I hope everyone is having great luck with cookie sales.
Some News: We have Cookie Connections' email newsletter going out a lot to Volunteers and Parents.
We also have news coming out soon about Area Meetings. If you are in Area 17, be looking for your invitation and registration form in your inbox soon.
Here is an update from the UNofficial Calendar I keep for myself and share here on the blog. Be sure to double check all events and dates, as they could change and sometimes do! Plus I do have an occasional goof-up sometimes.
This is updated regularly. And not so regularly. I will put these in 2 columns for an easier fit here.
UNOFFICIAL CALENDAR DATES - - Jan-Feb.-March (You can also see these and others added later in the Unofficial Calendar link here at the blog site).
Sorry, that is the biggest I can get it. To see this bigger, just choose the "Unofficial Calendar" page here at the blog.
Events coming up:
Thinking Day: February 22nd:
AND Girl Scout Week: which includes GS Birthday, March 12 (this year GS Sunday) and ends Saturday, March 18th (GS Sabbath), far as I can tell so far. I have looked all over online, and don't see a posting for 2017 dates (yet). But I will keep looking later on.
OUR GSK ANNUAL MEETING UPDATE: Our Annual Meeting: there were rooms at the best hotel (closest) still, they are Queen double rooms. Find out more, and the other official hotels, plus the numbers to call, here at the official GSK link: https://www.gskentuckiana.org/en/sf-events-repository/2017/annual-meeting---saturday-meeting.html and at the Friday page links too (below).
For volunteers: https://www.gskentuckiana.org/en/sf-events-repository/2017/annual-meeting---friday-night-activities.html
CSA Girl Scouts page: https://www.gskentuckiana.org/en/sf-events-repository/2017/annual-meeting---overnight-at-camp-pennyroyal.html.
There will be a bus to these activities on Friday, but the times are not on there yet or return info (if available). Stay tuned for those. I have registered for both, just in case.
More info. on this will be available from GSUSA hopefully soon. GSUSA had a page explaining how the Girl Scout girls are planning the Convention this year, but that page has been taken off... I think I also saw a page online asking for volunteers to also help. Be looking for info. about that too.
Here is a FAQ page with info: http://www.girlscouts.org/en/about-girl-scouts/GIRL-2017/faqs.html
Be on the lookout! "The registration portal is scheduled to open during the week of March 13, 2017." Going now to add to the Calendar!
GSK friends, If you are online be sure to visit your MYGS/GS Council Portal for the latest events and news, PLUS be sure you receive the News You Can Use most every Frida in your ebox. And if you are on Facebook, be sure to visit our official FB page here: https://www.facebook.com/GSKentuckiana/ and PLEASE go to the Review page and add one for our council, so a bad review can go down on the list. It's important. I did it. You can, too.
Some of the many UNofficial GS pages are here for GSK for you to join on Facebook:
The Warren Co./Edmonson Co. UNofficial SU 722 page
the GS of Kentuckiana UNofficial volunteer page
Have a great week and month. I will update here as soon as I can.
And for you GS History buffs, here's a fun article that just came out on FB:
Brownies and Blair House https://gshistory.com/2017/01/18/brownies-and-blair-house/ via @AnnEditorWriter Interesting!