Showing posts with label Kentucky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kentucky. Show all posts

Saturday, October 3, 2015

I updated the Calendar Page today.

Thank  you, thank you to other areas for helping with Area Dates.

And for letting me share them. Here is a copy of Event Dates through January.

To get all the dates I have (not a complete list) just go to the Unofficial Calendar page right on this blog.

I hope to get more readers soon. If you are a new or old reader, welcome or welcome again! I hope these dates are helpful. There were some not on other places.

Some Council and Area 17 Important Event Dates to Remember – through January
See Calendars for training dates and more info. #1: the Official KYANA Calendar:
ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK ALL EVENTS, dates, times, and more, as they can change.
October 1-9 is FALL BREAK for BG City Schools.
October 4th is the deadline to sign up for theAutumn Adventure Weekend for leaders and volunteers at Camp Shantituck Oct. 16-18. Contact Sarai Snyder Gumm at or call her at 502-345-7436 for last minute possible scan registration directions if you plan to go.
October 5-9 is FALL BREAK for Warren County Schools.
FALL FORUM – IMPORTANT: for all leaders and volunteers: where you get to ask questions of our CEO and BOARD OF DIRECTORS and get news too  is October 6th 2015 from 6-8 p.m. at the Caveland PLC.
October 7th is a streamed GSUSA event from Edith Macy to celebrate the Young Women of Distinction. Info. hopefully to come from GSUSA.
<Adding> Arts and Adventure Day is October 10th at Houchens.
Festival of the Arts Registration Deadline (Louisville) is October 23.
Oct. 11th is the WAGGGS Celebration of the International Day of the Girl.
October 13th is the WARREN COUNTY SERVICE UNIT MEETING – for all leaders and volunteers: at the Bob Kirby Library. IMPORTANT: Leaders: if you can’t attend, send your co-leader or a Troop Parent to be there and take notes for you.
October 16-18 is Autumn Adventure Weekend for leaders at Camp Shantituck.
October 16th is the deadline to sign up for the Juliette Low Birthday Tea on Oct. 24.
October 17th is a Cleanup Day at Camp Barren Ridge.
October 17th is the deadline to sign up for the Festival of the Arts – Louisville.
October 17 and 18th is a Leader-Daughter Weekend at Camp Houchens.
October 20th is a Service Unit Manager Summit just for SU Managers for Caveland-Glasgow, KY.
October 23rd: Girl Scout Day @ WKU Women’s Soccer.
October 24th is Camp Creepy (Halloween Party for Daisy-Juniors) at Camp Barren Ridge.
October 24th is a Juliette Low Birthday Tea at Kirby Branch Library
October 24th is also the Halloween Sleepover/Murder Mystery for Cadettes and Up at Barren Ridge
October 24th: Magnut Orders at due to troops.
October 24th is a Camp STEM Trailbuilding Day.
FALL AREA 17 MEETING is Monday, October 26th, 2015 from 6-8 p.m. at Camp Houchens. Dinner will begin at 6 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. We will have a “Soup”er Meal!! Furnished by Simpson County Girl Scouts.IMPORTANT: For all Leaders and Volunteers in Area 17.
October 27th is a Halloween Party sponsored by the Kappa Deltas BG, 6-9 p.m.
October 31st is Halloween at Houchens event with WKU Campus Scouts
October 31st is also JULIETTE LOW’S BIRTHDAY, also called Founder’s Day.
November 2-9: The Volunteer Systems Project is going live.
November 3rd is Election Day.
November 7th is Adult High Ropes Training Day at Camp Stem.
November 7th is also Girl Scout Day @ WKU Football – BG.
November 8th is a Girl Scout Carnival sponsored by Kappa Delta - BG
November 14th is Festival of the Arts in Louisville and also Paducah.
November 14th is a Trail Building Day at Camp STEM.
November 14th is also a Lost River Cave Crawl for Jrs. And Cadettes at Lost River Cave, BG.
November 14th is also Teams Course Facilitator Training at Camp Houchens.
November 15th is the Thanksgiving Feast at Barren Ridge
November 16th is the Warren County COOKIE TRAINING meeting for Troop Cookie Sales People.
NOVEMBER 16 AND 17 are Magnut Deliveries.
November 21st is a Pottery Workshop at Camp Houchens.
November 26 and 27, the PLC is closed.
Dec. 1st, MagNut: Funds in Bank Account and Family Owing Forms due to Council
Dec. 2-3 will be an All-Staff Meeting, offices closed.
Dec. 7-18 is the MagNut ACH Withdrawal dates.
December 10th is One Smart Cookie - BG
December 12th is a STEM Trail Building Day.
Dec. 15th: the Cookie Booth Schedule goes out from SU Chairs.
December 21-31 is Christmas/Holiday Break for Warren County Schools and BG City Schools.
Dec. 24-Jan. 3 – PLC offices are closed.
January 1st: the Cookie Sale Begins
January 9th is an Orienteering Event at Barren Ridge Camp.
January 10th is a First Aid and CPR Class at Camp Barren Ridge.
January 12th is a Service Unit Summit (for SU Mgrs only? Not sure.) at the Caveland PLC.
January 16: Girl Initial Cookie Order goes to troop.
January 16th is another Trail Building Day at Camp STEM.
January 16th is also a Wilderness First Aid class at Camp Shantituck.
January 18: Cookies – Troops Locked Out of Ebudde
January 18th is Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
January 20: Troops Locked Out of Ebudde
January 22-24 is the Outdoor Trainer’s Retreat, only for current Outdoor Trainers.
January 23-24 is an older girl Ski Trip to Perfect North.

