Showing posts with label Daisy Training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daisy Training. Show all posts

Friday, May 1, 2015

Updates for today, Friday May 1st - trainings and events, plus FB pages.

Edited and Updated 2X: some changes and additions to Trainings in our area and beyond.

<Note: May 30th training has been updated> - - Camp Out training is available on Saturday, May 30 at Camp Shantituck too. Registration for that one is via the council office like "normal" trainings (paper or on-line), not the Outdoor Training Weekend registration form which is "special" just for the Outdoor Training Weekend.

Please go to this link to register> Here is some training news from Caveland and also Louisville area.
This just in from our VSS - Trainings and Training Changes for May plus added information.
Camp Out scheduled for this weekend May 2nd, has been cancelled due to low registration. There will be an outdoor training weekend at Camp Shantituck the weekend of May 15th, check our website for details.

<Attn: This is Outdoor Training Weekend, contact Marty W. asap if you want to go to this... they need numbers for the classes on Sunday. -Betsy>

American Red Cross Training May 10th at Camp Houchens

Silver Award Training May 14th at the Caveland PLC

Camp Out training May 16th and possibly May 17th at Camp Shantituck at the Outdoor Training Weekend. More info. is here:…/2…/outdoor_training_wee.html
FYI on Outdoor Training Weekend: if you are interested in taking Wilderness Travel and one of the certification courses on Sunday, <they> will be ending Wilderness Travel a little earlier to accommodate you. Just sign up for the Sunday course you want.

TPO May 16th at the Caveland PLC

Leave No Trace May 19th at Camp Houchens

TPO May 21st at the Caveland PLC

Daisy Training May 28th at Shoney’s in Glasgow

Camp Out training is available on Saturday, May 30 at Camp Shantituck too. Registration for that one is via the council office like "normal" trainings (paper or on-line), not the Outdoor Training Weekend registration form which is "special" just for the Outdoor Training Weekend.

Please go to this link to register
More Events
More about the LNT Workshop: May 19th (Tuesday) is a Leave No Trace Awareness Workshop with Shirley at Camp Houchens from 9-3.
"Come enjoy a day in the outdoors. We will teach skills necessary to minimize human impact and be responsible while doing outside activities. We show proper gear for a day hike, a backpack trip, how to properly store food and how to dig a cat hole. Plus fun games. Bring a sack lunch. Patches Available.
Cost: Free Details:…/…/leave_no_trace_aware1.html"

May 19th (Tuesday) is also the End of Year Celebration for the Warren County Service Unit. "End of Year Celebration at Camp Houchens. May 19th, 4:30 - 6:30. For Warren County Service Unit. Bring your Early Bird Registration forms and have fun at camp. Crafts - - games - - and a campfire with s'mores and songs are available for all registered Girl Scouts and their leaders. Flyer is in the Files section, called End of Year Celebration 2015.pdf
Our new Private Facebook pages (apply to join if you are not there already):

The new Kentuckiana Girl Scouts Member-Volunteer FB page - unofficial

The new Warren County Service Unit and Beyond unofficial FB page

For more UNofficial Calendar info, go to the Unofficial Calendar page here:

Double-check all events listed with the Program Calendar online, and pre-register by the deadlines using paper registration or registering in person at your nearest PLC, because the website is glitchy right now.

Other postings:
Hello, Girl Scouts!

Later, gators! -Betsy