This is a blog for Girl Scout and supporters of Girl Scouting in GSK and Beyond. -E. Sheppard GSK Volunteer
Monday, September 19, 2022
Fall Posting! September 2022. Special Alert for Camp in Part B Hybrid! Sign up right away for it. Plus more links.
Prerequisite: Camp In Part A. Details for this course are as follows:
Monday, May 9, 2022
My posting about KYGivesDay! It's tomorrow, and I am helping. Come visit!
Here is my About Me page (at the bottom) and my GIVING PAGE for tomorrow - - in case you have not already seen it.
Hello, friends and readers!
I am fund-raising on May 10th (all day!). Our Girl Scout council is fundraising that day for all areas.
Let me tell you a little about me, and about Girl Scouting. I made wonderful friends as a girl in Girl Scouting in Wisconsin. Then I moved to Kentucky and helped some with my Mom's troop while in college. When I was older, I was a leader too! I now am a Girl Scout Trainer, and love to teach Songs and Games.
Girl Scouting is a wonderful Movement. It does great things for girls. It helps them become #GirlScoutStrong. I believe in Girl Scouting.
The picture above was taken in Tennessee, at a Girl Scout event.
I am so proud of our council. We have NOT closed our camps. I am so proud of that! But because of Covid, and to help more girls, I am asking that everyone who can, send in support today.
Can you donate to the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana for Kentucky Gives Day? Just give what you can. It's SO important!
Thank you ahead of time. You are awesome!!! Here are some of our best times to give. (But you can give anytime from 5 a.m. to midnight.)
(Tuesday, May 10th)
10-11 a.m. Morning Power Hour - Organization with the most unique donors receives 250.00!
4-5 p.m. Happy Hour Power Hour - ditto.
9-10 p.m. Night Owl Power Hour - double ditto.
I will be posting on Facebook, Twitter, and more. Give a little, or give a lot. It will be VERY VERY appreciated.
#KYGives22 #girlscoutstrong
Sunday, March 20, 2022
2022 - - My first posting of the year! HAPPY SPRING. Sharing Facebook Unofficial pages. Hope to see you there!
Happy Spring!
I'm back for 2022. :-)
A reminder: Here are some Facebook UNofficial Pages for GSK: Camp pages, GSK all areas, and local pages. (GSK Members only - Staff and Volunteers.)
Hope you are here on these pages already, GSK Members.
But (if not) here they are. I can OK you there (on pages with a star *). Other pages have other Admins. Apply, and get OK'd there if you wish, too.
1. * KYANA Girl Scout Volunteers (Unofficial):
2. *Area 17 KYANA Girl Scouts (Unofficial):
3. Parents, Guardians/volunteers of Girl Scouts in Warren/Edmonson KY: (Official for SU Mgr.)
4. * KYANA Girl Scouts of Caveland and Beyond (Unofficial)
And here are our Unofficial Camp pages *: Shantituck, * Barren Ridge, * Houchens, * Pennyroyal, * Bear Creek, * Whippoorwill, and * STEM.
And remember to:
Friday, December 3, 2021
Be a National Council Session Delegate for GSK!
Apply now to be a GSUSA National Council Session Delegate!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Friday, September 17, 2021
Give today for Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana's Giving for Good Day! It supports our Council...
Hi, all!
I have not posted here in my Unofficial GS News blog for awhile.
But thought I'd share my Facebook posting for Giving for Good Day today!
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Sept. 26 2030 Posting, The National Council Session, GS News, Autumn Adventure Weekend, Events, Links, More.
A Sept. 26 posting, GS GSK News, Autumn Adventure Weekend, Events, Links, More.
Caveat: Double check all event dates, times, etc. Thank you!
Hello! This is a not-to-brief posting today, the day after my personal Service Unit meeting, which was on FaceTime. 9 people were there. The meeting was for SU 722, which includes Warren and Edmonson Counties in BG.
