Hi again, my Girl Scout friends.
Some of you are new, some not so new. I have updated the GS Unofficial Calendar today, and added the Councilwide Important Dates on the flyer, ("last updated July 24, 2017").
The link is here for my readers (for the Calendar page): Betsy's Unofficial GS Calendar for Area 17 and Beyond.
You may want to bookmark it. I try to go there every so often to update it.

Via Eclipse 2017:
Partial phase start: 11:58:41AM (CDT), at "1:30 o'clock" on the sun's disk
Totality Start*: 1:27:34PM (CDT)
ATTN: THESE MAY NOT BE THE EXACT TIMES. So look them up again to be sure.
We have about a minute of totality, I have heard, in BG, KY. Other places will vary. It is on Monday, August 21st. I ordered special NASA-approved glasses - you may want to pick some up if you don't already have them.
Read this page for Safety Information.
As you know, looking at the sun during partial eclipse is dangerous without CERTIFIED AND APPROVED Eclipse Glasses. I'd wear them during it too. PLUS you are not supposed to look at the sun through a camera, telescope, or binoculars, even with these on. Just saying. I'd be nervous looking even during the eclipse. I saw one NOT looking at the sun, but looking through a pinhole refractor (?) when I was in grade school.

Some dates coming up (remember to go to MYGS and check these out, or go to your Area Facebook page to check. double check everything, dates, times, etc. Some may have changed or have an error in them. Not all are listed either...) I put it in "small" size type. Go here to see more.
Attn: Kroger on Campbell Lane off of Nashville Road has Eclipse glasses for $2 each right now.
August 2017
August 10th is a GSK Radiothon. Listen in on WGGC 95.1 Bowling Green, other stations. Via News You Can Use.
August 10th is a Magnut Training Webinar.
August 10th is National S'mores Day.
August 11th is the deadline to order discounted State Fair Tickets for the Ky. State Fair in Louisville.
August 11th is a Java with Jackie event - at the Louisville PLC.
Aug. 12th is a WKU Football Fanfest.
Aug. 12th is another Magnut Training Webinar.
August 11-13 is the Barren River Lake Scout Celebration for Boy and Girl Scouts. http://www.scoutcelebration.org/.
August 13 is a Go Gold Workshop at Camp Pennyroyal.
Aug. 15th is the last day to add girls to MagNut Rosters.
August 19th is Wonderland Challenge at Camp Shantituck.
August 21st is the Solar Eclipse in KY, and TN - BG KY Eclipse events are being held, one is 1:00 at Chaney's Dairy Barn. Be sure you have the NASA-Safe glasses. Here is where you find that info.: https://eclipse2017.nasa.gov/safety.Do NOT look at the sun ever directly without your official Eclipse glasses.
Aug. 19-22 is Solar Eclipse "Destination" at Bear Creek Aquatic Center.
Aug. 25th is the Highview Service Center's Safari Event at Camp Pennyroyal.
August 30th is the date for the 2017 Tough Cookie Awards for GSK in Louisville.
September 2017
September 2nd is a Go Gold Conversation Cafe in Elizabethtown, KY.
Sept. 4th is Labor Day, and GS Offices are closed.
Sept. 5th: Our Magnet Program starts.
Sept. 6-9 is the 3rd Triennial National Green Hat Encampment in Minnesota.
September 8-10 is Fall Training Extravaganza at Camp Pennyroyal - - The Brochures are now out! (Aug 9) at MYGS and on the KYANA and SU 722 pages.
September 9th is a Bull's Eye archery event at Camp Shantituck.
Sept. 14th is a Give for Good event in Louisville.
September 15-17 is an Adventure Planning Retreat at Camp Stem. Register via MYGS.
Sept. 19-24 (shorter time) is an Open House (first day) then a Traveling History Exhibit at Heartland PLC as part of the GSK 100th Anniversary Celebration. (Elizabethtown?) BE SURE TO CHECK LOCATION.
Sept. 15-17 is a Leader's Weekend at Camp Houchens.
Sept. 19th is an Open House at Heartland PLC as part of the GSK 100th Anniversary Celebration.
Sept. 23 - payment due on the Graduating Senior Lifetime Membership - forms due too.
Sept. 29- Oct. 1st is a Fall Training Extravaganza at Camp Pennyroyal.
Sept. 30th is the It's Your World, Change It! Journey Adventure Day at Bob Kirby Library, BG. Flyer is at the Warren-Edmonson Co. FB page. Brownie-Jr. Contact Heather Skaggs.
Sept. 30th is the last day to add girls to Roster before Mailing List created to ship to troops.

More fun stuff: Leader and Volunteers: your NEW orange disk is waiting for you along with troop info. for leaders at your closest Program and Learning Center (i.e. Office). Call to make sure somebody is there.
Network Like a Girl Scout: I give another Network class next Monday at the Caveland PLC - - 5:30 - 7 p.m. Let me know if you need this and can attend by tomorrow (Thursday) at 1 p.m. My email is lizann447 at yahoo dot com. Also make sure I send you an email back to confirm. I'll make sure to have your materials ready and send you an email about what to bring.

more Events and more at the VTK - - log in at MYGS, then go to "Events" to see them.
You can also see these directly here at the Events area: Activities List. (Scroll down).
The new "S'mores List" - - here is that link too: http://www.gsksmoreslist.org/.
Other news: Are you at my Unofficial GS discussion and sharing sites? If not, we'd love to have you.
These are Facebook Unofficial Pages.
#1: The Outdoor Girl Scout Project: helping the Girl Scout girls get back outdoors!
#2: Girl Scout Convention Chat - discuss THIS year's National Council Session and get ready with Proposals and more for 2020!

Other Facebook pages: Here is how to Get Connected with the Council News, both official and Non-official.
KYANA GS Volunteers
Area 17's FB page
GSK SU 722 (Warren and Edmonson
Other Service Units have their own pages too. Just search for them or ask your SU Manager about them.
And did you now each of our Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana camps also have an UNofficial page? Just search on Facebook for these using "KYANA" and the name of the camp. I can OK you there.
Yours in Girl Scouting,
Elizabeth "Betsy" Sheppard
Helping Hand leader and Trainer
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