Keeping it Virtual! This is Betsy Sheppard, posting after a Spring Break full of posting on many types of FB pages and getting used to ordering food online. (!)
I hope you are all doing well, my favorite and treasured Girl Scout readers.
What have I been doing? Well, going walking with my husband Rickey (as we are At Home most days...), cooking a LOT more, ordering food online, listing books and collectibles, keeping up with the news, going through things and boxes, ordering seeds, getting Taxes done, and lots more.
I hope you all are keeping safe.
I have wanted to post here at the Unofficial GS News site, ever since March. Since I have been sharing Event Dates with these blog postings, since they started changing, my regular Calendar Posting for the Spring season did not happen. However, some other dates, events, and other fun things are still happening in the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, so those of you NOT on Facebook may not have all these. I will share some. I will add other links at the bottom and throughout this blog today.
SHARING... How we all can support our Council.
We have a special Tuesday giving day coming up this Tuesday. Here is a copy of the FB posting from GSK - with a little added on to it.

Via the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana page: "Now, more than ever, our Girl Scout community stands together to support each other and the community at large. More than ever, the Girl Scouts need your help. Mark your calendar now for #GivingTuesdayNow on May 5th and please make a donation to Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana. We won’t turn away a girl who wants join Girl Scouts, regardless of her ability to pay, so know that your gift will go directly to a girl to help cover her membership fees. Please check out the video message from Maggie Harlow as she shares what Girl Scouting means to her." I tried to share this, hopefully it will go to the link below...
Wouldn't it be great to have a GSK Giving Record? I hope this happens.
GREAT NEWS! GSUSA has a new help for Virtual meetings and activities for troops.
Find out more here: Girl Scouting at Home!
When you get there to this page, just scroll down also to see: Things to Do with GSK. You can things with your troop or learn about opportunities! Included there are: Daisy (K-1) Badges, Brownie (2-3) Badges, Junior (4-5) Badges, Cadette (6-8) Badges, Senior (9-10) Badges, Ambassador (11-12) Badges, All Ages, Friday Family Activity, Leave No Trace Videos, Live Virtual Opportunities, Girl Scouting at Home with our Program Partners, Volunteer Resources, and Social Media.
MORE: All of the links at the Girl Scouting at home page are great. The Friday Family Activity page has a neat Letter Writing Activity on it. Check it out! It's from GSUSA. (See above Girl Scouting at Home link, then scroll down and click on the Friday Family Activity link to see it).
And do not forget Camp Time with Tick Tock! She has done some really fun videos for Girl Scout girls and leaders, too. She sings songs, does activities, and lots more! She is doing these Monday - Friday! Via the GS of Kentuckiana page:
"Visit our Facebook daily for Camp Time with Tick Tock at 2:00 p.m EDT and other Girl Scouting at Home updates. Download the songbook to singalong on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday."
You can also watch Tick Tock's previous videos on YouTube. They are fun! Here is that link: Camp Time with Tick Tock. I have really enjoyed watching some of these.
Other links (Official) from the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana - check these out!
Official: The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Facebook page is here: https://www.facebook.com/GSKentuckiana/ - - many new programs and ideas are posted here. Be sure to check it at least weekly if you can.
The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Activities List - ditto! (Worth a look!) - https://www.gskentuckiana.org/en/activities/activities-list.html
The GSK Staff Directory - https://www.gskentuckiana.org/en/our-council/staff-directory.html.
Some other Unofficial FB pages:
For Leaders from all GSK Areas: the (Facebook) KYANA Volunteers (Unofficial) page can be helpful. Just apply and answer the questions to join. https://www.facebook.com/groups/KYANA.GS/
Girl Scout Alumnae Connect!
GreenBlood Gab
GreenBlood News
Girl Scout Governance - learn more about our Girl Scout Governance! (An online site, not a FB page.)
The Outdoor Girl Scout Project (was: the Outdoor GS Project) - people from this page helped get the new Outdoor Badges from GSUSA.
There are many more interesting pages, for all levels and interests. Be sure to look up your local Service Unit and other GSK pages too. Ask your Service Unit Manager about these if you have one, or if your Area has one.
Until next posting - in the Summer.
E. Sheppard
BG, KY - - at The Garden Spot. :-)