Showing posts with label Betsyanne Girl Scout blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Betsyanne Girl Scout blog. Show all posts

Thursday, July 2, 2015

So much news - - sharing! Plus a campfire picture from my favorite clip art site.

Here are just a few fun things that have been going on this week.

#1: A friend and I are talking about helping get a new older girl (Juniors and up) Arts and Adventure troop started. I am excited about it! Look for a new Facebook page about this idea soon. I will list the link here.

#2. How cool was the recent Girl Scout sleepover at the White House? It was great!

#3. AND I'm finally posting here after a vacation in Wisconsin. No, that as not this week, but it was LAST week. It WAS really fun. That is where I grew up. It's a great time to visit that state right now. I hope to post photos of the trip soon. (Another thing for my to-do list...)

Here is a neat campfire picture via the neat Clker site, my go-to site for cool clip art in the public domain.



PS Be sure to check out the pages at the top of this blog.