Thursday, October 19, 2017

Fall Product News and Update for the Warren-Edmonson Co. SU

For the Warren-Edmonson County SU:

IMPORTANT NutE and FALL PRODUCT NEWS: A reminder and update from Wendy Silva: 

1. Troop leaders need to submit orders in NutE no later than 11pm on Saturday, 10/21.

2. Address books need to be turned in to the office by 10/27. Do not forget to add those books when you enter your order online or you will not get credit for them!

3. Online sales will still be running into November for the girls that have set up their sites. 

4. Nuts and candy will arrive the week of November 6th, and we will let the troops know when they are ready for pickup. 

Everyone NEEDS to ask her any questions by FRIDAY. 

Contact info:, or text Wendy at 435-232-3417, for faster replies.

And just for fun... is this true?


