Other GS blogs - unofficial


Newest: All Things Girl Scouts
This blogger has many categories of things you can read about: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Fun Patches, Leader Resources, Songs, and Crafts.

Greenneck Pride
by Lisa - - or "Grumpy" (her nickname)... She says, "It has been suggested to me over the years that I, having 15 years a leader and 46 years a girl scout of experience, should do a blog to help leaders. I finally gave in. I thought I would share my blog link for those who want more ideas. I am happy to take suggestions for future post topics. "

Follow the Leader
"From the blogger...
This site is designed to assist Girl Scout Leaders.
Leading today can be a full time job that requires knowledge, creativity and TIME. In an effort to lessen the work of other leaders, I am sharing my ideas, crafts, activities, knowledge and even my schedule. Please feel to use my ideas and adapt them to your troops needs or mirror my schedule. Let me do the work for you. I will share tips and strategies to better manage your troops and to communicate with your parents"

Smoky Scout's Hiking Adventures

From the site: 
"How do you handle a midlife crisis? I chose to head mine off at the pass. As my 50th birthday and the empty nest of my last child leaving for college approached, I set a huge goal for myself of hiking all the trails in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park – in one year. I am very proud to say that I accomplished my goal, walking 1,075 miles between April 11, 2008 and April 11, 2009. While completing the challenge in itself was rewarding, the process led to new friendships, new skills (including blogging) and a new sense of self.
Now I’m a dayhiker and backpacker rambling around the mountains of North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia…and occasionally venturing much farther. I’ve got a lot of good years left, a lot of new trails to travel, and I plan to die with my hiking boots on."

The Lazy Leader - she says, <this blog is about...> "the lessons I’ve learned from years of Scouting and links to people who have done all the work for you. Enjoy!"

New: Girl Scout With a Cause
Memories, Opinions, Ideas, Alien Biscuits, Hikes, and Probably Some Other Stuff

Use Resources Wisely.
"Survival strategies for Scout leaders and volunteers."
This Girl Scout volunteer blogger has some great advice and links. 

A new Girl Scout Leader blog - watch out for popup ads. 

My Journey as a Troop Leader
She has a NEAT fun and easy situpon posting.
Follow the Leader
"This blog was created in hopes of uniting fellow leaders by offering support, sharing inspirational and sometimes humorous stories, providing education and helpful tips, conducting interviews, encouraging guest bloggers and posting unique activities and ideas." NEW: They have postings on working on the Media Journey now too.
Girl Scout with a Cause
by Amy (Moore) Brown

Girl Scout Leader 101
Leader and Service Team Leader - Missouri
In Girl Scouts since 2010

Girl Scouts Leader Blogs
by GSLakeMom on Pinterest

Troop Leader Mom - Adventures with Daisies and Brownies

OCD Girl Scout Leaders
"Real Life Girl Scouting when the troop is run by two borderline crazy, over achieving Leaders (and the fun we have)!

I am Girl Scouts
A personal blog about Girl Scouting by Jen Allen in California

A Brownie Leader's Journal


 Journeys to the Summit - Sarah Young's blog
"Check out my other blogs: Sow What Journey http://sarahsowwhat.tumblr.com www.100actsofgreen.org As a homeschooling Girl Scout I am often doing my Journey's as part of my school work. Which means that I have to plan and implement them myself. I have been asked to share this with others. My first blog was with the Senior Sow What Journey. Since I plan to earn 5 other Journeys -- this will be the site for all information."

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