This is a blog for Girl Scout and supporters of Girl Scouting in GSK and Beyond. -E. Sheppard GSK Volunteer
Friday, December 3, 2021
Be a National Council Session Delegate for GSK!
Friday, September 17, 2021
Give today for Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana's Giving for Good Day! It supports our Council...
Hi, all!
I have not posted here in my Unofficial GS News blog for awhile.
But thought I'd share my Facebook posting for Giving for Good Day today!
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Spring issue - April 2021 - GSK Recruitment Links, Happy GS Leader's Day, AND Happy Earth Day!
Happy Earth Day today.
And Happy GS Leader's Day (which is for all Volunteers now.)
(Happy Earth Day from the GSCO Blog).
Here is a posting for Recruitment Links for GSK:
<Via the FB Service Unit 722 of GSK page>:
"We need your help...
Recruitment Resources:
*Extended Year Membership--Join now for $50 and have membership for the rest of the 20-21 troop year and all of the 21-22 troop year, so until Sept 30th, 2022.
Girls who will be entering Kindergarten in the fall are eligible to join now. **not just for Daisies, open to any girls or adult (adult extended year membership=$35)
*Early Bird Rewards--Girls who join by June 30th will receive Early Bird rewards **not just for Daisies
*Daisy Launch patch--Any troop that adds a new Daisy will receive Daisy Launch patches for their entire troop.
Request patches here:
*Recruit a Friend--Girls are our best recruiters. If a girl invites a friend who joins, she will earn a patch. **not just for Daisies
Here is a link to request a patch:
*Troop Jump Start--New troops will be eligible for 2 adult registrations and background checks. **not just for Daisy troops
*Troop Zoom Accounts--We can provide financial aid to pay for Zoom accounts if new troops need one. **not just for Daisy troops
*Daisy Launch Flyers--We have 2 Daisy Launch flyers.
One which has the GSK phone # and email address:
Or, this one, which can be customized and will work well to recruit for a specific troop:
*Daisy Launch Activity Book--This cute activity book can be emailed out or printed copies can be handed out at an event or included in packets that could be distributed by a community partner.
*Family Activity Night May 20th--Invite girls and their families to try out a Girl Scout activity and find out more about Girl Scouts.
Monday, February 8, 2021
Sharing the Linktree site for Girl Scouts, and sharing other Official GSUSA sites to explore.
Hello, fellow Girl Scouts. I hope you are well and happy today.
I have some great and popular Official Girl Scout pages to share with you today. There are just PARTIAL pictures of them.
#1: The Official Girl Scouts of the USA website:
Right now there is a link to buy Girl Scout Cookies no matter where you live. I think this is a great idea. Another place that is good to follow is the Girl Scouts at Home page: It has great VIRTUAL activities there, for troops, girls, and leaders.
#2. The Official Girl Scout Blog
and FB page.
and Instagram
AND #4. (new-ish - saw on Instagram) Girl Scouts on Linktree
(There are more categories here on Linktree too... this is just the top section.)
I was going also to put UNofficial sites to explore here - but that will be for another day. In the meantime, go to Facebook if you use it, and search for Girl Scouts in your area.
If you are in the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Council, you may want to search for your own Area page there, and the KYANA pages too - for Camp Pages just search for KYANA plus the name of the camp. KYANA Volunteers are also there.
If you love the Outdoors, try going to the Outdoor Girl Scout Project (Unofficial) and applying to join. It's here:
All for today! Happy Girl Scout exploring today.