Happy Earth Day today.
And Happy GS Leader's Day (which is for all Volunteers now.)
(Happy Earth Day from the GSCO Blog).
Here is a posting for Recruitment Links for GSK:
<Via the FB Service Unit 722 of GSK page>:
"We need your help...
Recruitment Resources:
*Extended Year Membership--Join now for $50 and have membership for the rest of the 20-21 troop year and all of the 21-22 troop year, so until Sept 30th, 2022.
Girls who will be entering Kindergarten in the fall are eligible to join now. **not just for Daisies, open to any girls or adult (adult extended year membership=$35)
*Early Bird Rewards--Girls who join by June 30th will receive Early Bird rewards **not just for Daisies
*Daisy Launch patch--Any troop that adds a new Daisy will receive Daisy Launch patches for their entire troop.
Request patches here: https://form.jotform.com/gskentuckiana/daisy-launch-patch-request
*Recruit a Friend--Girls are our best recruiters. If a girl invites a friend who joins, she will earn a patch. **not just for Daisies
Here is a link to request a patch: https://www.jotform.com/gskentuckiana/recruit-a-friend-2021
*Troop Jump Start--New troops will be eligible for 2 adult registrations and background checks. **not just for Daisy troops
*Troop Zoom Accounts--We can provide financial aid to pay for Zoom accounts if new troops need one. **not just for Daisy troops
*Daisy Launch Flyers--We have 2 Daisy Launch flyers.
One which has the GSK phone # and email address: https://www.gskentuckiana.org/content/dam/gskentuckiana/documents/volunteers/membership/Daisy%20Flyer%202021.pdf
Or, this one, which can be customized and will work well to recruit for a specific troop: https://www.gskentuckiana.org/content/dam/gskentuckiana/documents/volunteers/membership/Daisy%20Flyer%202021%20Fillable.pdf
*Daisy Launch Activity Book--This cute activity book can be emailed out or printed copies can be handed out at an event or included in packets that could be distributed by a community partner. https://www.gskentuckiana.org/content/dam/gskentuckiana/documents/volunteers/membership/Daisy%20Launch%20Activity%20Booklet.pdf
*Family Activity Night May 20th--Invite girls and their families to try out a Girl Scout activity and find out more about Girl Scouts.
Flyer: https://girlscoutsofkentuckiana1.app.box.com/s/mge1bn2n4l2p06uw0g9o2cjv56149lui/file/789077457078
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