My Unofficial GS News Blog: This is a very incomplete bunch of info. for Volunteers in the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana and beyond...
There is a lot of exciting news right now to share, and much is going on this year in our Council.
#1: Is your troop re-registered for 2019-2020? Go to MYGS and update your troop info. (including changing the GS level of your girls, if needed, in the Opportunity Catalog. Is your troop open to new Girl Scout girls? You can ask your TSS (Troop Support Specialist) about that, too.
Ask them also about taking the Network Training also. (Network like a Girl Scout). It can be in person OR may be online too. Your TSS will know more.
#2 Your SU: Attend your Service Unit Meetings if you can. There is much news to share this year. My SU is 722 (Warren and Edmonson Counties). Some of this info. today is from that meeting. We hope to have a LOT of girl activities in our Area this year. Are you in South Central Kentucky? We have a lot of Volunteers from there who get this blog. We also have a few from other Areas.
#3. Are you getting emails from Council? Make sure you are on their list. You can ask your Troop Support Specialist about that if you do not know.
#4. NEW! Your BOX link. The Thumb Drive resources from past years are now online in their BOX account. Go here to see them: You can also request a Thumb Drive if you need one. Ask your TSS for more info. about this.
#5. Are you taking more Volunteer Trainings? The are VERY helpful. Just go to the GSK University page here:, then scrolling down to the Digital Chalk links.
More: "*If you have trouble logging on to MY GS contact Volunteer Care through the Contact Page or call 1-888-771-5170".
You can also find out about Girl Scout Trainings and Classes, Training Weekends (so fun) and other info. at the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana website or by asking your TSS (above).
See Activities for you and your troop girls by accessing MYGS, then going to the Activities section.
For Older Girl leaders:
The latest from SU 722: If you are in SU 722 (GSK), we have another - recently made Unofficial SU page here: Service Unit 722 of GSK. Tracey (our SU Mgr.) is the Admin. there. Also, her email is here: gsksu722 at She is emphasizing ONLY posts about SU 722 at the new Facebook page.
I am still doing my Betsyanne Unofficial KYANA Girl Scouts of Caveland and Beyond FB page here: You will find SU 722 postings, but also other postings about events in our area and beyond. Are you in the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Council? This page could be useful to you. I have a Dates List there, plus links to other info.
Even MORE useful is this page - for all Areas. This page, the KYANA Unofficial page, is here: KYANA GS Volunteers (Unofficial).
I will be giving a Songs and Games I Training this Fall for Leaders to get neat and fun songs and games ideas for your troops and girls. The date is October 1st, Time 5:30 - 7:00 Central, and the location is the Caveland PLC (Girl Scout Office in BG, KY). Sign up! The more that attend, the more fun we will have.
Here is a description of the class: "This class includes traditional Girl Scout songs, plus varied games for all ages, which can include Concentration, The Brownie Smile Song, Say, Say, Playmate (a hand-clap game), Boatman, We're Just a Little Bit Crazy (active marching chant), Maori Sticks with English Song, and more. Be Prepared for lots of laughs and fun. Free songs and games booklet with class."
(sign up at MYGS-Activities...)
I am also available to teach fun Songs and Games to your troop at a meeting. Just get in touch with me at lizann447 at yahoo dot com to arrange that.
Question: Do you know how to play the string game, Cat's Cradle? If you do, let me know. :-)

To left: me and Juliette Low. OK, a facsimile. But neat.
Photo credit: Fire photo for the new Betsyanne Unofficial Blog logo is via Morguefile,