Happy Spring!
I'm back for 2022. :-)
A reminder: Here are some Facebook UNofficial Pages for GSK: Camp pages, GSK all areas, and local pages. (GSK Members only - Staff and Volunteers.)
Hope you are here on these pages already, GSK Members.
But (if not) here they are. I can OK you there (on pages with a star *). Other pages have other Admins. Apply, and get OK'd there if you wish, too.
1. * KYANA Girl Scout Volunteers (Unofficial): https://www.facebook.com/groups/157996657681349
2. *Area 17 KYANA Girl Scouts (Unofficial): https://www.facebook.com/groups/294305000987780
3. Parents, Guardians/volunteers of Girl Scouts in Warren/Edmonson KY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1661183600939099 (Official for SU Mgr.)
4. * KYANA Girl Scouts of Caveland and Beyond (Unofficial) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1420469504836511
And here are our Unofficial Camp pages *: Shantituck, * Barren Ridge, * Houchens, * Pennyroyal, * Bear Creek, * Whippoorwill, and * STEM.
And remember to: