Sunday, July 31, 2016

July Update, Pages, Training Dates, the UNofficial Calendar, Blogs, World Centers, Reminders, GS blogs, more.

Hi, Fellow Girl Scout Volunteers!

Here is another July posting, the last for this month ;-) (har har)

Short updates are here for: 
Training Calendar Dates added to UNofficial Calendar
Checking MYGS
A New Girl Scout Blog (and link to the page)
Sign up for the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Alumnae group using the new Alumnae Outreach Form.

I hope things are going well this summer. I'll bet you are all excited about the new year.

We have some neat changes going on, and our Staff is getting ready for them all this week, and probably discussing the Fall too, when hopefully we add LOTS of girls and new Volunteers and Leaders.

The UNofficial Calendar has been updated.
The link is here: A reminder: this link is accessed through this blog, so if a person is not accessing through the blog, they probably can't see it.
Some new dates are added all the time - - the latest are the new Training Calendar dates we have so far. OFFICIAL Dates are located at the MYGS area at the GS of Kentuckiana website.

Hopefully, you are on the new Girl Scout website for the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana web page. You register via this site now. Parents sign their girls back up here, and you can access Official Events here too. Remember MYGS, Member Profile, Events.
Here is the Login page too

NEW GS (unofficial) BLOG
The newest GS blog I am adding today to the UNofficial Girl Scout Blogs page (also accessed from this private blog) is being added today. It is the All Things Girl Scouts blog, written by Danielle Poenisch. She has lots of Girl Scout leader tips, plus craft ideas, patch links, and more. This blog and the others are very fun to check out.

And don't forget about the OFFICIAL blogs we have:
The GSUSA Official Blog
The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana on Facebook and
The GSUSA official blog (Also on Facebook) and
WAGGGS Blogs and updates from Volunteers
The WAGGGS FB page (no Take Action politics here, please!)

Some World Centers have their own official page online - or FB page:
(FB pages)
Our Chalet on FB
Pax Lodge on FB
Sangam World Centre on FB
Kusafiri (Africa) 
Our Cabana

See all the World Centers here:

( I know, like you don't have enough to do already!! har har)

Are you an Alum of the GS of Kentuckiana? Sign up to get updates and be on their list. They have a new form to do this with (really not so new, but new to me! From 2013), called the Alumni Outreach Form. I am posting it to the UNofficial KYANA page today. That link is here on Facebook: - - just look on the posting stream OR access this file from the Files section there.

Have you been in Girl Scouting a long time? Check out the Silver Trefoil group too. Details are here on this page:

The time is NOW to let our Interim CEO know what you think. What would YOU do if you were CEO of GSUSA National? The following is from the KYANA Unofficial blog:
"Here is a message from our Interim CEO, Sylvia Acevedo, on the official GSUSA blog.
Ms. Acededo has read this article from Ann Robertson at the GS History Project! - - so please go as soon as you can, and comment on both postings, especially the first one.
I think our Interim GSUSA CEO will read our comments!
Speak up - - and speak out - - on what YOU would do if you were CEO - - what does Girl Scouting NEED right now?
Go, Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana volunteers and staff. One.... two... three... go!!"

Have a great rest of the summer!

I will try to do another posting soon though... Send me what you would like to see, or comment below.

E. "Betsy" Sheppard

Friday, July 8, 2016

Have you been to the official Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Activities area lately? Here are some events from there.

Been to the GS of Kentuckiana website lately?

Just go to MYGS, (your sign-in page) then go to your Member Profile page. Hit “Activities” in the top links.

You will see all the Council activities there in the list, listed chronologically.

I see some today that I can share that are close to my area (17 - Caveland). There are more events for all over listed. You can sign up for them at our official website. Here are some.

3-D Printing and Computer Coding with MakerGirl (child spots left: 11)(adult spots left: N/A )
Date: Sat, July 16, 2016 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM Central
Location: Camp Houchens (near Bowling Green)
Registration Deadline: Jul 11, 2016
Description: MakerGirl programs connect girls with STEM fields using 3-D printing and coding. Girls will design and print their own 3-D creations, then will code NailBot to print their own designs onto their fingernails. Registration deadline: 7/11

Conversation Cafe
Date: Mon, July 18, 2016 05:30 PM - 06:30 PM Central
Location: Online/phone
Registration Deadline:
Description: This month's topic: "incorporating he outdoors into your troop year/regular activities" Join in a monthly chat with program staff and other volunteers to discuss a different topic each month. This is a great place to get ideas, share ideas, ask questions, and get the support of other volunteers and program staff.

