Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Hi to all! Hope your Girl Scout year is starting off right. I have much to do, but looking forward to it!

Hi to all my Girl Scout friends and Sisters! 

I am a "Helping Hand" this year for Troop 1433, the Arts and Adventure troop. Troops are now set up to only list one Leader (the 01 leader) this year on the website. We hope to have more girls join this year. It is a multi-level troop, and has some International students in it. Know a girl who can't find a troop? Troop 1433 is taking girls. List YOUR troop as having openings too, so you can also add girls. Do this at your Troop online page so you can add girls and have even more fun.

Mark Your Calendars.
Our first Warren County Service Unit meeting (and Magnut Training)  is Tuesday, Sept. 13th. Here is the Event Link on Facebook.

More from Tracey D., our SU Mgr.: 
The first Service Unit meeting for SU 722 will be Tuesday 9/13/16.

This will also be the Magnut (Fall Product) training.

Please plan to attend this meeting if you are a leader/representative for your troop and/or the Magnut chair for your troop.


Amanda Day says, "If anyone is needing a First Aid/CPR class please let me know. I am happy to come to your location, provided you have at least 6 people wanting to take it....or, if I get enough interest, I will happily hold a class in Bowling Green if I get enough total registrants from other areas...$40 per person, certification is good for two years."

UPCOMING DATES OF INTEREST - ALWAYS check these at your MYGS - Profile - Activities link at the official Girl Scout website.

The following is copied from the UNofficial Calendar: page one. (Please double-check each event in case of errors OR in case events have been moved, cancelled, have different details or signups, etc.)

Page two:

For access to MORE events, visit our official Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana MYGS - Profile - Activities pages.

The UNofficial Calendar is located here, at the private blog location page:

If you know someone who wants to receive this blog, just suggest them to, E. Sheppard via email. I will send them an invitation.

Other things to know:

Volunteer Care Info:

Reposting: Here are the Regular Hours (not Summer Hours anymore) for the Outbased Girl Scout Shops in our Council.
These hours went into effect on August 1st.
Outbased Shops Hours: Mon. and Th.: 11-4
Sat. 10-2
These hours are the same for all of our Outbased PLC Shops.
The Louisville Shop hours are:
M-W-F 10-5
T-Th 10-7
Sat. 10-2
Speaking to a Staff member:
If you want to speak to a Staff member at your PLC, call first to get an appointment. Then you can be sure they will be there to help you.

Faith-Based Programs in Girl Scouting. 
Find out more! Your girls can get an official pin for completing these programs. You can get a large poster of all the different programs available at the website there too.

Read more:

These are just a FEW of the many choices for Girl Scouts available now. Check the Girl Scout office, your MYGS Events, your GS blogs, pages, and more to see more fun events happening all the time!



PS If you have an event you want to share, or just have a comment or question, just comment below or send it to

The Music border used on this blog is from Little Brownie Bakers' clipart files.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Bats - Bats - Bats! The 6th Annual Bat Night - - and free tours at Mammoth Cave National Park!

Here is a copy of the posting from the Mammoth Cave Center for Science and Learning today. FREE events. Of interest!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

My fun visit to Camp Holloway in Tennessee

 I am very happy I was able to attend the Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee Girl Scout Collector Show yesterday.

This was the second day of the show.

We saw antique and vintage patches, patch displays under glass, pins, books, hats, uniforms from all eras, games, historic photos, handbooks, Custom Barbies, the Girl Scout Shop, (which was open!) and more. We also got invited to lunch, (thanks, all!) but had a prior lunch date, so could not go.

This was a big event. The venue was so beautiful. We learned about the history of this camp too. The camp is named after is named after Josephine Groves Holloway, founder of the first African-American Girl Scout troop in Nashville. Ms. Holloway had a huge hand in this camp forming and being there for the girls. It is a very popular camp today too.

I'd love to look around this property more next year. It looked like some troops had camped out this weekend. The camp had really nice signs showing where to go to find different camp activities.

And did I say the camp had a pool too? AND a huge screened porch for this building.

 One of the photos following shows the lovely roof of this event's room. Next time (and I hope they hold this event next year!) I hope to look around even more.

I met some great new Girl Scout friends here, who were extra friendly, and found some neat things to take home.

Here are some photos from the event:
The Welcome Table (with FREE stuff!)

A comfy nook inside the front doors.

Merana Cadorette - - and her tables.

Merana Cadorette's posters

Merana's Barbies

More of the table.


