Have YOU checked the GSK Events (Event) List at the Council site lately?
I haven't - - I've been so busy with the Holidays and more.
So... I am going there today. At least for a time.
Hey! The "Calendar format" Events (Event) List is back. It is here: https://www.gskentuckiana.org/en/activities/activities-calendar.html.
The Calendar Signup/Events (Event) List on MYGS is the one I usually go to, it has online resources and signups on it, but I used to like the Calendar Format. I'm glad it is back.
Here are some Events at MYGS: (sign in first) and double-check all dates and etc.
WKU Topperettes Dance Clinic
Date: Sat, January 6, 2018 07:30 AM - 01:00 PM Central
Location: Western Kentucky University E.A. Diddle Arena-Gate 4, 1605 Avenue of Champions, Bowling Green, KY 42101
Registration Deadline: Jan 5, 2018
Orienteering Meet
Date: Sat, January 6, 2018 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM Central
Location: Barren Ridge, 399 Girl Scout Road, Glasgow, KY 42141
Registration Deadline: Jan 6, 2018
Description: Are you interested in ORIENTEERING? Do you know how to read a compass or need to learn or practice map reading? Now is your chance to try a new skill or test an old one! Do you like exploring secluded, off the trail areas of camp? Click title for more information.
Daisy Grade Level - Virtual Training
Date: Wed, January 10, 2018 08:30 PM - 10:30 PM Eastern
Location: Virtual Training
Registration Deadline: Jan 10, 2018
Description: VIRTUAL TRAINING - Level: Adults - Cost Details: FREE- Help girls find their voice with programs created especially for them. This course guides you through how to use the grade level resources like the Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting, Journeys, girl awards and council programs. Patch included. - Registration Deadline: 1/10/2018
Daisy Grade Level - Virtual Training
Date: Tue, January 16, 2018 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM Central
Location: Virtual Training
Registration Deadline: Jan 16, 2018
Description: VIRTUAL TRAINING - Level: Adults - Cost Details: FREE- Help girls find their voice with programs created especially for them. This course guides you through how to use the grade level resources like the Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting, Journeys, girl awards and council programs. Patch included. - Registration Deadline: 1/16/2018

Date: Wed, January 17, 2018 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM Central
Location: Virtual Training
Registration Deadline: Jan 17, 2018
Description: VIRTUAL TRAINING - Level: Adults - Cost Details: FREE- Help girls find their voice with programs created especially for them. This course guides you through how to use the grade level resources like the Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting, Journeys, girl awards and council programs. Patch included. - Registration Deadline: 1/17/18
(More Virtual Trainings for Daisy level are also available...)

Date: Thu, January 25, 2018 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM Eastern
Location: Virtual Training
Registration Deadline: Jan 25, 2018
Description: VIRTUAL TRAINING - Level: Adults - Cost Details: FREE- Help girls find their voice with programs created especially for them. This course guides you through how to use the grade level resources like the Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting, Journeys, girl awards and council programs. Patch included. - Registration Deadline: 1/25/2018
Other Brownie Virtual trainings are available - see at MYGS.
And - for Trainers - All Trainer's Retreat (child spots left: N/A)(adult spots left: 97 )
Date: Fri, January 26, 2018 06:00 PM - Sun, January 28, 2018 02:00 PM Eastern
Location: Louisville PLC, 2115 Lexington Rd., Louisville, KY, 40206
Registration Deadline: Jan 21, 2018
Description: Level: Council Trainers - Cost Details: FREE - Trainers are invited to attend our annual retreat for networking, updates, planning, and FUN! - Registration Deadline: 1/21/18
(Want to apply to be a Trainer? Contact Karen Sisson, Ext. 24800 or 502-276-9727, or email her at ksisson@gskentuckiana.org.)
Want to join the AT Adventurers on the Appalachian Trail? Skill Development spots are still open for Jan. 27. See MYGS.
Junior Grade Level: Virtual
Date: Mon, January 29, 2018 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM Eastern
Location: Virtual Training
Registration Deadline: Jan 29, 2018
Description: VIRTUAL TRAINING - Level: Adults - Cost Details: FREE- Help girls find their voice with programs created especially for them. This course guides you through how to use the grade level resources like the Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting, Journeys, girl awards and council programs. Patch included. - Registration Deadline: 1/29/2018
Cadette Grade Level - Virtual Training
Date: Wed, January 31, 2018 08:30 PM - 10:30 PM Eastern
Location: Virtual Training
Registration Deadline: Jan 31, 2018
Description: VIRTUAL TRAINING - Level: Adults - Cost Details: FREE- Help girls find their voice with programs created especially for them. This course guides you through how to use the grade level resources like the Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting, Journeys, girl awards and council programs. Patch included. - Registration Deadline: 1/31/2018
Guiding Girls to the Gold
Date: Thu, February 1, 2018 08:00 PM - 09:00 PM Eastern
Location: Virtual Training
Registration Deadline: Feb 1, 2018
Description: VIRTUAL TRAINING - Level: Adults - Cost Details: FREE- This session is for any adult who wants to learn about the current Gold Award process in our council. Participants will learn how to provide appropriate support girls who want to pursue a Gold Award and how to empower girls to become informed and to navigate the path toward this highest award. - Registration Deadline: 2/1/2018
Wilderness First Aid is being offered at Camp Shantituck on Feb. 2, sign up at MYGS by Jan. 16. (check dates and etc.)
Program Aide training is on MYGS, Cadette Level, also at Camp Shantituck, on Feb. 3, signup deadline is Jan. 29.
GS Way and Journey Jamboree- Bear Creek (child spots left: 100)(adult spots left: 20 )
Date: Sat, February 3, 2018 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM Central
Location: Bear Creek Aquatic Center, 4736 Barge Island Road, Benton, KY 42025
Registration Deadline: Jan 26, 2018
Description: Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes join us at Camp Bear Creek as we celebrate the old traditions of Girl Scouts and learn about the new! Click title for more information.
Senior/Ambassador GS Way and Journey Jamboree- Bear Creek (child spots left: 20)(adult spots left: N/A )
Date: Sat, February 3, 2018 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM Central
Location: Bear Creek Aquatic Center, 4736 Barge Island Road, Benton, KY 42025
Registration Deadline: Jan 26, 2018
Description: Seniors and Ambassador's join us to help facilitate the GS Way Day and Journey Jamboree. For more information click the title.
These are JUST A FEW of Many more Trainings and Events are listed at MYGS! They go through April right now. I would say, go explore there today. Here is the link:
A heads up: Be sure to check MYGS at least once a week (what I would do if a Leader) for current signups and events for Spring and Summer, more.