I have some dates and more news to share. More info. will be available on these at your MYGS/Activities pages at the GSK website, on the Official Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana FB page, on the News You can Use you get via email, and also at your official and unofficial FB pages. Look for some more links below.
Are you going to attend the National Council Session for Girl Scouts? It is virtual this year.
If you are a Delegate or Alternate, or also an interested Visitor, you will want to visit the Girl Scout Governance Site to register for a Town Hall. The link is here: JOIN A TOWN HALL! to talk about this year's Proposals and more.
If you are a visitor, you will want to attend all the events there too. Here is that link page: Scroll down to see events and how to Register as a Guest.
Some More Announcements and Dates.
The Autumn Adventure Training Weekend for leaders and Ambassador Girl Scouts is ON! It may look a little different (with Covid rules) but it's a GO. The flyer is out, and the dates are October 9-11. (come for all, come for some...) Look for this on your GSK 9/25 e-mailing. More info. is also at the KYANA GS Volunteers FB page. A PDF file is also in the Files section there.
Leaders in GSK, have you re-registered your troop? It's time. Just go to MYGS to do that at the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana site. Questions? You can contact Volunteer Care here:
And get in touch with your Service Unit Manager too, to find out about more news in your area.
And contact your Staff and Volunteer Recruitment people (ask Volunteer Care) if you can help Recruit for your Area or school this year. We need you!
FALL FORUM - - the Fall Forum for Caveland and Heartland (combined this year) is this Monday, Sept. 28th, 5:30 - 7 Central. I have signed up for this. You can sign up at the MYGS site for sure. You get to talk to Staff Members about important things and get your opinions heard. Here is another signup site:
More: October 12th is our Area 17 Zoom Meeting. Look for more info. on this soon.
October 5-9 is SPIRIT WEEK for GSK. Fun activities are happening each day. Here is a copy of that flyer:
Check the Event Pages on FB, and your News You Can Use from GSK be part of this fun event. If you do not get your News You Can Use, contact Volunteer care about that so you can stay in the loop.
It starts with a FUN kickoff with our CEO Maggie Elder at 8 a.m. Central on Monday! I hope to make this.
It winds up with an Animal Dance Party on Zoom! (On Sat. the 10th). Check the Event Pages for each activity.
Another virtual Animal Dance Party is on Monday, Sept. 28th. This link will take you to that page: It is for girls who want to find out more about Girl Scouts! Parents and Caregivers are also invited. Warren Co. Schools and other schools are invited in the GSK area. Homeschool girls are also invited.
You can attend ANY of the Animal Dance Parties you want. They are virtual, and fun. The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana official FB page has many listed there. Just scroll down to see all the dates.
Felicia Bland is our Recruiter for my area (Caveland), and there are many more people helping this year. Felicia's Facebook page is here:
More great events are now on the MYGS Calendar for GSK. These are just some.
Oct. 1: Virtual Troop Meeting Roundtable: Girl Scout Badges and Awards (for leaders and volunteers)
Oct 3: Halloween Fun at Camp Shantituck with Troop 1295
Oct. 3: Greeting Cards (virtual) Chat and Craft Event
Oct. 5-9 is GSK's Spirit Week with different activities each day!
Oct. 7: Microsoft Brownie Computer Expert (virtual)
Oct 7: My Financial Future with Navy Federal Credit Union (virtual) For Daisies and Brownies
Oct. 9-11 is the Autumn Adventure Weekend. Look for more info. on this soon.
Oct. 10: What is a Vote worth? Suffrage Then and Now with Frazier History Museum (Jrs. and Cadettes)
Oct. 10: Belle of Louisville River Cruise - family event
Oct. 10: Brownie Adventure Workshop with the Kentucky Historical Society - 10 spots left as of today - Virtual
Oct. 13: Virtual Troop Meeting Roundtable: Girl Scout Traditions - ideas for leaders
Oct. 15: (CSA) Journeys with Volunteers of America Restorative Justice Program - virtual - get some Journey credit for Amaze (C), GIRLTopia (Sr) and Your Voice: Your World (Amb.)
