Sunday, September 6, 2020

Posting a few GREAT Girl Scout links and ideas, WWF Biodiversity Toolkit, Register Now, Virtual GS Activities on FB, more.

 Hi, all!

I hope this missive finds you well. I am still "hunkered down" here in BG, KY, and yes, the Pandemic is still going on here in the US, in the world, and here in Kentucky. But Girl Scouts around the country are still around, meeting safely, and safely having fun at our Girl Scout camps too. 

Our own Council, Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, has resources at their website to help, plus their usual News You Can Use, hopefully sent to you via your email address. 

Troop leaders can check their Girl Scouts at Home activities here:

And don't forget to Register/Renew yourself (and your troop if you have one...) for the 2020-2021 year. (Check the drop-down box to double-check this.) 

Are you in touch with your Service Unit Manager? Ask if you are not on their email list. See if they need help from you, and they could also have a FB page. You never know. If you don't know who to contact, send a message at this page:


I am sharing just a few other GREAT other links today. One is a super site (Unofficial) for Virtual events across the country. Some, if not most, of these are open to other Councils. It's kind of like a Bulletin Board for many ideas. The link is on Facebook here: 

Virtual Girl Scout Activities

I go here sometimes, but usually catch events by others posting about them.

Our National Council Session - it's Oct. 21-23. And YOU can attend! (Even if you are not a Delegate or Alternate). It's online this year.

Here is GSUSA's page about it:

And here is an Unofficial group on Facebook you can join to talk about it: Girl Scout Convention Chat (Unofficial) on Facebook:

And here is another recent link I have found:

World Wildlife Fund's FREE resources for teaching Biodiversity:



Well, I hope everyone is staying safe. I may switch locations for this blog later on this year. It should automatically go to the new site after that. I'm still researching the best places!

Yours in Girl Scouting,


Trainer and Troop Helper Volunteer, The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana.