Showing posts with label Trefoil Guild. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trefoil Guild. Show all posts

Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Annual Meeting was fun! I will be sharing notes and flyers here soon. Here is one from the OST and the TGK!

I enjoyed the Annual Meeting a lot. The venue was beautiful!

I got to speak at the Town Hall, (I used a condensed version of my notes for that) and got a LOT of OTHER notes from the meeting I hope to share here soon. Many Volunteers spoke up about what was important to them, including the Resident Camp plans for 2017. I suggested they start planning this program now. I heard from somebody else that this takes at least a year.

(First... the typing...)

I feel like the Membership was able to say a lot and share their concerns with our CEO and Board, which is so important. I hope that we can all work together more now and solve our mutual problems. It's all for the Girls of Girl Scouting! And everyone, of every age, can help. And should!


Here is a handout from the meeting about two groups. I am a member of a local Trefoil Guild too, which is called the Cluster 2 Trefoil Guild KYANA II. We hope to meet in May or June of this year.

The new group is called the Trefoil Guild of Kentuckiana, OST. I am a member of the OST (The Kentuckiana Order of the Silver Trefoil), so hopefully am a member of this one too. Maybe I will send in this form to make sure.

If you would like to join one or both groups, send this form with a $5.00 check payable to Order of the Silver Trefoil to Mary Sue Ryan. Email her for further info. at

P.S. Save the Date for an Alumnae Event on Sunday afternoon, October 16, at Camp Shantituck. A celebration for all alumnae with a special focus on our history of highest awards in Girl Scouting.


 This form has been uploaded to the KYANA FB page, and the Warren County FB page too. You can try a screen grab of this, or request a copy from me. (my email is at the bottom of this posting).


Much will also be shared at the unofficial KYANA groups and also at the KYANA camp sites.

We had a Financial Update, a new Board member to help Area Chairs and Vice Chairs, and lots more.

I will be sharing more soon next week for everyone.

We all hope to get MORE Members - both Staff and Volunteers - to come to our next Annual Meeting. I hope they announce the new location soon. I am guessing maybe Louisville or the Eastern Ky. area will be next? I don't know for sure though. There used to be a Rotation List for that, somebody said.

E. Sheppard

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