Oct. 21 and 22: (CSA) Digital App Development with Microsoft - a SPARK! Event.
Oct. 22: Kentucky Animals with Second Chances Wildlife (virtual) Jr. 4th and 5th
Oct. 23-25: The National Council Session! Visitors may attend. (see article above.)
Oct. 24: Girl Scout Way Day with the Kappa Deltas. (Jrs. and Cadettes) - receive your Girl Scout Way badge. $4
Oct. 24: Pumpkin Art Workshop: Paint a Pumpkin - virtual - all Levels.
Oct. 25 will be a Fall Fun Event at Houchens (more info. later)
Nov. 4: Digital Photography with Microsoft - virtual - Jr. 4th and 5th
Nov. 7: Chat and Craft: S.W.A.P.S. for Leaders and Volunteers
Nov. 12: Virtual Camp Open Houses
Nov. 14: Festival of the Arts at HOME
Nov. 30: KD Operation Pen Pal with Kappa Delta Brownies 2nd and 3rd, 10 p.m. (?) I will ask Vol. Care about this timing... doing that now.
And for the future:
Dec. 2: Digital Movie Maker Virtual - Microsoft! Cadettes 7th and 8th
Dec. 4: Awards and Recognition Training for Leaders and Volunteers
Dec. 5: Cadette Book Artist
Dec. 12 will be a Holiday Fun Event for troops at Camp Houchens (more info. to come later on this, re: Ginny Pfohl)
Jan. 9: (CSA) MEchanics at the National Corvette Museum. Description: From changing a tire, to checking fluids, to even changing headlight bulbs, MEchanics teaches drivers of all skill levels and ages how to properly care for their car to keep it running strong.
There are MANY more events, like Silver Award Training, Bring on the Bronze, more crafts for leaders, etc. So check the MYGS/Events page often! (maybe once a week if you can...)
ALWAYS double check event times etc. because I can goof! Register for each one you wish to attend and read all the details.
Other great sites to join if you are not there already include:
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana on Instagram
and (new) Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana on Picuki:
and Girl Scouts of KY/IN on Twitter:
Here are some more Unofficial sites for GSK and Nationwide that are handy to join:
The Girl Scout Governance site (unofficial) - learn about Girl Scout Governance in your council or Nationally.
(for GSK) KYANA GS Volunteers FB page - events all over the Council, unofficial and official.
Virtual Girl Scout Activities - all things Virtual. Events from all over, many are open to all.
The Outdoor Girl Scout Project (was: the Outdoor Journey Project) (working for more badges, working to get the girls outside, saving our remaining Girl Scout Camps, more...)
Girl Scout Convention Chat - Chat about the National Council Session, and more.
(Also for GSK) KYANA Girl Scouts of Caveland and Beyond (UNofficial) - For the Caveland area and more.
(for GSK) The Area 17 FB Page (Unofficial) - for Allen, Butler, Edmonson, Grayson, Logan, Simpson, and Warren Counties.
Girl Scout Alumnae Connect! - for all Girl Scout Alums who want to connect and learn.
GreenBlood Gab - Girl Scout News from all over!
Also, we have Unofficial Camp Pages for each GSK camp. Just search for KYANA and the name of the camp at the Facebook site, and apply to join. I can OK you there!
Here also is our Council Covid Guidance.
COVID Guidance | ||
At Girl Scouts, there is nothing we take more seriously than the safety and well-being of our girls, volunteers, and council staff. We understand that our members need guidance on what is safe for troops and groups as we navigate COVID-19. So, with the recommendations of the CDC, Kentucky Department for Public Health and the Indiana State Department of Health, we have put together relevant information for troop and group activities, travel, and use of GSK camp properties. | ||
Yours in Girl Scouting (YIGS),
Helping Hand for Troop 129
Songs and Games Trainings in person after Covid! :-)
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Posting a few GREAT Girl Scout links and ideas, WWF Biodiversity Toolkit, Register Now, Virtual GS Activities on FB, more.
