Showing posts with label Unofficial Calendar for Warren County. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unofficial Calendar for Warren County. Show all posts

Monday, July 20, 2015

Posting for July 20 2015. GSK Annual Meeting and location set, more.


Things are gearing up for the new Girl Scout year for Warren County, Area 17 and Beyond!

Event Happenings
We will have better Event news here in Warren County and Area 17 this year (2015-16), the new Recruitment Committee has met and will be going to local high schools and the date and location has been chosen for the Annual Meeting. Desserts First (A BIG Louisville fundraiser) has a date too, and prices. Back to School is coming SOON! Locally, August 11th, I think.

Event News: We will have better control over events and news about them this year, with a new checks system for these. This is a good thing! I will scan and put a Proofreading "sticker" on here to help people know what to look for.

Recruitment is starting soon at local High Schools
The Recruitment Committee has started up with new people! Our new Chair for Warren County is Alicia B. Thanks for stepping up to do this, Alicia! :-) Also, the Vice Chair for Recruitment this year is Jonetta B. They would love to have helpers!

New Vice-Chairs for local Warren County Service Unit!
We have new Co-Vice-Chairs for many committees. We will post about that later. Hopefully Betsy S. and Amanda D. will be helping our Chair, Sue L. with flyers and more.

Warren County SU Kickoff (for Chairs and Vice Chairs) is soon, at the end of this month. We will have more attendees this year, with Vice Chairs of Committees also invited now.

Our Unofficial Calendar for Area 17 and Beyond (only a partial listing) has been updated.
I added some info. to the Unofficial Calendar, which is here: (And ONLY available to the 2+ readers of this PRIVATE blog.)
Always check the OFFICIAL Girl Scout Calendar to sign up for any event.

 Join these sites if you are not already there:
The KYANA Girl Scouts Member-Volunteer FB page - UNofficial


The Warren County SU/Cluster 2 and Beyond Unofficial FB page

Local Trainings and Meetings coming up (just a sampling)
Find out more at the OFFICIAL Girl Scout Calendar. Always double-check dates and times too.

Also see more at the UNofficial Calendar here:

July 31st: GS Night with the BG Hot Rods

August 6-9 - Scout Celebration at Barren River Lake - see the UNofficial Calendar for more info.

August 23rd: Small Craft Safety at Camp Barren Ridge

September 1st (Tuesday) 5-7 p.m. Songs and Games - Caveland PLC, Elizabeth (Betsy) S., trainer

Sept 12th: TPO, Caveland.

Sept. 13th: First Aid/CPR, Houchens.

Sept. 13th: Fun in the Sun with Kapp Delta at the KD House, BG.

September 17th (Thursday) 6:00 p.m. Troop Pathway Orientation - Caveland PLC - Beth C., trainer

Sept. 18th Camp In Part A Barren Ridge.

Sept. 19th Camp In Part B Barren Ridge.

Sept. 19th is also TPO at Caveland PLC 10 - 11:30 a.m.

Sept. 19-20 Camp Out Training Barren Ridge.

Sept. 18th is also High Ropes Play Day at Camp Stem.

September 24th (Thursday) 6 p.m. Gold Award Training ("Go Gold") - Caveland PLC, Beth C., trainer
September 26th: Trainer Meeting, Louisville

October 10th Arts and Adventure Troop Day at Houchens 

October 13th Troop Pathway Orientation - Caveland PLC - Betsy S., Trainer 5-7.

October 16-18 Autumn Adventure Weekend at Camp Shantituck for all Volunteers - a great way to get caught up on trainings AND have fun. (Not yet on the official GS Calendar)

October 26th Fall Area Meeting (ditto) - probably at Camp Houchen's.

November 15th Barren Ridge Camp Work Day for girls and adults.

And a reminder:

Regal Movies this summer!  
Bowling Green, Kentucky - Regal Movie Express! Fun movies - PG and G rated. Tickets are only a dollar. Movies are Tuesdays and Wednesdays this summer at 10 a.m. Doors open at 9 a.m. A great idea for troops and Girl Scout girls!
323 Great Escape Ave., Bowling Green KY 42101
1-(844)-462-7342 ext.1782 

(a couple of movies are left this summer).

 More later! Thanks for reading!