All Trainers Retreat (child spots left: N/A)(adult spots left: 86 )
Date: Fri, July 22, 2016 06:00 PM - Sun, July 24, 2016 02:00 PM Central
Location: 3095 Girl Scout Rd., Utica, KY, 42376
Registration Deadline: Jul 20, 2016
Description: Level: Council Trainers - Cost Details: FREE - Use discount code TRAIN4FREE- Trainers are invited to attend our annual retreat for networking, updates, planning, and FUN! - Registration Deadline: 7/20/2016

Bowling Green HotRods Campout!
Date: Fri, August 19, 2016 05:30 PM - Sat, August 20, 2016 10:00 AM Central
Location: Bowling Green Ballpark
Registration Deadline:
Description: Grade level: all Girl Scouts and their families. Price $19 per person camping out, $8 per person for the game. A fun night at the ballpark enjoying baseball, fireworks, and camping out on the field! the night will be planned with several activities including a our of the ballpark, arts and crafts, and camping out. Click on event title for more information. Questions? contact Kyle Wolz:

Something to smile about... (child spots left: 14)(adult spots left: N/A )
Date: Fri, September 30, 2016 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM Central
Location: 727 US-31 W BYPASS STE. 101 Bowling Green, Ky 42101
Registration Deadline: Sep 16, 2016
Description: 9/20/16 5:00 PM Grade level: Daisy, Brownie, Junior cost details: use Promo code SMILE for free admission Visit Dr. Amanda Ashley’s office and learn about a career in teeth! PIZZA PARTY AND FUN! Registration Deadline: 9/16

There are lots more opportunities listed at the official Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana events listed here in other areas.

And... Save the Dates!

The following are a few more dates from the Unofficial Calendar for this Summer and Fall. They will probably be on the Official Calendar/Events Listing later. Always register for these using the official GS of Kentuckiana site or with official forms from the sponsors.

Always double-check these dates and locations before attending any events, just in case.

·      July 22-24 All-Trainer’s Weekend at Camp Pennyroyal - - for Trainers of every kind. If you want to be a Trainer, contact either Ginger Boone or  Kacey Bryant Online registration is OPEN for this one. This is free with the code, but you will still need to put a credit card # in.                 

·      August 8th is the Council Kick-Off at Bear Creek Camp from 6-9 p.m.

·      August 13th is the Council Kick-Off at the Louisville PLC from 9-12 noon.

·      August 20th is the Council Kick-Off at Camp Houchens, from 9 a.m. - 12 noon.

·      Sept. 9-11 Camp Pennyroyal Training Weekend – for all GS adults

·      September 30 – Oct. 2  Autumn Adventure Weekend (was: Fall Kickoff) - - Camp Shantituck - - many classes and Training Classes are available – for all GS adults – Ambassadors may attend if accompanied by adults for girl ratios. If you want to help, contact Sarai Snyder Gumm at

*    November 2nd is a Trainer Meeting at the Caveland PLC starting at 6 p.m.

March 24-25, 2017 is the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Annual Meeting in Owensboro. More info. will come later.



Sunday, July 3, 2016


I just added to the Calendar - - which link is here for readers of this blog only.

Unofficial Calendar

Here is one thing I added: I told Rickey about it and hope we can make it.

Love Girl Scout History? Collect Girl Scout items? Live in South Central KY? Put this neat event on your calendar.

Here is that link:

(Attn: This is the same weekend as the Scout Celebration event, so a heads up if your troop is going to that.) <Info. for that is here:>

Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee Collector's Meet: Friday, August 12 (evening - 5-8) and August 13th, Saturday, 9-3.

This event is being held at Camp Holloway, 7551 Holloway Road, Millersville, TN 37072.
All collectors, historians and archive members are welcome, not to mention any other Girl Scout members, parents and interested adults.

More information can be found on the "Girl Scout Collector Shows" Facebook page. They say, "Come check us out!!!!"

Here is that link:

I have asked about Vendodr tables, (for those interested) and also if there is room for other council's attendees at the camp too. (Camp Holloway).

Since they said the Camp lodgings were limited, I am thinking a nearby hotel might be better, or people could just make a day trip. :-)
Close hotels are available in White House, TN, which is about halfway to Nashville from BG. More info. and contact, plus table signups, are at the FB page.

Directions to Camp Holloway are here:

Catch up on other news (including the weekly News You Can Use from Council at the UNofficial Facebook pages:

The Warren County Service Unit UNofficial FB page

KYANA All-Council UNofficial FB page


Important other facts from recent postings on FB:

New email for SU Programs and Activities for Warren Co. is

Older Girl Planning Committee meets on Sunday, 7-10

Sellersburg having Girl Scouts in the parade

Our National CEO leaves, New Interim CEO hired at GSUSA

Annual Meeting in Owensboro March 24 and 25 2017

Applications for Delegate are on the new Governance Page

Barren River Lake State Resort Park Beach now open (no lifeguard)

All-Council Conference Report

Shop online for the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana

Financial Reports due

Register your troop

Simpson Co. Day Camp coming up


Have a great 4th of July! Be looking for another issue of this newsletter in a few weeks or sooner.