Hi, all!
I hope this missive finds you well. I am still "hunkered down" here in BG, KY, and yes, the Pandemic is still going on here in the US, in the world, and here in Kentucky. But Girl Scouts around the country are still around, meeting safely, and safely having fun at our Girl Scout camps too.
Our own Council, Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, has resources at their website to help, plus their usual News You Can Use, hopefully sent to you via your email address.
Troop leaders can check their Girl Scouts at Home activities here:
And don't forget to Register/Renew yourself (and your troop if you have one...) for the 2020-2021 year. (Check the drop-down box to double-check this.)
Are you in touch with your Service Unit Manager? Ask if you are not on their email list. See if they need help from you, and they could also have a FB page. You never know. If you don't know who to contact, send a message at this page:
I am sharing just a few other GREAT other links today. One is a super site (Unofficial) for Virtual events across the country. Some, if not most, of these are open to other Councils. It's kind of like a Bulletin Board for many ideas. The link is on Facebook here:
Virtual Girl Scout Activities
I go here sometimes, but usually catch events by others posting about them.
Our National Council Session - it's Oct. 21-23. And YOU can attend! (Even if you are not a Delegate or Alternate). It's online this year.
Here is GSUSA's page about it:
And here is an Unofficial group on Facebook you can join to talk about it: Girl Scout Convention Chat (Unofficial) on Facebook:
And here is another recent link I have found:
World Wildlife Fund's FREE resources for teaching Biodiversity:
Well, I hope everyone is staying safe. I may switch locations for this blog later on this year. It should automatically go to the new site after that. I'm still researching the best places!
Yours in Girl Scouting,
Trainer and Troop Helper Volunteer, The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Bring on more Girl Scout Troops! News, links, info. for Fall 2019, August
My Unofficial GS News Blog: This is a very incomplete bunch of info. for Volunteers in the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana and beyond...
There is a lot of exciting news right now to share, and much is going on this year in our Council.
#1: Is your troop re-registered for 2019-2020? Go to MYGS and update your troop info. (including changing the GS level of your girls, if needed, in the Opportunity Catalog. Is your troop open to new Girl Scout girls? You can ask your TSS (Troop Support Specialist) about that, too.
Ask them also about taking the Network Training also. (Network like a Girl Scout). It can be in person OR may be online too. Your TSS will know more.
#2 Your SU: Attend your Service Unit Meetings if you can. There is much news to share this year. My SU is 722 (Warren and Edmonson Counties). Some of this info. today is from that meeting. We hope to have a LOT of girl activities in our Area this year. Are you in South Central Kentucky? We have a lot of Volunteers from there who get this blog. We also have a few from other Areas.
#3. Are you getting emails from Council? Make sure you are on their list. You can ask your Troop Support Specialist about that if you do not know.
#4. NEW! Your BOX link. The Thumb Drive resources from past years are now online in their BOX account. Go here to see them: You can also request a Thumb Drive if you need one. Ask your TSS for more info. about this.
#5. Are you taking more Volunteer Trainings? The are VERY helpful. Just go to the GSK University page here:, then scrolling down to the Digital Chalk links.
More: "*If you have trouble logging on to MY GS contact Volunteer Care through the Contact Page or call 1-888-771-5170".
You can also find out about Girl Scout Trainings and Classes, Training Weekends (so fun) and other info. at the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana website or by asking your TSS (above).
See Activities for you and your troop girls by accessing MYGS, then going to the Activities section.
For Older Girl leaders:
The latest from SU 722: If you are in SU 722 (GSK), we have another - recently made Unofficial SU page here: Service Unit 722 of GSK. Tracey (our SU Mgr.) is the Admin. there. Also, her email is here: gsksu722 at She is emphasizing ONLY posts about SU 722 at the new Facebook page.
