "Friendly reminder: with the holidays coming up. Don't let the days slip by! If you have any of these left you better use them by December 8th!! A reminder by way of Henderson's SU"

Be sure to join the Unofficial KYANA FB page here:

and the Warren County Unofficial FB page here:

for more news.

 E. Sheppard