Friday, October 9, 2015

The Volunteer Systems Project - VSP

This just in:

Via the Volunteer Connections email from the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana today:

Volunteer Systems Project - VSP
Welcome to the beginning of your weekly update, as we countdown to the launch our Volunteer Systems Project! We GO LIVE with The System in November and we want YOU to be in the know. Girl Scouts is working hard to create a better Volunteer experience - we are going to make it easier, more manageable, and more enjoyable for you to be involved.  Consistent information, opportunities, leads, cases and solutions - it all starts with The System. We are going to give you the information and resources you need, when you need it, and in a way that makes sense for your busy life.

Over the next 5 weeks, you will be introduced to:

    a new organization model
    new business processes
    new planning resources
    new terms and language
    new communications methods

We ask a lot of you as volunteers, and each time, you rise to the occasion. We want to express our gratitude for your tremendous dedication and loyalty to Girl Scouts! It's going to take a lot of patience as we make this transition, and we know that we can count on your support.


I like this whole idea of getting better ways of sharing information. I can't wait to see how it looks.

I also found out that this whole computer system is NOT going to be just for K-5 Girl Scouts. I had been told that earlier somewhere else. So I am super happy about that. But it may roll out slowly, because there are some glitches to work out. I like also that there will be information for all volunteers on the site. It's good, win-win news.

Communication is so important. And this system (I have been told) eventually will track inquiries, have somebody answering phones in person, (I like that idea too!) and make sure people don't get ignored, girls get into troops, and troops, girls, parents, and everyone gets information and can give out information in many great ways.

KUDOS! Great idea. I can't wait to learn more about it.


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