I am still doing my Betsyanne Unofficial KYANA Girl Scouts of Caveland and Beyond FB page here: You will find SU 722 postings, but also other postings about events in our area and beyond. Are you in the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Council? This page could be useful to you. I have a Dates List there, plus links to other info.
Even MORE useful is this page - for all Areas. This page, the KYANA Unofficial page, is here: KYANA GS Volunteers (Unofficial).
I will be giving a Songs and Games I Training this Fall for Leaders to get neat and fun songs and games ideas for your troops and girls. The date is October 1st, Time 5:30 - 7:00 Central, and the location is the Caveland PLC (Girl Scout Office in BG, KY). Sign up! The more that attend, the more fun we will have.
Here is a description of the class: "This class includes traditional Girl Scout songs, plus varied games for all ages, which can include Concentration, The Brownie Smile Song, Say, Say, Playmate (a hand-clap game), Boatman, We're Just a Little Bit Crazy (active marching chant), Maori Sticks with English Song, and more. Be Prepared for lots of laughs and fun. Free songs and games booklet with class."
(sign up at MYGS-Activities...)
I am also available to teach fun Songs and Games to your troop at a meeting. Just get in touch with me at lizann447 at yahoo dot com to arrange that.
Question: Do you know how to play the string game, Cat's Cradle? If you do, let me know. :-)

To left: me and Juliette Low. OK, a facsimile. But neat.
Photo credit: Fire photo for the new Betsyanne Unofficial Blog logo is via Morguefile,
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Cricket II Issue 9 for SU 722 (Warren and Edmonson Counties) Sat., Jan. 12, 2019
Got it done! Here is the Unofficial Cricket II for Service Unit 722, GSK, January 12, 2019.
Please send any additions (for now or later), corrections, etc. to me (E. Sheppard) at Thank you!
The Cricket II Newsletter is an Unofficial SU 722 publication.
Have a CSA Troop? Or girls who are Cadettes, Seniors, or Ambassadors? A new CSA Activity Group is forming now. Contact Tracey Dodson or Ginny Pfohl to get on the Interest List now.
New Leader Training courses are now listed on the new Spring 2019 Program and Training Guide.
Cookie Team: Alice Allen (Chair), Lorie Cline, Whitney Smith, Leslie Steele
Program Team: Ginny Pfohl (Chair), Melanie Samuels-Black, Catherine Poteet, Tracey Dodson
Treasurer Team: Lorie Cline, Whitney Smith, Tracey Dodson
Communication: (Betsy) Elizabeth Sheppard
Please double-check all of these dates/times/info. and register or call to double-check before attending an event in case of errors or omissions. Also be sure to check your Safety Activity Checkpoints and your ratios for all activities, as usual. Questions: check the signups and flyers for contact info.
2019 Dates and Events
January 1- March 24: Cookie Sales (includes Booth Sales starting March 1st)
Jan. 13th is a Girl Scout Family Swim Party at WKU’s Preston Center. Deadline for PayPal payment: Jan 11, OR you may pay and register at the door by cash or check.
Jan. 15th is the Women Behind the Scenes Spark event, BG.
Jan. 15th is a Prof. Dev. Day for BG City Schools.
Jan. 16th is a Warren Co. Schools Teacher Prof. Learning Day – no school
Jan. 17th is the Cookie Booth Draw for SU 722, at Greenwood Baptist Church at 6 p.m.
Jan. 21st is MLK, Jr. Day. Warren Co. Schools and City Schools are closed.
Jan. 22 (a Tuesday) 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at the Caveland PLC is an informational meeting for girls and parents about an International Trip for girls who are high school age by the time the trip begins. (Summer 2020 or 2021). Questions: contact Ginny Pfohl at
Jan. 26th is a SU First Aid Class (this class is full.)