#2: the Unofficial Calendar: To get all info. from the Unofficial Calendar, email Betsy at Events are available there via a Private Girl Scout Blog.
Facebook information pages are here: Warren County:
And KYANA Unofficial:
Members at these pages are free to post their events and news too. Apply to join and an Admin. will OK you at the Facebook pages.
You can find signup flyers, event information and more shared at the Official and Unofficial Calendars.

Call the local PLC for more information on these events or check the official Calendar.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Posting for July 20 2015. GSK Annual Meeting and location set, more.


Things are gearing up for the new Girl Scout year for Warren County, Area 17 and Beyond!

Event Happenings
We will have better Event news here in Warren County and Area 17 this year (2015-16), the new Recruitment Committee has met and will be going to local high schools and the date and location has been chosen for the Annual Meeting. Desserts First (A BIG Louisville fundraiser) has a date too, and prices. Back to School is coming SOON! Locally, August 11th, I think.

Event News: We will have better control over events and news about them this year, with a new checks system for these. This is a good thing! I will scan and put a Proofreading "sticker" on here to help people know what to look for.

Recruitment is starting soon at local High Schools
The Recruitment Committee has started up with new people! Our new Chair for Warren County is Alicia B. Thanks for stepping up to do this, Alicia! :-) Also, the Vice Chair for Recruitment this year is Jonetta B. They would love to have helpers!

New Vice-Chairs for local Warren County Service Unit!
We have new Co-Vice-Chairs for many committees. We will post about that later. Hopefully Betsy S. and Amanda D. will be helping our Chair, Sue L. with flyers and more.

Warren County SU Kickoff (for Chairs and Vice Chairs) is soon, at the end of this month. We will have more attendees this year, with Vice Chairs of Committees also invited now.

Our Unofficial Calendar for Area 17 and Beyond (only a partial listing) has been updated.
I added some info. to the Unofficial Calendar, which is here: (And ONLY available to the 2+ readers of this PRIVATE blog.)
Always check the OFFICIAL Girl Scout Calendar to sign up for any event.

 Join these sites if you are not already there:
The KYANA Girl Scouts Member-Volunteer FB page - UNofficial


The Warren County SU/Cluster 2 and Beyond Unofficial FB page

Local Trainings and Meetings coming up (just a sampling)
Find out more at the OFFICIAL Girl Scout Calendar. Always double-check dates and times too.

Also see more at the UNofficial Calendar here:

July 31st: GS Night with the BG Hot Rods

August 6-9 - Scout Celebration at Barren River Lake - see the UNofficial Calendar for more info.

August 23rd: Small Craft Safety at Camp Barren Ridge

September 1st (Tuesday) 5-7 p.m. Songs and Games - Caveland PLC, Elizabeth (Betsy) S., trainer

Sept 12th: TPO, Caveland.

Sept. 13th: First Aid/CPR, Houchens.

Sept. 13th: Fun in the Sun with Kapp Delta at the KD House, BG.

September 17th (Thursday) 6:00 p.m. Troop Pathway Orientation - Caveland PLC - Beth C., trainer

Sept. 18th Camp In Part A Barren Ridge.

Sept. 19th Camp In Part B Barren Ridge.

Sept. 19th is also TPO at Caveland PLC 10 - 11:30 a.m.

Sept. 19-20 Camp Out Training Barren Ridge.

Sept. 18th is also High Ropes Play Day at Camp Stem.

September 24th (Thursday) 6 p.m. Gold Award Training ("Go Gold") - Caveland PLC, Beth C., trainer
September 26th: Trainer Meeting, Louisville

October 10th Arts and Adventure Troop Day at Houchens 

October 13th Troop Pathway Orientation - Caveland PLC - Betsy S., Trainer 5-7.

October 16-18 Autumn Adventure Weekend at Camp Shantituck for all Volunteers - a great way to get caught up on trainings AND have fun. (Not yet on the official GS Calendar)

October 26th Fall Area Meeting (ditto) - probably at Camp Houchen's.

November 15th Barren Ridge Camp Work Day for girls and adults.

And a reminder:

Regal Movies this summer!  
Bowling Green, Kentucky - Regal Movie Express! Fun movies - PG and G rated. Tickets are only a dollar. Movies are Tuesdays and Wednesdays this summer at 10 a.m. Doors open at 9 a.m. A great idea for troops and Girl Scout girls!
323 Great Escape Ave., Bowling Green KY 42101
1-(844)-462-7342 ext.1782 

(a couple of movies are left this summer).

 More later! Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Some upcoming events - - - and links for Girl Scouts in Area 17 and Beyond...

