Showing posts with label Girl Scouting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Girl Scouting. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2019

My Dates List: April and onward. Add your date as a comment! Hope things are going well for you.

Love this one!

Some Important News in a Nutshell for the GS of Kentuckiana: The National CEO is coming to visit - in Louisville! Also, there is still room at Summer Resident Camp. Check your News You Can Use for more info.

Some dates are here - - but this list is NOT complete.

My Unofficial April 21st and on Calendar.

Older girls: check out the opportunities in Appalachian Trail Adventurers. See page 22 in your Spring 2019 Program and Training Guide. If you do not have one, check an official or unofficial FB page, or the GSK blog, or check with the PLC or contact Volunteer Care. You can also ask questions at the Appalachian Trail Adventurers Weebly page here:

Check the Files section at the SU 722 Facebook page for this and more info. here:

More Announcements: We need YOU! Join the 2020 Annual Meeting Planning Committee! Notify the Board and also Leah Wilkerson and say you’d like to help.

WAGGGS is taking applications for Internships. Go here to apply to Sangam,

 Travel and other grants may be available. Check age limitations. Some jobs are filled, some are not.

Ask for a current Council-Wide Important Dates flyer from your TSS.

August 2018 is the last update I have on that. Check MYGS/Activities for some signups.

Check the GSK News You Can Use, official, and Unofficial Facebook pages for more news.

Please double-check all of these dates/times/info. and register or call to double-check before attending an event in case of errors or omissions. Also be sure to check your Safety Activity Checkpoints and your ratios for all activities, as usual. Questions: check the signups and flyers for contact info.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

News about more events! Events surprise page, Autumn Adventure, more.

OUR Warren County Service Unit Meeting is tonight AT 6, at the BG HS Library. I will be taking notes to share and will pick up all the flyers I can. I think I will need to bring LOTS of note-taking paper there.

We also will be learning about our 2016 MagNut sale. I don't know a lot about this yet, but would like to know what magazines are available - - and if they have my favorite chocolate covered nuts again this year.

I went to the MYGS/Activities area today at the GS of Kentuckiana website and saw there are MANY more things posted there. PLUS, they also had a new format there, that includes a real Calendar look option at the top of the Activities page. I remember thinking that this page will be helpful in the future.

They also had the Daisy List featured at the top of the page. I liked that!

BUT: Just now I looked back at the same Events page (logged in on MYGS), and see the older format there (a list of events). The new format just went away for me on my computer. Well, perhaps the new format will roll out soon. I think people will like it when it is OK'd and done. I am excited to see the possible Preview today. Maybe they were trying it out.

So be looking for it soon, I think. I redid the postings telling about the new format on the KYANA and Warren Co. pages just now.

Autumn Adventure Weekend at Camp Shantituck - - this event is coming up in 2 weeks. It is Sept. 30 - Oct. 2. It is a weekend event. I am excited because I hope to teach Songs and Games there again. It is always fun for me to do that. I did do that at the Camp Pennyroyal Training Weekend this last weekend. Maori Sticks were the most popular game. I am not sure what the most popular song was. Probably the Maori Sticks song that goes with it.

Another neat thing about Autumn Adventure Weekend is that troops may come to it also. Details are on the signup sheet.

You can pick your classes for the Autumn Adventure Weekend on the MYGS-Events page. I copied the classes so I could think about them and see what I wanted to take. I used the "clipping" function to take pictures of the pages, then put them together on a MS Word page for myself.

Last weekend I was not able to take any classes (at Camp Pennyroyal's Training Weekend), and just came for the day. BUT I got some photos which I hope to post soon.

They had a neat Canoe Training there, plus lots more. I think this event will be really popular next year, once people hear how well it went.

New events I posted at the UNofficial FB pages today are:

The Annual Halloween Bash at Camp Pennyroyal Sat. Oct 15th, and
Framily Camping Skills Day - - also at Camp Pennyroyal - Nov. 5th (This is not for official trainings, it is just for fun and learning).

I also posted the Older Girl program - Butterfly/Pollinator Habitat Service Day, which is Sun. Oct. 9 from 2-5 at Houchens Program Center, and the Junior Animal Habitats Badge Program - also at Houchens on Sat., Oct. 29 from 1-4. These may already be listed at the official GS Calendar too.

Next on the Agenda is looking at the Activities Calendar again tomorrow. Who knows? Maybe it will look different again. :-)

I hope your Troop Year is starting out great.

E. Sheppard

PS I found a neat stand-up mosquito netting I might get. It would make staying in a Platform Tent SO much better for me. I could read in there and not get dive-bombed by insects. It looks fabulous. I keep seeing it on the side of my Facebook page. Somehow, Facebook KNOWS I want this...