Showing posts with label Back to school news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Back to school news. Show all posts

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Short Notes from the Caveland Service Unit Kickoff 2015, Warren Co. SU Mtg. news, more.

School is almost in Session!

Bowling Green City Schools start on August 4th, and
Warren County Schools start August 11th.

Betsy’s Short-ish Notes from the Caveland Service Unit Kickoff

A Governance Task Group will talk about the Area Governance Model and see if it is working.

October 18th a Girl Advisory Board might be starting.

The Annual Campaign did well.

They need each Service Unit to have an Annual Giving Chair.

There will be no Volunteer Essentials book this year, it will be on a disk. There will be one packet per troop given out.

Money: They will be allowing limited Games of Chance this year. The troop must fill out a Permission Form and have it OK’d by Jackie Ford in order to do this.

A new Outdoor Progression Chart will be available later.

The SAC was upgraded. It is 170 pages on a flash drive. New activities are:
Indoor Skydiving
Indoor Trampoline
Recreational Tree Climbing
Shooting Sports
Stand-up Paddleboarding.

A hard copy may be available for $2 or $3 each later at local PLC’s.

The Pixie List is now online. It will replace Community Connections. It will be a self-policing site. Email if unappropriate messages are on there. Send to Pixie List Watchdog.

Darla says there are 50 girls working on their Journey Awards this year.

Supplies for the (free) Free Being Me program will be available at local PLC’s.

Karen Smallwood and Brooke Sloan are doing Product Sales and Retail.

August 27th will be Training on Product Sales (Magnut) (For SU Managers?)
Also troops can go to another training. There are 16 new products for Fall Product.

There will be a new Cookie Booth Survival Kit.

Online magazine sales will go into “Buddy” the online area. There will be an Online Avatar activity for the girls..

Do ACH after each troop starts.

Another incentive for Fall Product and cookies – troops can receive a $75.00 Shop Certificate.

There are Rewards changes this year because of IRS rules. They are not cutting incentives, instead they are making a few tweaks in them.

Amusement Park Tickets can’t be purchased with Kentuckiana Credits this year. But they are still OK for this year (old ones).

The Theme for this year is “It’s All Worth Sharing.”

There is a Daisy Bell Cow plush animal and a plus small and large Giraffe this year.

Cookies are $4 a box this year. The profit goes up to .60 per box for troops.

May 20-21 is the Down Home Camp, and it is only for Cookie Winners from different areas, one per level.

Call first before going to your PLC, just in case.

Our council is looking into speeding up orders for the council shop.

Properties Pricing
Price and forms are in the final revision stage and are not ready or analyzed yet. They will be on the camp pages later.

The new online camp registration system will allow you to better see when people go home from a camping trip and what dates are open. The signup will all be online will fillable forms. It will be up this Fall. Volunteers may be asked to try it out with “pretend registrations” to see if it will work OK.


Ginny Pfohl talked about the Camp Houchens Butterfly Habitat area next to the Camp, it will be going on for the next 3 years, and is a good Service Project opportunity.

Nutty – Magnut
8-13 will be our delivery date for Service Unit Drops..

Digital Cookie patches – these have not been given out. Volunteers were told to ask about these so they can pull up the numbers and get the patches to the girls.


Agendas will be one month in advance. In December, March, June, and July, there will be no agendas.

Debit cards are a necessity for troops now.

The SU Summit is October 20th.

Mary Osterman spoke about Awards and Recognitions. The Awards and Recognition booklet is being redone this year. Especially read over the first (cover) page when you get it. Also, the due dates may be changing and also the descriptions of the awards and they may all be done online if you can, but you can also have the choice of filling them out on paper.

She also let people know that their records may not be on file. <So send them in ASAP>.

They hope to put people’s records on file this year on the new computer system.

Generally, they try to only give one award per person per year. Forms must be filled out completely.

Watch for the new booklet.

Juniors have a deal at Lost River Cave for troops (not families). Troops can go on the boat tour and cave tour and it is only $5 per person, and usually $16.95.

Save the Date for Mother-Daughter (01 and 02 only) Weekend October 16 and 17 at Houchens. Ginny Pfohl is doing it in place of the Leader Weekend she used to do.

There were huge online registrations this year for Early Bird. Now troops can register for On-Time Registration. You can do it at the office, or on your own computer. If you use paper (and most now do not), you must fill everything out or they will not be sent on. If somebody does not have email, you can now put “no email available” in that space.

Financial assistance is available, but limited this year.

The Service Unit and Staff Binder has financial reports in it. This will be at each Program and Learning Center.
A new Shop Retail Card will be available. It is $20 per stamp and then when 10 are filled out, you get a $20 credit.


