Friday, September 30, 2016

Updates, last day for CEO poll, October Events, more.

Hi, all! I hope things are going great with everyone.

I pass on just a few Girl Scout tidbits today.



"CEO Survey (Response Due by September 30, 2016)

As the Girl Scouts CEO Search Committee moves forward to help identify the best leader to serve our Movement as the next National CEO, we want to hear from you.

Please take a few minutes to fill out the attached survey (link is noted below) and give your input on the qualities that you believe are most important in our next leader and the challenges and opportunities that this leader will face over the next 2-5 years.

Please pass this survey along to your volunteers, parents or girls who you think would be most interested in providing input.  The survey is due by September 30.

Thank you again for your commitment to Girl Scouts and for all that you do to ensure that Juliette Gordon Low’s vision continues on to the next generation of girls.

Survey Link:

Thank you,

CEO Search Committee" <GSUSA>

We have new Shop and PLC hours, plus Volunteer Care Hours on the phone and the internet.  Here is the new (Sep. 23) Info Chart:

More: This is a Council Troop Renewal due date today (Sept. 30th).

Ask your SU Mgr. for more info. if your troop is not renewed yet. You can also ask your Volunteer Care Team for info. too. (See above).

The Upcoming Month - - October 2016, for my Area and Beyond.

Attn: this is just a PARTIAL listing.

Sep 30-Oct. 2: (Friday - Sunday) Autumn Adventure Weekend - THIS upcoming weekend will have MANY trainings and workshops. I hope to be there Saturday 3:30 - 5:30 or 5:30 to do Songs and Games.

October 4th: (A Tuesday) is Fall Forum at the Caveland PLC - BG, 6:30 - 8 Central Time - - " Bri gn your comments and questions. All Members 14+ are invited. Please RSVP to for the date and location you plan to attend."

More: "Fall forums are held annually in all parts of the council to give adult members and girls ages 14 and older a chance to talk with council leadership. The council chair, board members, and CEO will attend the forums.
This is a time for members to speak directly to board members and the CEO. Bring all your success stories, suggestions and great ideas! Please put one of the following dates on YOUR calendar for the fall. You may attend any forum that is convenient for you. Come and bring a friend. Let’s see what’s happening at GSK!"

October 8th: Archery and Fun Day event for Juniors and up 11-4 at Camp Houchens - contact Amanda Day if interested:

"********Please note the change to the start time*******
Have you ever wanted to try archery? Would you like an opportunity to practice your existing archery skills? Have you considered becoming part of our new competitive archery team? If your answer is YES to ANY of these questions you should come join us at Camp Houchens on October 8th, 11am-4pm. We will have archery, teams course, and possibly kayaks, all in one great location. This is a fun day where you can try your hand at archery, sign up for our new archery team, or just enjoy the outdoor opportunities presented during the day. This is for Juniors and up and the cost will be $5 per girl. Please bring a sack lunch (water will be provided) and something to sit upon. Please sign up here...and please share/let others know about this fun day being offered by Amanda Day and Shirley Grise."

Oct. 16: Legacy Reunion at Camp Shantituck - 2-5: here is that Event Page: on the GS of KYANA Events listing, and here is the FB Event Page too: All present and former Girl Scout adults are invited.

More about this: "Come reconnect with your Girl Scout memories at an alumnae reunion at Camp Shantituck! Adults of all ages who were once or are still Girl Scouts are welcome. Take a walk around camp, enjoy some light refreshments, and take a tour down memory lane as you share your Girl Scout stories with others. A special focus will be to honor all who earned Girl Scouting’s highest award (Golden Eaglet, Curved Bar, First Class, and Gold Award) on this 100th anniversary of the highest award in Girl Scouting. Enjoy camp informally on your own, chat with friends, take a tour, visit exhibits, and participate in other planned activities. A short program is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. Come dressed casually (for camp), and if you wish, wear Girl Scout pins or other Girl Scout clothing that brings back good memories. You can register here (go to Events), at www.gsklegacyreunion/, or by calling Diana Clark at 502-716-7236. Free..." 