Feb. 1-3 (for Trainers) All-Trainer's Retreat – BG, KY.
Feb. 2nd is Groundhog Day.
Feb. 3rd is the Super Bowl.
Feb. 8-9 is a CSA Sleepover for Area 16 and Area 17 at Houchens Camp.
Feb. 14th is Valentine’s Day.
Feb. 15th is the deadline for sending in GSK Award Applications to Olivia Jacobs at the Caveland GS Office. She will forward to the proper committee. Email is the best way to go, per the recent Awards Training online. Include all Recommendation Letters with each Application you sent in. Forms needed are on your thumb drive.
Feb. 15th is a Prof. Dev. Teacher’s Day for BG City Schools. BG City Schools are closed today.
Feb. 16th (Sat.) is a Sunset Hike and Campfire at Camp Pennyroyal. Register at MYGS/Activities. D-A
Feb. 18th is President’s Day. Warren Co. Schools and City Schools are closed today.
Feb. 22nd is World Thinking Day – see MYGS, the WAGGGS website, and other info. for events (to come).
Feb. 23rd is an Area 17 WAGGGS Event for World Thinking Day, 2-4:30. Reg. deadline is Feb. 4. Q’s contact Ginny Pfohl at
Feb. 24th (Sun.) is Voyage into Space at the Hardin Planetarium, from 12;15 – 1:45 Central. $5 per girl. Register at MYGS/Activities. Juniors.
March 1st - Cookie Booth Sales begin.
March 6th is Ash Wednesday.
March 6-8 are Prof. Dev. Days (no school) For City Schools.
March 9th is Aviation Day at Bowman Field, Louisville with the KY Bluegrass Ninety-Nines. Register at MYGS/Activities. Juniors and Cadettes.
March 10th is the start of Girl Scout Week. This week ends Saturday, March 16.
March 10th is Girl Scout Sunday.
March 11th (Monday) Area 17 Spring Meeting at Houchens Camp, 5:30 eat, 6:00 meeting. SU 722 is part of Area 17.
March 11th is also Girl Scout Day at the Kentucky Capital in Frankfort. Register at MYGS/Activities. D-Adults.
March 12th: GS Birthday - part of Girl Scout Week.
March 13th is the Indiana Senate Page Program in Indianapolis. Register at MYGS/Activities. CSA.
March 15th: Jean Cole Scholarships due.
March 16th is Girl Scout Sabbath.
March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day.
March 15th is Campout at the KY Historical Society Museum, in Frankfort. $35 per girl, $10 per adult. Register at MYGS/Activities.
March 19th is Girl Scout Day at the Indiana Statehouse. CSA. Register at MYGS/Activities.
March 20th is the Spring Equinox.
March 24th: Cookie Booth Sales end.
March 22-24 is the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana's Annual Meeting - Camp Bear Creek and Kentucky Dam Village - Calvert City, KY
March 31st is Voyage into Space at the Hardin Planetarium, BG, KY at WKU. $5 per girl. Register at MYGS/Activities. Daisies.
March 31st is also Spring Family Fun day at Camp Houchens. D-Adult. Tagalongs OK. Sign up at MYGS/Activities.
April 1-5 is Spring Break for City Schools and County Schools.
Aprl 6th is Women in the Food Service Business SPARK! Event in Elizabethtown at Mark’s Feed Store. Register at MYGS/Activities. CSA.
April 12-14th is Spring Training Weekend at Camp Pennyroyal.
April 14th is Palm Sunday.
April 15th is Tax Day.
April 19th is Good Friday. Warren Co. schools are closed.
April 20th is Holy Saturday and also Passover.
April 21st is Easter.
April 22nd is Earth Day.
April 22nd is Girl Scout Leader's Day. (Girls and Parents thank their Leaders today.)
April 25th is Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day.
April 26th is Arbor Day.
April 27th is Bowling Green Festival of the Arts. $15 per girls. D-Adults. Sign up at MYGS/Activities.