Some May and June events: check the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana for even more events:

I will be adding more as I check out the GS calendar.

May 2015
NEW May 21st is a Troop Pathway Orientation class at the BG/Caveland PLC at 9-11 a.m. Info. page at the new official GSKYANA Calendar is here:
Cost: Free
Contact: Tracey Dodson, 270-843-0185,

May 22-24 is the Camp Pennyroyal Framily Camp. You can download the PDF signup form at the KYANA Facebook page. Freinds and Family = Framily Camp. Help spread the word! You can download the PDF signup form at the KYANA Facebook page.

NEW - May 23-24 is the Sailing Facilitator Training Weekend at Bear Creek Aquatic Camp. More info: "Learn boating and rescue skills to take girls sailing on AquaFinns at Camp Bear Creek’s bay at medium to high water levels. Fee includes $15 instructor certification, lunch and supper on Saturday, and breakfast and lunch on Sunday, plus and overnight lodging at camp. Weather permitting, you will spend as much time on the sailboats as possible. If there is time, you’ll also get to practice sailing on the larger Flying Scot sailboats.
Cost: $40
Contact: Carrie Mook,, 502-413-2858
Registration Deadline: May 18, 2015"

May 25th is Memorial Day.

May 28th is a Daisy Training at Shoney's in Glasgow.

May 28th is the registration deadline for the Camp Out training at Camp Shantituck on May 30th. 

May 30th weekend is a tentative Regional Trefoil Guild Gathering at Camp Shantituck. 

May 30th is also the Big Four Bridge Flyup in downtown Louisville. The flyer is here: (The Area 10 FB page) and at the KYANA all-Area FB page here:

NEW: May 30th is also a Camp Out training at Camp Shantituck. 
Cost: $10, Camp Out Train Car $1.25
Contact: Marty Woelfel, & Mary Sue Ryan
Registration Deadline: May 28, 2015
Here is the official GSKYANA Calendar page link:

May 31st: Today is a meeting of the Caveland Adventurers, a group for Area 16 and surrounding counties for Cadettes and older Girl Scouts, at 2 p.m. at Camp Barren Ridge. Find out more at the page by posting there. Contact the group before attending.

June 2015

June 5th begins Summer Hours at the BG/Caveland PLC (Girl Scout Office). The office will not be open on Friday or Saturday. Fall hours will begin Monday, August 3rd.
The second week of June is Warren County Day Camp at Camp Houchens. 

June 8th is a Trainer Meeting - council-wide at all locations. A: 6-7 Central = Videoconference, 7-8 Central, Local Meetings. (check first) Caveland PLC MIGHT have a potluck from 5-6. Check you emails about that.

June 12th - mark your calendars for a Super Hero All-Nighter at the Greenwood Mall.
Info. from organizer Jennifer J. at the BG/Caveland PLC.
"Super Hero All-Nighter--come dressed as your favorite super hero!
Friday June 12th 8pm-4am
Min 150/Max 300
Girls-$12.00 (patch included)
Adults who volunteer will be FREE and their girl can come for $8.00.
Registration will be 8pm-9pm
Shopping 9pm-11pm
Activities 11pm-12:45am
There will be snacks, photo booth, a mini concert, and door prizes."
Girls are welcomed to bring a friend to this event.
The official poster and more information about this event will hopefully be out later this week.
Questions? Contact Jennifer at or 270-495-4093. She also needs volunteers for this event. 
June 13-18 is the AT Appalachian Trail hike. find out more at the KYANA Girl Scouts Member-Volunteer FB Page - unofficial.
Also now see the information also on the Official GSKYANA Calendar here:

June 14th is Flag Day. 

June 14-20 is Area 14's Day Camp at Camp Shantituck.

July 19-20 is Mini Camp at Camp Shantituck for Area 14.

Sat Jun 20 2015, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Introduction to Canoeing
Location: Camp Barren Ridge - Waterfront
NEW - See information about this event at the official GSKYANA site here: 
"Description: Spend a day on the lake canoeing with girls.  Learn paddling and rescue skills to take girls canoeing on non-moving or slow moving sheltered waters and bays (Camp Pennyroyal Lake, Camp Bear Creek’s Bay, Barren River Reservoir Bays, or at Camp Houchens) at low to medium water levels.
Cost: $10
Contact: Mary Osterman, 270-202-6908, or Marsha York, 270-670-9789,
Bring Sack lunch, drink, water bottle, sun screen, towel, closed toe shoes - no flip flips, clogs, sandals, etc."

June 21st is Father's Day.

June 21st is also  the First Day of Summer. 

June 25th is the Great American Backyard Campout - sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation. Find out more here:

June 26-28 is Day Camp Training at Barren Ridge Camp.

June 26-28 is Ease Into Camp weekend at Camp Pennyroyal for troops and girls. Find out more at this posting.

June 27th is Canoe Day at Camp Barren Ridge. Find out more at the Area 16 FB page here:

June 30-July 3rd is another Ease Into Camp weekend at Camp Pennyroyal for troops and girls. Find out more at this posting.

June 30th is the day that GSUSA will have the Outdoor Adventure badge requirements ready for a digital download.