Oct. 17: Area 17 Fall Meeting at Houchens Camp - all adults and girls 14+ are invited from Area 17, which covers Allen, Butler, Edmonson, Logan, Simpson, and Warren Counties. This meeting is an important one for all leaders and older girls too. All leaders, volunteers, and girls 14+  in Area 17 are invited. Email Invitations have been sent. Event starts at 5:30 (Ice Cream Social) and 6:00 - 8:00 is the Meeting time. Email invitations have been sent. You can also see info. for this meeting and a flyer online at the UNofficial FB pages. Want to attend and have questions? Contact Amanda Day

See other events at the official Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Event Pages:

or see the UNofficial Calendar here: (only for readers of this blog)

And have a GREAT week!


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Posting, posting, posting yesterday. Here is where the postings are.

A: Read all about it!
NEWS - -
How to 

The Warren County Service Unit met this week. We got MANY flyers, announcements, and lots of news.

I did not stay for the MagNut training, though I wanted to.

What I did after the meeting: The next day after the meeting, I scanned and then put many of the flyers I got at the meeting all online in the KYANA and Warren Co. Facebook pages, then put some of the other news on as postings. (see below for links to these...)

What people saw on the Facebook pages then is LOTS of news scrolling down the page. Sorry, but this is the only way to post things, short of having a newsletter (which I'm thinking about doing later on.) Scroll down until the events are out of date. Then you will see most of them.

To organize, you may want to put the DATES on a separate page for yourselves, OR go to the MYGS-EVENTS listing at the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana website for some of them. Not all are on there yet. Some are local events, accessed by flyers. This will hopefully change later on, when all are on the Official website in plenty of time.

You can also read the UNofficial Events List/Calendar at my Private Blog. It is a page there. I have a lot of things listed there, but not all of them. PM me on Facebook or email me at to be added there so you can see it. Then look for your invitation and link. If you don't get it the same day or the next day, or are unable to get to this blog page, let me know. I update the UNofficial Events List/Calendar often.

Here are the Facebook Pages - - so you can share them.

The Warren County  SU and Beyond: An Unofficial Page:
 The KYANA GS Member-Volunteer Facebook page - unofficial:

You can also add readers there by "inviting" them at the top right. "Add" if you KNOW they would like to be there, "Invite" them if you are not sure.

If somebody does not have Girl Scout pictures on their FB page, or I don't know them, I will need to ask them to share a little about themselves, and why they want to join the page. I may even send messages to FB friends to help OK them if there is time. This is to cut down on spammers.

This can also be known as the MYGS Pages, the Volunteer Toolkit, the Opportunity Catalog (for K-5 troops), Your Web Signin, your Official Signin at the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana website, or The Events Pages. This Leader and Volunteer info. section is here: 

This is THIS upcoming Saturday.

A message from Amber Huggins.
"Simpson County Girl Scouts is hosting their 2nd Annual Songfest! The event will be from 6p-8p, on Saturday, September 17th, at the home of GSK staff member Beth Carroll- 2010 Springfield Rd., Franklin, KY.
September 17th is citizenship day and the start of Constitution Week. Our theme is Patriotism and Tradition. Patriotic and traditional GS songs will be sung around the camp fire. There will also be a flag retirement ceremony, and a representative from the local Daughters of the American Revolution chapter will be in attendance to discuss the importance of voting in America, where that right comes from, and why as women we all need to vote. (This can be tied to the government and community badge components).
If you or your troop want to come, please contact Amber Huggins. This is a FREE event! We look forward to singing with our sisters!"
Want to get ahead of the game? Take all the FREE video courses now at the Training section on the official Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana website. They are short, I hear, and located here: (scroll down to see them on the page.) 

Questions? Ask your Service Unit Manager, or contact your Volunteer Care Team (1) for your contact info. for your Service Mgr. or (2) to ask another question. Info. is below at the end of this blog posting.

