Showing posts with label Back to troop time 2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Back to troop time 2015. Show all posts

Saturday, August 22, 2015

New events - - the Kentuckiana Cluster 2 Trefoil Guild - - more. Back to Troop, and fun...

It's Back to Troop Time!

Troops are having their first meetings right now, and it's a super busy time for many.

There are new events now listed on the Official Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Calendar and Unofficial Calendars (link above at the blog site), so check them out when you can. My email is lizann447@yahoo dot com if you would like an invitation to her blog (this is a copy of it...)

Save the Dates...
Some dates you may need to put on your calendar are:

The next Warren County Service Unit Meeting - - Tuesday, September 8th: NOTE LOCATION CHANGE: Bob Kirby Branch Library - 6-8

Sept. 17th (Thursday) Troop Pathway Orientation - Caveland PLC 9:30 - 11:30(?) Trainer: Tracey Dodson

Sept. 24th (Thursday) Go Gold! Workshop - 6-8 PM, Caveland PLC. Beth Carroll, trainer.

Sept. 26th (Saturday) is a Trainer Meeting near Louisville at (Camp Shantituck?). Details to come.

Oct. 6th is the FALL FORUM at the Caveland PLC. RSVP if you can come and meet Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Board Members and the CEO, ask questions, and get answers!  This is a great event, and you can make a difference by attending. Here is the description: "Fall forums are held annually in all parts of the council to give adult members and girls ages 14 and older a chance to talk with council leadership. The council president, board members and CEO will attend the forums.  We’d like for you to be there, too!  Bring all your success stories, suggestions and great ideas!  Please put one of the following dates on YOUR calendar for the fall.  You may attend any forum that is convenient for you." "...For: Adult Leaders, Adult Volunteers, Seniors, Cadettes, Ambassadors" - "Come and bring a friend..." YOUR RSVP IS IMPERATIVE FOR THIS EVENT - PLEASE RSVP 

Added: October 10th is the International Arts and Adventure Troop's Recruitment Event at Camp Houchens from 11-8. Look for signups and flyers soon.
October 13th (Tuesday) is a Warren County SU Meeting. Location to come.

October 26th is the Area 17/Caveland Fall Area Meeting at Houchen's Camp. We eat at 6 p.m., and the meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. (This is earlier this year). Come vote and meet other volunteers in our area.

More important dates to put on your calendar are listed on the official and unofficial calendars. 

The Kentuckiana Cluster 2 Trefoil Guild  
...will be meeting again soon. This is a group of Girl Scout leaders and volunteers, plus adults who were Girl Scouts as girls. They have a Facebook page, and are talking about when to meet next. If you are interested, here is the Facebook page:

KYANA Cluster 2 Trefoil Guild (For Area 17 and Beyond...)

Come vote on the Doodle poll for the time and day that's best for you for our next meeting. 


My ad on the Pixie List
Check it out - I am available to help local troops out now with Songs and Games and more. Here is my listing: Volunteer Available - via the Pixie List

A New Girl Scout Troop in the Council...
The International Arts and Adventure Girl Scout Troop is now registered. Yay! The troop is accepting girls from the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana council who are in 7th - 12th grades. They meet at the International Center in Bowling Green, KY. Contact Amanda Day or Shanika Feagins for more information. They are organizing a Uniform Closet for the girls right now. Let them know if you can help at all, as a Troop Committee Member, badge consultant, etc. etc.

Have a great week!
