I can't wait to meet the new leaders in Network like a Girl Scout in October.
We also have a new Program called "Marketplace Warriors" that I noticed on the Training Portal,
Here is another incomplete Dates List. Please double-check all of these dates/times/info. before attending an event.
Sept. 22: GEMS Day, BG
Oct. 1: New Troop Year Begins for 2018-19
October 19-22: Autumn Adventure Weekend at Camp Shantituck
October 22: Fall Area 17 Meeting at Houchens Camp 5:30 eat (Potluck), 6:00 meet.
October 28th (Sun.) is Halloween at Houchens, 2:30 - 4:30, for all ages/levels.
October 30: Fall Forum 6 p.m. at GS Office (Caveland)
October 31st: Founder's Day (Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday)
November 2-4: Leader Retreat Weekend at Houchens Camp
Nov. 4th: Daylight Savings Time ends.
November 10th: Cookie Training Open House at Caveland
November 13th: SU 722 (Warren-Edmonson) Meeting at GS Office (Caveland) Come at 6 p.m. to make Christmas Ornaments - 6:00 = meeting.
Nov. 26: Fall Product Awards Selections due.
Nov. 26: Cyber Monday Sale - also Resident Camp Reg. opens.
Nov. 27: Fall Product Troop Funds collected and deposited in bank. Family Owning Forms due by 11:59 Eastern Time, 10:59 Central.
Dec. 3rd: ACH Withdrawal begins for Fall Product.
Dec. 8th (For Trainers) Trainer Meeting (Sat.) at GS Office 10 a.m.
Dec. 12-13: GS Offices Closed for 2 days - All Staff Meeting.
Dec. 15th: Last day to shop at all locations for 2018.
Dec. 24 - Jan. 1st 2019 - GS Offices Closed for Holiday Break.
January 1- March 24: Cookie Sales (includes Booth Sales starting March 1st)
Jan. 15th (Tuesday) SU 722 Meeting
Feb. 1-3 (for Trainers) All-Trainer's Retreat - Location TBD
Feb. 22nd: World Thinking Day
March 1st - Cookie Booth Sales begin.
March 11th (Monday) Area 17 Spring Meeting
March 12th: GS Birthday - part of Girl Scout Week.
March 19th (Tuesday) SU 722 Meeting
March 24th: Cookie Booth Sales end.
March 22-24 Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana's Annual Meeting - Camp Bear Creek and Kentucky Dam Village - Calvert City, KY https://www.gskentuckiana.org/en/our-council/governance/annual_meeting.html
April 12-14th: Spring Training Extravaganza at Camp Pennyroyal.
April 22nd is Girl Scout Leader's Day. (Girls and Parents thank their Leaders today.)
May 17-19: Outdoor Training Weekend at Camp Shantituck
May 31st: Resident Camp Registration closes.
June 30th: End of Year Troop Bank Account Reports due to GS Office.
Be sure also to also download the Council-wide Important Dates flyer also for the 2018-2019 year. (The latest). It will be in our Files section soon.
More Cookie Dates are to come.