If an item from GSUSA’s shop is on sale or clearance, the Kentuckiana shop can not honor it.

Get with Brenda and let her know if you are on “The List” for not taking Shield the Vulnerable training and you have actually taken it. She will help track your record of taking it down.

Caveland’s goal is 1,362 girls and adults.
Right now we are at 41% of goal. We have 556 girls and 331 adults. This is good.

New helpers in the office are Jennifer Ottersbach, a Girl Scout taking Spanish, Outdoor Rec. and NonProfit major classes, is a Lifetime Member of Girl Scouts too. (She was in the Campus Scouts last year). Her nickname at camp is Mouse.

The other helper will be Nicole Williams, also a WKU student, taking Biology and Chemistry, and a Lifetime member. What is funny is, her nickname is Minnie.


In September, Jenni will be on maternity leave.

There is a new financial aid form. Ask Jenni about it. If you need recruitment materials, ask her too.

Online registration has grown from 18% to 80% this last year.

The Staff are going to a Training in Cleveland, Ohio to learn about the Volunteer Toolkit and also more about the new website.

November 6th is D-Day - - or when things should be online and hopefully working on the website.

The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana website pages should be online and working in November.

Until then, we need to use the “Workaround” system still. Later, there will be rosters for K-5. We will be “rebuilding” for the next 3 years.

Troops will be able to use Troop Tracker (K-5?) and not have to use programs they are paying for right now.

The new website is maybe called the Opportunity Catalog now. Service Unit Managers are working with Staff on a Market Share Increase. It will help identify Troop Growth Opportunity.

Staff members showed 10 reasons to sell Fall Product and also Cookies.

Flyers and Information was given out. These included:

1.     A sheet about the Volunteer Toolkit
2.     A Caveland Learning center information brochure with hours and Staff names
3.     A flyer about the Opportunity Catalog
4.     A Kickoff 2016 Troop Year flyer
5.     5. An evaluation for the Kickoff
6.     An Annual Meeting flyer - - the block of rooms is on hold for $99 each. Rooms have refrigerators and microwaves, wifi and hot breakfast.
7.     The Pixie List info. (already online)
8.     Lost River Cave Programs for Juniors and Brownies flyers
9.     An "I Can’t Wait" notepad
10. A flyer about the new Girl Advisory Committee for 14 and up girls, deadline is Oct. 1.
11. Fall Product dates sheet
12. General – ACH Forms, Rewards, and Magnut, 2-sided
13. A Volunteer Essentials Addendum with updates (purple) for 2015-16
14. A GSK Event Sheet schedule as of 7-29-15, check calendar.
15. Program Update – who is doing what – this has changed.  It lists the Program and Training Team: Janis Kidd, Ashley Levine, Sally Wolf, Danica Van Volkenburg, and Carolyn Cromer. They have different things they each do, listed. Also Bronze, Silver, and Gold applications will only be electronic this year/online.
16: A Cookielicious card for an event in Louisville where girls compete with dessert recipes on Sunday, Feb. 7.
17: Some Girl Scout graces.
18: A Chair – Service Unit Annual Giving Volunteer Position Description – SU Annual Giving Challenge.
19. The flyer for the new International Arts and Adventure troop that I am helping organize, with Amanda Day. More info. is online and we have a FB page too.
20. The Super Hero All Nighter event at Greenwood Mall – there are some troops signed up for this on Sept. 25.
21. A list of Parent Meetings and Rallies for this area Warren Co.
22. New Leader Trainings sheet, 2-sided.
23. New Financial Assistance form with new info.
24. Community Style Open House Parent Meetings sheet – this has 6 Stations.
25. Conflict Resolution papers
26. Training Calendar – GSK University July 2015
27. Autumn Adventure Weekend with some courses listed.
28. The Adult Training by Request Form
29. The ABC’s of Volunteer Engagement (2 sides, green)
30. Councilwide Important Dates sheet  through June (orange)
31. Membership Incentives (2-sided).

Amanda Day spoke about the new International Arts and Adventure Troop now being formed for older girls, in 7th – 12th grade. This troop is open to all girls in the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Council. Contact her if you are interested in helping with the troop or the Welcome event on October 10th. Her contact info is:
Amanda Day
(270) 791-3290


That’s it! Hope this is helpful.

-Betsy Sheppard

For Warren County Service Unit Readers, here is our notice today from our SU Manager, Tracey.

"Hello fellow volunteers!
I hope that everyone has had a wonderful summer break and is looking forward to the coming troop year!
Due to the second Tuesday of August being the first day of school for many, the SUM meeting for this month will instead be on Tuesday 8/18 at the GS office on Lehman Ave.  After that we will continue to have the meetings on the second Tuesday of each month."