April 28th is an Older Girl Recognition Ceremony – Louisville – more info. TBD.
April 30th is the Virtual Spring Summit for SU Teams at 6:30 Central Time. (pre-register for the link).
April 30th is also a Kentucky Derby Parade Preview family event in Louisville. Find out more at MYGS/Activities.
May 2nd is the National Day of Prayer.
May 4th (Sat.) is a Canoe Barren River Lake activity for D-Adults. 2:30 – 4:30. Sign up at MYGS/Activities.
May 5th is Cinco de Mayo.
May 6th Ramadan begins.
May 12th is Mother’s Day.
May 17-19 is Outdoor Training Weekend at Camp Shantituck.
May 21st is Primary Election Day. City schools and County schools are closed today.
May 23rd is the last day for City School students.
May 27th is Memorial Day. WC Schools are closed. City schools are already out.
May 31st: Resident Camp Registration closes.
June 1st is the Cardboard Boat Program at Camp Pennyroyal, part of the Great Scoutdoors 2019. This is a volunteer-led event. Find out more at the Great Scoutdoors Page here:
June 5th is Global Action Day Events at all of our GS Camps. More info. to come.
June 14th is Flag Day.
June 16th is Father’s Day.
June 21st is Summer Solstice.
June 29th (Sat.) is Girl Scout Day at Beech Bend Park, 10-8. $23 per person. Sign up at MYGS/Activities. D-Adult.
June 30th: End of Year Troop Bank Account Reports (Financial Reports) due to GS Office.
July 13 (Sat.), is Girl Scout Day at Kentucky Kingdom in Louisville. $34 per person. Sign up at MYGS/Activities. D-Adult.
July 16th is Art Night at Camp Pennroyal for D-Adults. $7 per girl. Sign up at MYGS/Activities.
July 26th (Friday) is Girl Scout Night with the BG Hot Rods baseball team at BG Ballpark, BG, KY. D-Adult. Sign up at MYGS/Activities. $15 per girl, $8 per adult and tagalong(s).
August 2-4 is the Great Scoutdoors - Nurture Event at Camp Pennyroyal. This is a volunteer-led event. Find out more at the Great Scoutdoors Page here:
August 11, 2019 is a Kickoff at Camp Pennyroyal.
August 23-25 is Aquatics and More Training Weekend at Bear Creek.
Aug. 26th is Women’s Equality Day.
Sept. 2 is Labor Day. City Schools are closed.
Sept. 8th is Grandparent’s Day.
Sept. 23rd is Sept. Equinox.
Sept. 30 is Rosh Hashana.
Oct. 1-5 is Fall Break for City Schools.
Oct. 9 is Yom Kippur.
October 11-13 is Autumn Adventure Weekend at Camp Shantituck.
Oct. 14 is Columbus Day.
Nov. 12th is a SU Manager and Team Summit at a BG library (TBA), with a presentation by the Global Action Team Members.
Nov. 21-23 is Thanksgiving Break for City Schools.
Be sure also to also download the Council-wide Important Dates flyer also for the 2018-2019 year. (The latest)

Older girls: check out the opportunities in Appalachian Trail Adventurers. See page 22 in your Spring 2019 Program and Training Guide. If you do not have one, check with the PLC or contact Volunteer Care.
Check the Files section at the SU 722 Facebook page for this and more info. here:

Olivia Jacobs is our Caveland Troop Support Specialist:, Ext. 11222 or (270) 495-4102
Sally Smalling is our Caveland (Recruitment) Lead Generation Specialist:, Ext. 17222 or (270) 495-4095
See more Staff Members at the Staff Directory page here: :
More on our Official Website:
Our Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Council website is here:
Our Volunteer Care Page is here:
Your Training Pages are here: (Scroll down for Digital Chalk)
Official Facebook page:
Our GSK Official FB page is here:
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One of my favorite times! |