Sorry if some of you got a BGAMUG Computer Club invitation. Sorry about that! I deleted it. I really don't know how I glitched that one up, but must have. It's another group I help with.
Here is some important Girl Scout News for the Warren County Service Unit leaders and co-leaders:
For new leaders and co-leaders in Warren County, our Service Unit Manager Tracey has another meeting that is MUCH more important.
If you are on her email list, you will have probably gotten it yesterday, with an update today.
Tracey's email is:
If you have already taken this training, that is great!
If not, I have scheduled one for Tuesday 10/25/16 at 5:30pm at the Kirby branch of the library.
<5:30 - 6:30>
Please be sure to let me know if you do plan to attend this training so that I can be sure to have enough supplies.
If I do not hear from anyone, then I will not be there. I need to know if anyone does plan to attend.
Thank you,Tracey

You can contact her at