Merana and some customers.

The Guest of Honor - Our Founder!

Rickey, Ms. Lowe, and Me

Merana and Ms. Low (she made her!)

How neat to get to meet her in person...

What a beautiful building!

Look who Juliette Low brought with her! Her pet bird.

I didn't notice Juliette's Lows pet bird when I first saw her. She is in her lap.

Yes, this was definitely a great and fun event. Camp Holloway is not that far from Bowling Green, either. It is 45 minutes north of Nashville, in Millersville.

-Betsy S.

The flower border art is from Little Brownie Bakers art section.

Friday, August 5, 2016

August section of the UNofficial Calendar. A reminder.

What's going on in August?

From the UNofficial Calendar. Updated today on the page.

Caveat: We now have a new Activities List on our Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana website for all Council activities. Sign in using MYGS to access this, then Member Profile, then Events.

Always double check each Council date by going to the official GSKYANA Events List, in case of errors or cancellations. We try to have many Council and Volunteer-sponsored events here, to help Volunteers plan ahead.

NOT ALL EVENTS ARE LISTED HERE. If you do not see an event here that you would like added, send to (Betsy Sheppard) and I will list it here for you. THIS IS AN INCOMPLETE, UNOFFICIAL CALENDAR.

August, 2016
August 1-6 is the Southern Kentucky Fair!

August 6th "Camp Stem. Caves, Cliffs & Sink Holes Year 3. Rogaine. 3hr or 6hr. All times EDT. Registration starts at 9am. Mass start at 10am [both 3-hr & 6-hr]. Mountain Bike point to point meet. Starts 10:15am Two courses Course #1 12 controls, 5.2 KM. Course #2 13 controls 6.1KM. General comments: Special pricing for this meet due to the multiple maps ($10 for members, $15 for non-members). The bugs will be out--Permethrin treated socks, long pants, closed end shoes and shirt recommended. There is a control on the Rogaine in a cave, a light source will be necessary to find this control. Everyone must be back by 4pm. Control pickup starts at 4pm. I am trying to work out primitive camping at Camp Stem for Friday and Saturday night. Foot options rain or shine, Bike will depend upon weather. Meet Director is Ken Kling."<News from Pam Barnes, Site Mgr.>
August 5-7 is another weekend event (The Great Scoutdoors) at Lincoln State Park, Indiana. The flyers are out on this one too.

Monday, Aug. 8: Bear Creek Fall Kick Off - for Service Unit Team Members only.

August 1-9 all Girl Scout Shops (Program and Learning Centers) will be closed.

August 10th the Girl Scout Shops (PLC's)  will be open again. You can get a 20% discount that day. Get the coupon on the News You Can Use email.

August 11th is a Young Professional Alumnae Event from 5-7 p.m.

August 12th is the WAGGGS International Youth Day. Look for projects and hopefully a badge too on the WAGGGS official website.

August 12 and 13 is the Middle Tennessee Collector's Meet at Camp Holloway in Millersville, TN. All councils are welcome to join or have a table. More info. is here:

August 13th is a DBJ Wonderland Challenge at Camp Shantituck. 

August 13th is also a CSA Wonderland Challenge at Camp Shantituck. 

Saturday, Aug. 13: Louisville Fall Kickoff Meeting - for Service Unit Team Members only.

August 12-14 is the Scout Celebration event.
Join their FB page for more information:

August 14th is Tisha B'Av, a Jewish holiday.

UPDATED: August 16th is the Conversation Cafe about "incorporating he outdoors into your troop year/regular activities".

August 19th-20th is a Bowling Green Hot Rods Campout at BG Ballpark.

August 19th and 20th, GSK will have a booth at the Kentucky State Fair in Louisville.

Saturday, Aug. 20: Caveland Fall Kickoff - for Service Unit Team Members only.

August 19-21 is a Highview Camporee camping weekend.

Aug. 21st is a  CSA Planning Meeting in Louisville at the PLC Troop House for local Girl Scouts 6th grade and up to plan events.

August 24th (Wed.) is the Trefoil Guild and OST Friends luncheon. Contact Mary Sue at for details.

August 25th (a Thursday) is the Highview Girl Scout Registration Event. More info.
Email: or Jennifer Davis 502-240-8627
Or the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana at 1-888-771-5170

August 26th is Women's Equality Day. 

Aug. 26-28 is How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse weekend at Camp Bear Creek. 

For other dates, see the UNofficial Events Calendar here.