Give for Good Louisville is on until 11:59 tonight, may be Louisville Time. (I'd do by 10:50 just to be sure...) Add YOUR amount ($10 minimum) to the kitty and be part of a HUGE increase in donations for this event - - - going to our Council.
For people who did not see this on Facebook today:
Got $10? Share - share - share - with the girls of the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana. ONE DAY ONLY - TODAY!
It's Give for Good Louisville Day! And for me, this means giving money to my (our) Girl Scout Council, the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana today. <$10 minimum>
Donate to this GREAT cause, that helps girls in EVERY Area across this great Council. (Not just Louisville!)
As GSUSA says on their website, "With Girl Scouts, she’ll do more than she ever thought she could, dream bigger than she ever imagined, and—oh, yeah—change the world, for herself and for others."
This donation will help SO much. THANK YOU! :-)
You can see how the campaign is doing for our Council too! Here is that link to see the total at top right, and also individual and anonymous donations too on the right side, down a tad and click the link to see even more:
Be a part of something GREAT! I will be checking the totals ALL DAY! Be part of this great day.