You can still go to the fun Autumn Adventure Weekend that is Sept. 30 (a Friday) through Oct. 2nd, at Camp Shantituck, near Louisville. If you are not near, you can get a carpool going for it! Or just go for one event or day. Find out more here: First, sign up. Then, select your classes (reasonable costs) and send them in. Food is included in the event. 

NOTE: You may ALSO bring your troop, Juniors through Seniors for $20 per girl. 

Details at the MYGS site link. The downloads are there for you at the page.  You can get MANY trainings there.  

Registration deadline for this is Sept. 23. So you still have time to register. 

Note: I will be teaching Songs and Games there, which will include Maori Sticks (Using the English Version song)! I'd love to have a BIG class.

From an old Girl Scout flyer.


YIGS, (Yours in Girl Scouting)

E. S.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

News about more events! Events surprise page, Autumn Adventure, more.

OUR Warren County Service Unit Meeting is tonight AT 6, at the BG HS Library. I will be taking notes to share and will pick up all the flyers I can. I think I will need to bring LOTS of note-taking paper there.

We also will be learning about our 2016 MagNut sale. I don't know a lot about this yet, but would like to know what magazines are available - - and if they have my favorite chocolate covered nuts again this year.

I went to the MYGS/Activities area today at the GS of Kentuckiana website and saw there are MANY more things posted there. PLUS, they also had a new format there, that includes a real Calendar look option at the top of the Activities page. I remember thinking that this page will be helpful in the future.

They also had the Daisy List featured at the top of the page. I liked that!

BUT: Just now I looked back at the same Events page (logged in on MYGS), and see the older format there (a list of events). The new format just went away for me on my computer. Well, perhaps the new format will roll out soon. I think people will like it when it is OK'd and done. I am excited to see the possible Preview today. Maybe they were trying it out.

So be looking for it soon, I think. I redid the postings telling about the new format on the KYANA and Warren Co. pages just now.

Autumn Adventure Weekend at Camp Shantituck - - this event is coming up in 2 weeks. It is Sept. 30 - Oct. 2. It is a weekend event. I am excited because I hope to teach Songs and Games there again. It is always fun for me to do that. I did do that at the Camp Pennyroyal Training Weekend this last weekend. Maori Sticks were the most popular game. I am not sure what the most popular song was. Probably the Maori Sticks song that goes with it.

Another neat thing about Autumn Adventure Weekend is that troops may come to it also. Details are on the signup sheet.

You can pick your classes for the Autumn Adventure Weekend on the MYGS-Events page. I copied the classes so I could think about them and see what I wanted to take. I used the "clipping" function to take pictures of the pages, then put them together on a MS Word page for myself.

Last weekend I was not able to take any classes (at Camp Pennyroyal's Training Weekend), and just came for the day. BUT I got some photos which I hope to post soon.

They had a neat Canoe Training there, plus lots more. I think this event will be really popular next year, once people hear how well it went.

New events I posted at the UNofficial FB pages today are:

The Annual Halloween Bash at Camp Pennyroyal Sat. Oct 15th, and
Framily Camping Skills Day - - also at Camp Pennyroyal - Nov. 5th (This is not for official trainings, it is just for fun and learning).

I also posted the Older Girl program - Butterfly/Pollinator Habitat Service Day, which is Sun. Oct. 9 from 2-5 at Houchens Program Center, and the Junior Animal Habitats Badge Program - also at Houchens on Sat., Oct. 29 from 1-4. These may already be listed at the official GS Calendar too.

Next on the Agenda is looking at the Activities Calendar again tomorrow. Who knows? Maybe it will look different again. :-)

I hope your Troop Year is starting out great.

E. Sheppard

PS I found a neat stand-up mosquito netting I might get. It would make staying in a Platform Tent SO much better for me. I could read in there and not get dive-bombed by insects. It looks fabulous. I keep seeing it on the side of my Facebook page. Somehow, Facebook KNOWS I want this...